i have a oft-visiting hernia (it pops out sometimes, but i've always been able to pop it back in - yeah, i know, gross - also its not an umbilical hernia, but an incisional hernia a couple inches below and to the right of my belly button)
sometimes it hurts a bit (when it protrudes a little), sometimes its excruciating (when it protrudes alot ), and sometimes it doesn't hurt at all (when its under the muscle).
when its under the muscle, i can't feel it with my fingers.
soooo...do u have a hernia? most likely not, but go doctor to make sure pls.. cuz if u do have a hernia, they very rarely get better on their own...they only get worse over time until u need surgery to keep it under control. ive been dealing with mine for about 5-6 years now, and i really should get it taken care of, just haven't got around to it. le sigh.
good luck ❤️