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  1. 3 points

    Feeling Happy

    A new week beckons… Laid in bed this morning, just taking stock of how I’m feeling and I actually feel happy. It’s been a long time since I’ve had that happy feeling for no apparent reason. The first part of my WLS journey is completed and now out of my hands for now so I’ve mentally put that to one side. I’ve started back at the gym and I’M LOVING IT!! I know the gym isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but I truly enjoy it. I found something that works for me and can sustain it, which is really important for anyone trying to improve their fitness. I’ve been 3 times this past week and I’m not pushing it as yet, no matter how much the little devil on my shoulder is telling me to 😈 I’m aiming to go every 3rd day at the moment but will re-visit that in a few weeks time. Granddaughters party went as well as could be expected with other little kids there! I didn’t go mad food-wise - a burger, handful of mini sausage rolls, 1 Jammie Dodger, a cupcake and a small piece of cake. I actually threw a piece of quiche away which is a first for me and left the crisps, coleslaw etc alone! I know it may seem a lot but compared to what I would shovel away previously, it’s actually quite restrained! My body shape is changing, even if the scales aren’t particularly moving right now. I went through my gym stuff and tried on a pair of leggings that are size 18/20 and they fit! That was a bit of a surprise, especially as I couldn’t get them up my thighs previously 😮 Various other items are now ether too big or now fitting whereas before they were too tight. The jeans that were fine a few weeks ago? Can now get them off without unfastening them! I actually had to buy some smaller things this week. I’m not a fan of bras, they dig in and I find them uncomfortable. So I prefer the crop-top bralette type things (I’m a C cup at most) I’d noticed that I wasn’t feeling as ‘secure’ as I had before so decided it was time to update. I got a couple of vest tops with built-in support and a 3 pack of bralettes from M&S, all in smaller sizes and all fit - yay! It’s the simple things really that can give such a boost 🙂 Hairdressers tomorrow. I’m having a bit of a crisis with my hair at the moment. When I was accepted on to the Bariatric Pathway, I decided to grow my hair (all part of the ‘New Me’ vibe) Previously I had pixi-type cut and now it’s a short bob, just about at the bottom of my ears. However it’s lacking any body and looks really thin. I know my meds can play havoc, especially as I started a new injection back on November which can cause hair thinning after a few months. My hair hasn’t come out in clumps or anything, I’m just finding lots of stray hairs on things. I know that WLS also causes Hair loss, so I’m now floundering a little. I’m going to have a chat with my hairdresser and see what she comes up with but I’m really erring on the side of ‘chop it off’…sigh…it’s not easy being a woman at times is it?? I plan to tackle more of my wardrobe this week and get that thinned out. Has anyone else gone through their clothes and thought to themselves “what were you thinking?” Yeah, I’m having a bit of that. However it’s more of a case of I’ve bought something previously and it has remained unworn. This is what happens when you’re the size of a a house - you buy something because it fits, not because you actually like it. I definitely will be a damn sight more discerning moving forward. Have a fabulously productive week everyone 😉 Onwards and Downwards!
  2. 2 points
    I think it's always Good to talk about GRIEF and anger. Yesterday I was driving around Houston Texas running errands and the overwhelming grief took hold. If anyone has visited Texas you know our food is TOP tier so much seasoning so much flavor. I grieve not pulling in the drive thru after shopping. (Taco Bell, What-A-Burger, Shipleys Donuts)! I GRIEVE OUR ever so plentiful TACO TRUCKS at 2am where I would order 10 street tacos and a burrito with the red/green sauce I grieve boba TEA I grieve the comforts I grieve just being able to drink alot at one time. Who knew that a few sips of water could make you so full In noticing the griefs you become aware of how addicted you were to the food and the feeling. Sighs*
  3. 2 points


    my hunger signals are the same. "Full" signals are often different than they are pre-surgery, though. Since you're only. few days out, it's best to follow your plan, though. Not sure I'd trust any signals this point.
  4. 2 points


    Good morning I’m going through a bit of a little sad spiel because they denied my revision surgery so my surgeon is going to have a peer to peer. I have Molina care. I’m in Washington Seattle. Do anybody have any type of advice? Will they approve it or am I doomed?
  5. 2 points

    Surgeon Appointment- ✅

    Thank you for the update. Your discussion with the surgeon sounds really positive. 😍 I do hope you can be slotted into a cancellation - they do come up all the time!
  6. 2 points

    Surgeon Appointment- ✅

    Excellent news! When I finally met with the surgeon, it was only another 2 months before they scheduled my surgery so hopefully it won't be too much longer for you! I've loved hearing your stories and being part of your journey. I think us both being NHS patients in the UK is helpful so we can compare. I'm so happy for you!
  7. 1 point
    I agree we fluctuate all the time! I know for myself I need to, when I was heavier I wouldn't because the number wasn't true if I did not know it. Now I check to see the good, bad and ugly. Right now I am up 3lbs but I didn't poop all weekend! LOL So I am guessing tomorrow will be a bit less. I am trying to get in that mindset that a fluctuation of 5lbs is not terrible since I have surpassed goal weight. Its REALLYYYYYY hard to wrap my mind around it, but something my mom told me, if your eating healthy 90% of the time and staying active then that is really good and that is the life long goal. Shes right...I am so terrified to undo all of this!
  8. 1 point
    How do you own a scale without going crazy?!!! I do not own a scale by personal choice I weigh in at docs appointments are when I visit my parents house. My mental is unfortunately not strong enough to own a scale, being a women their is to many fluctuations menstrual cycles, water weight I just can't 😂😩😩😩😩
  9. 1 point

    Surgeon Appointment- ✅

    Sound like that went about as good as it could have gone. I’m glad your surgeon was thorough and approachable. That makes all the difference to feel well prepared.
  10. 1 point

    Surgeon Appointment- ✅

    YAAAAAY!!!! I'm so happy and excited for you!!!!

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