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  1. 1 point

    Accepted For Surgery! ,

    Received a call at 8.30am this morning to be told that I was discussed in last Fridays MDT meeting and was accepted for surgery 🥳🥳🥳 I was then told I would be having a ‘One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass’ - huh?? The nurse repeated herself and I was still none the wiser. She said that she would ask a specialist Bariatric nurse to call me to discuss and would send me the info out. I asked for it to be emailed, which she did. I had a read through and did some more research on the internet, just to familiarise myself with what had been suggested. It’s the mini gastric bypass. The specialist nurse rang me just after 9am and explained that it meant that my ‘pouch’ is slightly bigger then that of a Roux-en-Y bypass and there is only one connection or ‘anastomosis’ which is from the pouch to the bowel. Apparently it’s not as complex with the op taking around 1.5hours and recovery just the same as the normal bypass plus the weight loss is expected to be the same. I was recommended it because of Fibromyalgia and the chronic pain I have with RA and osteoarthritis as it would be easier for me. That made sense, thankfully! The specialist nurse said it was a relatively new procedure to the hospital which is why it wasn’t discussed in any detail at the first education session I attended a few months ago. Fair enough, I’m happy to go ahead with it. The wait is around 4-6 months - oh 😒 I was honest and said that I was concerned about losing focus while I’m waiting and gaining weight once again (we all know how easy that is) She went through everything again with me - 3 meals a day, 20/20/20, use a portion plate if I have one (I do) focus more on my protein etc. She also said that if I do begin to struggle, to contact her and they would fit me in with the dietitian to go through things with me. I felt better for her saying that. I did reiterate that I am happy to take a cancellation. She said they do get cancellations but would have to make sure that I had at least 3 weeks notice to complete the LRD. I’ll be honest and say that I’m really, really hoping that the 4-6 months is on the outside and that the surgery is sooner! I know that whatever will be will be, so just to keep on keeping on. Gym is going well, 3 visits last week and I’m hoping for 3 more this week. I’ve upped my levels and weights and I’m burning around 600-650 cals in around an hour or so workout or so my Apple Watch tells me! I can feel muscle, it just happens to be deeply buried and camouflaged with fat 😮 I tried my smaller sized gym stuff on yesterday and, while I can get it on I wouldn’t say it actually fitted, so a few more pounds to go before I would feel comfortable enough to wear it. I bought a new black trench coat from Costco at the weekend. It’s been a very, very long time since I’ve been able to fit into clothing from there so that was a nice boost. It will definitely last me a reduction of a couple of sizes too. My weight is steady at the moment but I do hope to bring it down a little bit more before I have to do the LRD. Bloods to have taken yet again on Wednesday. If my liver is off this time then they will have to think of something else. I’ve not had my weekly jabs for 7 weeks, I’ve missed my other jab for 4 weeks plus no pain relief for 4 weeks either and it’s all wearing really thin with me now. I’m finding that I’m snapping at hubby because of pain and it’s not fair. The gym is really helping my range of movement but the pain remains. We’re out for belated birthday drinks on Friday (postponed because of blood tests ) and that’s about it. I’ve decided to crack on and make a start on wrapping Christmas presents this week. Thankfully my Christmas shopping is almost finished - hurray for sales! Wishing everyone a happy week 🥰 Onwards and Downwards!
  2. 1 point

    Repurposed a Dress 👗

  3. 1 point

    Psych evaluation?

    I actually don't know how to cook my wife takes care of that to be completely honest. I told her if I ever lost sny weight that I'd be interested in learning so that I could make some things to eat while she is at work. Right now I am so heavy and out of shape that I cannot do pretty much anything by myself anymore and I need her help with everything. But if I lost 150 pounds I might give cooking a try and see what I can make. I definitely do not want instant food anymore so she is probably going to have to prepare me something to eat while she is at work for the first few months. I can make my own protein shakes but that's probably going to be it.
  4. 1 point
    I cannot do pasta so I usually just do the sauce and some 93% lean ground beef. if I do noodles I do shirataki noodles
  5. 1 point

    Gastric Sleeve group

    i was about to say that lol , maybe if your on a computer you can see it
  6. 1 point

    Post Duodenal switch Sadie

    Check out Dr Matthew Weiner Pound of Cure website, you tube channel & podcasts. Practical and informative advice. Five years out & I still listen to his podcasts. A recent podcast he did with his in-house nutritionalist touches on weight loss eating plans as well as maintenance. I believe you can join their nutritional workshops and clinics for a small fee if you’re interested too. I know someone on this forum has and found it helpful (can’t recall who at the moment). https://poundofcureweightloss.com/bariatric-secrets-what-really-influences-weight-loss-after-surgery/?utm_source=ZohoCampaigns&utm_campaign=What+Really+Influences+Weight+Loss+After+Surgery&utm_medium=email
  7. 1 point
    No I can’t do pasta or rice so I’ll have zucchini noodles if I want a pasta-like experience. Otherwise I just have the sauce (with whatever protein) alone. PS I planted my basil in a pot on my deck. Have chives & parsley too. You can keep the pot in a sunny spot in your kitchen too.
  8. 1 point

    August Surgery buddies

    I didn’t do the bath or swim yet. I believe it was 6 weeks they said the outside was fully healed (double check on that though because there are different types of closure techniques that may heal slower). My team cleared us for anything but weights at 6 weeks but I noticed that some of the stuff that focuses on the core area in Yoga pulled so I just didn’t do that for a couple weeks (I needed the rest in between anyways 🤣). Tried again this morning in fact and it didn’t pull. I will be 10 weeks out tomorrow. I didn’t realize that I was that far out actually. Probably would’ve tried last week. Anyways, just with anything new, start slow and if you feel it in your tummy, stop!! That’s what I did.
  9. 1 point
    For me I’m just starting to notice that people treat me differently. People just being nicer and going out of their way to help me in stores. Customers striking up small talk conversations with me WAY more often. It’s just weird. I have always been told that life is a fashion show growing up and I sadly finally admit that it’s true. After losing all my weight for the sleeve quickly, gaining it back and now loosing again with the revision I am seriously not imagining this. Some people are just that superficial…a lot actually. It breaks my heart for the heavier me and other obese people.
  10. 1 point

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
