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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Psych evaluation?

    Hello so my surgery is being planned in November assuming I pass the psych evaluation on Wednesday. I'm extremely worried about passing the evaluation and what the evaluation is going to entail can somebody give me a basic idea thats been through it before? Im getting the gastric sleeve operation. I've already filled out their questionnaire and they gave me about 150 questions to answer but the questions give me no clue about what questions the psychologist is going to be asking me aside from trap questions like "I can eat whatever I want after the surgery." Obviously clearly a trap and you're supposed to clearly answer strongly disagree to that question but other questions were not so straight forward. I also have a history of mental illness (I'm schizoaffective) does that mean that I automatically fail my evaluation?
  2. 1 point
    I eat chick peas, lentils, avocado, almonds, banzo high fiber pasta, raspberries, blueberries, pinto and kidney beans, steamed broccoli, quinoa, occasionally an apple or banana (sparingly because of the sugars and carbs in them, but still a good source of fiber), peas, etc... I make salads, mac n cheese with the pasta, fruit smoothies or just as a snack, I add the beans to homemade chili or soups, etc...
  3. 1 point

    August Surgery buddies

    Ah 2 weeks ago I did an inbody test and today I did it again to just see if I am going in the right direction. Well, I've lost "weight" but I think i only lost water and muscles I'm down 1 kg muslce and actually gained 300g fat! Ahhhhhh why does everything have to be complicated? The coach in the gym told ne to up my protien and take PT classes to focus on building strength and muscles but is she right or is she just trying to sell her services? I'll sit n discuss with my team on the 15th and decide what to do. On another note, I tried the power stretch class today and I stretched muscles didn't know existed hahaha it was amazing but tiring like I burnt almost 400 cals. P.s. attaching my 2 weeks and today inbody results
  4. 1 point
    So pleased that you’ve found your balance and are happy with where you’re at πŸ‘
  5. 1 point

    Finally on the other side!

    See, the Enterprise. 🀣🀣 The lines were actually bruising & scrapes. I guess from the instruments. Never had that before.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point

    Almost time...

    I had no idea gastric balloons were even done any more. Unless this is a different procedure from the days of yore? I think most surgeons abandoned balloons for the safe and considerably more effective sleeve and bypass options. I know those mightn't be an option for everyone of course. Best of luck and I hope it works for you OP. Sounds like you're in a good mind space and that's worth a lot.
  8. 1 point


    omg, i went to a shania concert last month...i should've totally used this outfit as my dress-up inspiration!!!! i chose "Man-i-Feel-like-a-Woman" that night instead: (next time, leopard print all the way!!) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  9. 1 point

    Finally on the other side!

    My stomach is making a lot of noises so I know something is happening in there. I've been working on just drinking water with the occasional herbal tea as well. (All cleared by my surgeon to drink herbal tea) and based on my urine, I'm not dehydrated anymore, but I keep working to make sure I stay that way. I love stickers so adding stickers to my water bottle also.males it more fun to drink.
  10. 1 point

    Finally on the other side!

    Sorry I haven't reached out sooner - glad to hear you are out the other end and you are doing okay ❀️ Congratulations! TMI!: I had to have the pessary when I was in the hospital as I just couldn't poo πŸ˜‚ It did work but I ended up having this strange explosive bowel movement that had lots of old blood in it - proper freaked me out but a nurse told me it was normal and was just residue blood from the surgery. I wish she had warned me about this prior to it happened so I wasn't so concerned about it, but IF anything like this happens, don't worry too much! But either way, apparently doesn't happen to everyone. Definitely keep away from the scales for a bit as a lot of people find that their weight is a bit higher immediately post-op so just wait until you have healed! My surgeon didn't want me weighing myself until at least 8 weeks pot-surgery (I lasted about 4 weeks πŸ˜‚) Hope you are well ❀️

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