Hi @Lilia_90! thank you for checking in, and unfortunately not yet 😭 Friday I FINALLY got the okay to do more than leisurely walk, I can do cardio and lower body workouts. I went on the stair master lasted only 20min (pathetic! I used to do 35-40min with juice left in the tank) then did the treadmill for 25 but I am building back to where I was just going to take me a min. I was off 7 weeks, but I did do lower body today, just bands and omg my legs were burning and I was actually sweating LOL so Hopefully with the consistency I will be back to where I was SOON! I miss how lean I felt and looked hahah. The boobies are healing well, still in my post op bra. I really am jealous of others recovery process. Mine seems so cautious which I get but so far its been worth it. They look great and settling where they are supposed to.