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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2025 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    One Year Difference!

    Wow. What a difference a year can make. And what an amazing birthday gift you have given yourself this year!! Happy Birthday 🎁 💪 🎉 👙 🎁
  2. 2 points

    possible to stall after 9 day?

    Well, we are all different so take this with a grain of salt, but I was the same BMI prior to my preop diet as you are now so relatively close and I just looked back at my weight log and Iwas losing about 6 pounds per week on average in the beginning, but I also had the SADI which is quite a bit more aggressive than the sleeve or even the bypass so my loss statistically should’ve been more rapid than yours with a sleeve. Frankly, I think that you are doing very well with losing a pound a day and I wouldn’t be too shocked if it does slow down a bit. It definitely will not be a perfect line where you lose the exact same amount every day though. There may be times when you even gain a pound or three and hold it for a few days and then one day you will just drop those 3+ another pound. But if you only log your weight once a week, even if you must get on the scale every day, if you only look at the once a week or even once a month, your trend will be far more consistent. Some people only get on the scale once a week or once a month. I know I couldn’t do that but it really would be better for your mental health if you could hide your scale and just do what you’re supposed to do and trust the process.
  3. 2 points
    Hi, thanks for the reply yeah I know it's too early to be worried. TMI ahoy...Pretty sure it's the above!! 🥴 This has been a problem for sure! I had a truly awful bathroom visit this morning for an hour trying to birth something equivalent to Rosemary's baby 😬😱 only the second time I've been since surgery. Still feeling somewhat blocked up, will get something strong to help. I know I shouldn't weight daily, and shouldn't expect to see a smooth downward projection on. the daily but my (not Dx'd) ADHD compels me lol
  4. 2 points
    Most likely it’s because your body is detoxing from carbs and it’s screaming for more. Once your body is rid of them the cravings will subside and it’s actually a great deal easier. For me it’s usually almost a week before the cravings are completely gone but they get a little less with every day. For future reference too if you are like me the natural carbs like fruit and veggies don’t cause me issues or even a very small portion or brown pasta or rice, but processed carbs I have to be VERY careful with. One cookie and my body wants more. Two cookies and I’m craving carbs for a week. You can do this and it will get easier each day and even easier post surgery when your appetite is gone. If I’m busy now, I even forget to eat lunch on occasion if I’m out and i have to stay up late to have a second dinner to get all my protein and vitamins in. Soooo many people say that that preop is the hardest part of the whole process mentally. Just keep your eye on the prize. You can do this. ❤️
  5. 1 point
    You may want to just keep them around and have them at night if there’s a day that you realize that you aren’t going to meet your protein goal. I also take them in a cooler. If I know I’m going to be having some kind of a crazy day where I may end up tempted to eat something less than ideal for lunch or whatever I’ll have that instead. And if I don’t use it, I just put it back in the fridge for the next time. They are quite tasty though, and I for a long time was having one for breakfast with coffee as an iced coffee for quite some time actually. Most doctors will agree that if you can get your protein from real food that’s preferred over something artificial, but it’s most important that you get your protein and if you need it, you need it I mean, that’s what my doctor said anyway
  6. 1 point
    If you can hit your protein goals (as given to you by your surgical team), without the drinks, there's no real reason to continue them. If, on the other hand, you need the extra protein from the drinks to hit your goals, there's nothing wrong with using them indefinitely. Said differently, there is no specific time when you need to "give them up" post surgery. I'm over two years out and still use them. That said, I'm also shooting for 150g of protein per day, which I just can't get close to without some whey protein or a fairlife drink. If you find the premade shakes to be prohibitively expensive, you could always get powdered whey protein isolate. That's generally considered the highest quality protein powder. Other even cheaper protein powders are available, such as whey protein concentrate, but those will have more fat and lactose. I think in terms of grams of protein per dollar, it would be hard to find things as cheap as powdered whey protein. Beans would probably be about the only thing I can think of, though it's hard for most of us to eat a ton of beans since while they are protein rich, beans are not particularly protein dense. Most all meat is generally a lot more expensive than whey on a gram for gram dasis. At one time, I might have put eggs in the less expensive category, but I'm not so sure anymore without running the numbers.
  7. 1 point
    Sounds a lot like SIBO. Ask for the hydrogen breath test from the Gastro doc, but in the mean time you could ask your primary to run a stool test to rule out common bacteria/parasites. Good luck!
  8. 1 point
    Just to echo what @SpartanMaker has said in developing a habit - I only started going to the gym a few months back, after pressuring and guilting myself into not going to the gym since the start of my weight loss journey. I just started with going once a week, doing a short full-body workout, and then from there I sort of just fell into it once I realised my body was capable, and I wasn't in pain with it! I think my brain was putting it off so much because I was relating it back to my experiences with exercise when I was 100+ lbs heavier! Needless to say, it was painful and I hated it. Just take baby steps, and find what works for you, even just a short walk to clear your head (which may help with the mental health too), and go from there. Wishing you all the best ❤️ You have smashed it so far, you will smash this too!
  9. 1 point
    I'll second all those recommendations, especially the Millie's sipping broth! I LIVED on that stuff for a while both pre and post surgery! Definitely worth checking out.
  10. 1 point
    I had my RnY surgery on Sept 14, 2023 and took the picture on the left the day before wearing 48" jeans and a 4xl shirt. 12 months and -130lbs later, I'm wearing a 36" waist jeans and an XL technical shirt. Even though I'm wearing them, I hold those jeans up every time I put them on and say, 'There's no way these are going to fit' as I slide them up with ease; they just look so...small. Ideally I'd still like to lose about another 50, but we'll see where I end up.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
