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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/08/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Yesterday, I had my final appointment before my surgery date. I finally started having doubts about the whole thing and I'm relieved. Having doubts probably doesn't sound like a good thing, but it finally gave me chance to unload everything that was on my mind to the doctor. I was able to tell him that maybe I wanted the bypass instead. I've been on other forums and people seem to be really against the sleeve because long term weight loss is less than with other surgeries. But he reassured me that due to my age, no comorbidities and the fact that I'm on target with my weight loss, he still thinks this is a good surgery for me and my goals. They last time I spoke to him, he told me I wasn't sticking to the diet, and then he told me "most people lose only 3-4kg pre-surgery anyway" So why was he worrying me when I ONLY lost 5kg? But I guess he was in a better mood because he was back from holiday? 😂 Next appointment is a phone appointment where I just tell him my weight. And then the surgery weigh in and bloods before the surgery. I'm so ready for this now.
  2. 1 point
    I think it's always Good to talk about GRIEF and anger. Yesterday I was driving around Houston Texas running errands and the overwhelming grief took hold. If anyone has visited Texas you know our food is TOP tier so much seasoning so much flavor. I grieve not pulling in the drive thru after shopping. (Taco Bell, What-A-Burger, Shipleys Donuts)! I GRIEVE OUR ever so plentiful TACO TRUCKS at 2am where I would order 10 street tacos and a burrito with the red/green sauce I grieve boba TEA I grieve the comforts I grieve just being able to drink alot at one time. Who knew that a few sips of water could make you so full In noticing the griefs you become aware of how addicted you were to the food and the feeling. Sighs*
  3. 1 point

    Freezing Food

    Ziplocks should be fine for that. I've done it before no problem. I'm sure you know this, but get as much air out as possible and it will last longer.
  4. 1 point

    August Surgery buddies

    All we have to do is stick to the plan and we should be just fine. Hiding the scale is actually a really good idea. I have already gone through this once so I already know that my weight can fluctuate by a few pounds even from morning to night so I know to expect it, yet i stepped on the scale yesterday and it went up a pound and it caused me a bit of anxiety. I was like I ate low calories, did all my fluids and actually exercised more than i have in years, how is this possible?! My husband was like one pound, this happens, remember. So thankful to have him as my voice of reason.
  5. 1 point

    Gastric Sleeve group

    Sleeve done Sept 5th, sipping everything no problem. Feel no restriction thus far on clears. Monday I start full liquids. I do feel a slight fullness with 3 oz of water lower down I guess in my new pouch.
  6. 1 point
    Yea that’s the absolute best mindset. Good for you.
  7. 1 point

    First sip of wine...

    Yet another holiday post 😅 My bariatric nurse has given me the go-ahead to try a small amount of alcohol whilst I am on holiday next week - I will be 4 months post-op on the 14th when I fly out! She has suggested trying a white wine as they tend to be dry and therefore low in sugar. Any other recommendations - such as type of alcohol, and how to go about trying it again etc ❤️
  8. 1 point


    I was thinking maybe pregnant too. I agree with @SleeveToBypass2023 I would call your surgeon but in the mean time consider a pregnancy test if there is any possibility
  9. 1 point

    Struggling 😔

    I did not exercise while I was losing. No gym membership. No walking miles. No cycling. Nothing. Didn’t hinder my weight loss. However I did up my everyday activity. Parked further away from where I was going. Walked up escalators. Made multiple trips up & down my stairs instead of making one or two trips to bring up the groceries, etc. Or go down to take or the rubbish and then go back down to get the mail instead of doing it in one trip. Saw a program by the late Dr Michael Mosley that compared the benefits of doing a block of 30 mins of exercise a day vs doing 3 or 4 bursts of 5 -10 minutes totalling 30mins of exercise a day. The difference was minimal. They called it exercise snacking and it’s what I started doing about 20months ago. I incorporate a number of yoga based stretches, resistance band exercises and exercises to improve flexibility across my day. Honestly I wouldn’t burn 30 calories but I have more defined & toned muscles in my arms and legs and my flexibility has improved which is what I wanted. I don’t find it a chore and I sort of enjoy it (something I never really down with any other exercise except yoga). I do it, or a modified version if I’m away, every day bar the odd day once or twice a month. Exercise contributes only about 10% of any weight you’re to lose. However, there are other benefits to your health and well being. You just have to find something you enjoy doing & doesn’t feel like a chore or a punishment.
  10. 1 point
    my win today is successfully holding a straight handstand for just over 5 seconds! been working on this for a few months now and this is the first time i held over the 5 second mark (the goal is 10s...halfway there!) i would like to note that i am 52 years old and this year is the first time i EVER did a handstand (of any length of time, outside of a cartwheel) in my LIFE. 💪🏼 i feel very accomplished lol

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