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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2025 in Posts

  1. 1 point


    YESSSS!!!! I'm so happy for you! There is NOTHING like that feeling of having a capable body. All the walking at incline you've been doing really paid off for you so far. Next thing you know, you might get bitten by the running bug like i have and be training for a 5k, 10k or more! Remember, the vast majority of people that have lost weight and successfully kept it off for long periods of time are very active.
  2. 1 point

    Creature of Habit

    @ShoppGirl I am being a good patient, and its hard! There are times when I'm thinking a lower body workout wouldn't hurt but like you said I do not want to pay for a revision so I wear my post op bra 23/7 only off when I shower. I don't bounce, workout, and lift anything over 10lbs. I will say that I have tried on all the things without the bra and man it can't come soon enough to taking these girls out for a stroll LOL I am trying to give myself leniency but its so hard! I am staying on track for the most part, I cut my calories down by a lot since I am not working out and it seems to be going well.
  3. 1 point

    Do I have a hernia?

    i have a oft-visiting hernia (it pops out sometimes, but i've always been able to pop it back in - yeah, i know, gross - also its not an umbilical hernia, but an incisional hernia a couple inches below and to the right of my belly button) sometimes it hurts a bit (when it protrudes a little), sometimes its excruciating (when it protrudes alot ), and sometimes it doesn't hurt at all (when its under the muscle). when its under the muscle, i can't feel it with my fingers. soooo...do u have a hernia? most likely not, but go doctor to make sure pls.. cuz if u do have a hernia, they very rarely get better on their own...they only get worse over time until u need surgery to keep it under control. ive been dealing with mine for about 5-6 years now, and i really should get it taken care of, just haven't got around to it. le sigh. good luck ❤️
  4. 1 point

    Creature of Habit

    Having recently had biopsies in my breasts and they tried to use bandages to create compression I am very aware of just how much our boobs juggle when we walk so I totally get why this could create an issue in your situation. You do not want to have to pay for a revision surgery so just do what your told. If your like I was with my implants, you will want to take them girls out for a stroll just as soon and as often as you can once your cleared to do so safely so I am not worried that your going to fall back into old habits. Give yourself a little leniency for the short time it takes to get back to your routine. I’m certain that your new look will be all the motivation you need to get back out the door and right back on track.
  5. 1 point

    Non-Weight Scale Victories!

    Ha Ha. No more BIG SUE here. And, I bet you've got a very cute cookie now. Congratulations on this amazing transformation! And, the fact you are still going strong almost 4 years out.
  6. 1 point

    January 2025 Surgery Buddies!

    Im a 51 year old, 183 kg male and have an op on the 29th. I do hope this helps me , as all I can see at the minute is a growing hate for milk and worries about how I will eat during the recovery phases. Also worried as my NHS trust in the UK is in the headlines for being overwhelmed..
  7. 1 point

    Had my consult 01/14/25

    All great advice and much appreciated! Thank you all. @SpartanMaker thanks for the number crunching! I am definitely trying to cut portion size. We got rid of all the sugary stuff in the house and things like my tortillas. I've started walking (I have been completely sedentary for years- I work a very stressful, 40 hour week desk job from home.) I can't walk for 30 minutes straight. My low back and knees are trash. I carry most of my weight in my belly. I joke to my husband that I need a rolling cart to set my belly on so my back won't hurt so much. I walk as long as I can & fast enough to get my heart rate up and be breathless to the point that I cannot carry on a conversation. I'm looking for a treadmill so I can walk inside. I tend to turn my ankle & fall if I'm not super careful while walking on the gravel road. Thinking about pulling up some of those old Sweating to the Oldies videos by Richard Simmons LOL That might be a good way to do some cardio. I've failed at losing weight for so long. Today I'm feeling kind of emotional just thinking about what I'm facing. I said in an earlier post that keto & low carb didn't work for me.... fact is, they do work... as long as I stick to them. The minute I stop, I regain the weight I lost. sigh. Seems like I gain weight if I breathe in the aroma of baked goods.
  8. 1 point
    I love these lists! I’m still 52 lbs from goal, but so far I have a whole list: 1. Not feeling like I have to rush home to get into pajamas because it’s the only thing that doesn’t feel like it’s strangling me. Bras just fit better when you arent as fat, who knew. 2. Chairs! Chairs with arms! Flimsy looking chairs! Patio chairs! 3. So much variety in clothes, and I can wear styles I like instead of huge frumpy cardigans over everything. I can thrift now, and shop in pretty much any store. 4. I feel like I have energy and interest in doing things again. I don’t just want to hide out at home and eat all weekend long. 5. Not being terrified of running into someone I knew 10+ years ago in public because of how fat I’d gotten. 6. I can go up the stairs and not die. I can exercise and not feel like I might die. Amazing. 7. I wore a pair of shorts yesterday and they weren’t Bermuda length! And my thighs didn’t start a small fire. 8. I like my facial features so much better now. My eyes look bigger, my jawline actually exists, and I look more like myself. 9. At my heaviest my arms stuck out weird because of the fat, and my legs were always at a weird angle because of fat as well. I can rest my arms by my sides and stand with my feet together.
  9. 1 point
    Putting on a pair of stretch pants that were TOOOOOO stretchy! LOL Throwing away my saggy, granny panties (Thank goodness I kept some cute underwear!) Digging out my old bras...down from a 40DD to a 38DD...I'm glad the girls are sticking around for this journey!
  10. 1 point
    Not being angry at the end of the day because my bras were so freakin tight

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