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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    "You're wasting away"

    Yes, in today's society, being thin is generally considered a good thing, so statements that indicate that you look thin are usually intended as compliments. Some people make exaggerated statements like this ("You're so thin that you look like you are wasting away!") with the intent to highlight what they consider a positive attribute (thinness). I got compliments while I was losing weight but still obese, "If you lose any more weight, you'll blow away in a gust of wind!" In some cases, people who genuinely care about you could be concerned that you are ill, especially if they don't know you had weight loss surgery, but if this is the case, they will usually approach you in a more private and sensitive manner, not just an offhand comment in public.
  2. 1 point

    So excited!

    @FifiLux I don't blame you! I would be hesitant as well, I say start with what you want the most then work your way around let us know what you get! @Mspretty86 I am wanting a full DD gummy bear implant with a medium high profile with a breast lift. I am tall and have broad shoulders, so I am trying to find pictures of similar body types and that size seems to look good and not outrageous. But I want to have big boobs LOL I miss mine so much and want them back! But I am also 35 with 3 kids and I want to be able to dress them down when I need to. So I know the consultation is going to tell me a lot about what looks good!
  3. 1 point

    "You're wasting away"

    Well in fairness we are friends, he just happens to also be my boss, and it is only discussed after work when we are out for drinks - we don't have such chats at the office. Being friends is also why I think he thinks it is ok to comment on my eating and weight, he would not do that to any of the others in our team.
  4. 1 point

    "You're wasting away"

    Your boss shows you the ladies he's checking out on his dating app?! Gross!
  5. 1 point

    "You're wasting away"

    I have gotten it a number of times from different family members and friends who tell me I look great but to stop loosing weight etc. My boss frequently tells me I don't eat enough and getting too thin.... this from a man who when showing me the ladies he is swiping left/right on never gives a second look to someone over about 130lbs! 🙄 So I just reply, well excuse me but most of the time I eat enough (I track), just small and frequent usually plus I am going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week and upping my fitness and toning up but its none of your business anyway.
  6. 1 point
    I’ve been having the same problem. I started putting 1 tsp of psyllium husk in my protein shake. It thickens it up a bit but after about three days I had relief. I stopped for a couple days and got plugged up again. Just a thought😊
  7. 1 point

    Guys look

  8. 1 point
    There was this older lady in my craft group, and I told them that I had surgery because I figured it was more people to make me feel accountable. This is a revision surgery for me and the last time I didn’t tell people like that and it didn’t work out so well so I’m trying a different approach. Anyways, she is about 80 years old and she said to me she just wanted to tell me how happy she is for me because since my surgery, I have really blossomed. She said that I i have a healthy glow about me and I’ve really come out of my shell in terms of confidence and it shows. I think that was probably the nicest compliment I’ve ever had in terms of my weight loss. I just appreciated that it wasn’t about superficial things. Maybe there’s hope for all these superficial people that when they get a little older, they will view things in terms of stuff that actually matters.
  9. 1 point
    Hello, my sleeve surgery was done on the 9th with no complications. Very quick recovery from the anaesthetic and no pain, regular paracetamol is enough. A bit of nausea which comes in a wave but only a few times in the past 48hrs. I was up walking after 4hrs post recovery and sipping water. Yesterday I tried jelly and a few spoons of soup. Managed them both but the jelly felt a bit solid. Found raising my arms above my head alleviated the slight discomfort of feeling something stuck in my oesophagus. Going home today, probably could have left yesterday but my oxygen sats we’re sitting at 96, and they wanted them to improve slightly. Walking and moving has achieved that. A much less traumatic experience than I expected, I was concerned about vomiting and was glad this did not happen. I feel grand and am looking forward to developing a new and improved relationship with food and the health benefits that will bring. Good Luck to the other January surgery buddies. 💪
  10. 1 point
    I bought a couple of sweaters from Ann Taylor Loft on sale because I have nothing for the colder weather. The size small was not the NSV - but the freedom to not feel like I “shouldn’t” wear a sweater with horizontal stripes was a big one! I didn’t realize how much my mom had instilled that in my head until I was looking at the website and purposefully skipping the ones with horizontal stripes because it would make me look bigger. Well, I got it in the mail yesterday and I think I can now say wearing horizontal stripes will be part of my life! PS - I think anyone at any size should wear what they want and what they feel good in - but my mom hammered into me all of these things about being heavy from like middle school on (suck in your stomach, be in the back behind people so your full body isn’t on display, no horizontal stripes, etc.) so this is just 30 years of baggage I’m trying to unload. Wearing horizontal stripes is major for me.

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