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  1. 4 points

    Weight stabilizing so quick?

    How many calories are you eating? "5-8 oz" is not a meaningful measure of the number of calories you're eating. 5-8 ounces of peanut butter is a lot more calories than 5-8 ounces of cauliflower. If your weight is stable over a long period of time, you're eating a maintenance level of calories. The smaller you are, the fewer calories you burn just to operate and move your body, so if you're eating the same number of calories at 195 pounds as you were eating at 273 pounds, you're not going to lose weight as quickly, and maybe not at all. If you want to keep losing weight, you will have to reduce your calorie intake. Calorie intake is much more important for weight loss than exercise. Exercise is certainly beneficial, but as you have noticed, it makes you hungrier, and it's very easy to eat more extra calories than what you burn from exercise -- especially if you're not monitoring your calorie intake. Also, don't get too hung up on the number on the scale. There's no magic in reaching your goal weight. You might need to reevaluate your expectations. It's quite possible that your goal weight will be too low for your body, especially if you are building muscle. And don't be in such a rush to get plastic surgery, either. Your body will redistribute itself over time, so some parts of your body that you don't like now may improve on their own without plastic surgery. You may still want to get plastic surgery eventually, but there's a reason most surgeons want you to have a stable weight for a while before you get it.
  2. 2 points

    Food Before and After Photos

    This is pretty similar to the one I use. They key to a good recipe is a high egg to milk ratio, so you get proper height and rise. I do alter it a bit though. I add finely diced fresh herbs and garlic. And I used lard as the fat, as t's easily available and has a high smoke point. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/best-yorkshire-puddings
  3. 2 points
    The belt that I wear to work (size L) now fits around my hips on the biggest setting - it previously only JUST made it around my waist on the same setting!
  4. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    I am also team Mary Berry 🤣 but ultimately I gave up on TGBBO because I found everyone very very whiny. Now if you watch American cooking shows, I find Ree Drummond (The pioneer woman) annoying.
  5. 1 point
    I'm finally back on to cycling after my operation! I'm so excited! I can also go faster for longer since I'm almost 6olbs down!
  6. 1 point
    I used to sleep in the fetal position, but now I Jack knife because it’s more comfy even though it’s a little like a pretzel.
  7. 1 point
    My ex is from Yorkshire, I ditched him but kept making the puddings 😂 When I'm cooking for the family Xmas dinner, it's prime rib and yorkshire pudding with gravy as the main. They're not hard, but require a very hot oven to come out properly.
  8. 1 point

    December 2024

    In the two weeks before you’ll likely be put on a pre surgical diet. It may be all shakes, or a combination of shakes and a high protein diet or another plan so you can’t really prepare for that. However, nothing stopping you starting to introduce some new habits now. Start tracking your food or begin introducing appropriate portions for meals. Make sure you’re getting in 2L/64ozs of water a day. Reduce your intake of carbonated drinks. Maybe drop a snack or two. Or whatever you could start to do to modify your current eating style and food choices. If you’re not very active, try adding some additional moment or try some classes to see what you may enjoy. Post surgery, you’ll again be on a restricted eating plan which your surgeon will give you. There will be similarities with this but also some differences with what others are given. Be warned though, your taste buds and sometimes sense of smell can go haywire and there may be foods you used to enjoy (flavour or texture) that taste disgusting or smell awful. This does pass in a couple of months but don’t buy certain flavours or foods you like that are allowed on your plan in bulk - you may end up being unable to eat them. Get some small cutlery like baby spoons and forks or some cocktail/buffet forks, small plates & bowls. Your portions will be tiny & you’ll only be allowed small bites so the smaller bowls and cutlery make it easier to adjust. Buy some small containers for freezing leftovers or the small snack size zip lock bags; left overs will be common and freezing appropriate sized portions will come a new habit. If you don’t have any: a set of scales that goes down to small increments (ounces or grams), a blender, stick processor, or similar, measuring spoons and cups. Get some over the counter stool softeners, anti nausea meds & pain meds (can’t take NSAIDs), and a heat pad/wheat pack. I’m sure others will add lots of others. Congratulations on having your surgical date. All the best.
  9. 1 point
    My weight seems to be holding steady at 180. I was hoping to get to 185 or even 190, but at this point I'm just glad I'm not 170 anymore. I'm a size 8/10 now (and I fluctuate between Medium and Large, depending on the brand). I noticed I don't have a lot of strength anymore, and I need to figure out how to build some muscle. But I have to not really work out, because as soon as I do, I drop weight like crazy. I wanted to try lifting weights again, but I don't have the strength and endurance anymore. And I'm ALWAYS tired these days. I'm on my feet all day at work, so I was told not to really work out if I don't want to lose more weight. So I'm kind of stuck. But anyway, I'm proud that I dropped so much weight, and I love my new numbers (blood sugar is 93 before eating and 122 after eating, A1c is 5.4, blood pressure alternates anywhere between 102/60 - 106/64, my total cholesterol is 143) but my iron is still too low and I have to have 3 iron infusions (blah). I've always had an issue with anemia, so this is no real surprise.
  10. 1 point
    well, yea - at age 60, my bikini-wearing days are L-O-N-G gone, so I don't care too much about scars, either, as long as they're not in the middle of my face or something. I do love my results, though. I could have lived with something not quite as aesthetic as long as that saggy skin was gone, but I must admit he did a great job while he was at it. I don't think my body looks like a typical 60-year-old's at all....let alone the body of someone who's lost a truckload of weight. Not a sag to be found, and everything is in proportion. This is how I should have looked at age 30 or 40 (but unfortunately, did not...) and yes - there's no such thing as a completely stable weight. Normal, never-been-overweight people have weight that fluctuates - like a five-pound range or something. The surgeons just don't want people to have surgery and then put on 20 lbs, because it can affect the results (they say gaining or losing 10 lbs or so is fine, but much beyond that can screw up their work). That's one of the many reasons I had it - figured it might force me to stay at a decent weight since I went through so much hell and forked over so much money to look this way!!

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