Many years back, I had a job that required me to go to a big food science convention. The vendor exhibition was this massive place where all the global food companies, big and small, would introduce new and upcoming products. The first day there, a coworker cautioned me to be very careful and selective about what and how much I sampled throughout the day. She recalled that a few years before, Olean had been all the rage and every food company seemed to have samples of fat free products made with the stuff. And of course, who can resist eating all that free food, right? You could go back as many times as you wanted to get samples, and people sure did. Well, a shockingly high number of conference attendees during the Olean year had ended up back in their hotel rooms that first night having very unpleasant bathroom experiences. In fact, that event in part led to them figuring out that too much of the stuff could be really bad. Luckily there was nothing quite so terrible the year I went, although I did get a glimpse of just how unnatural all that processed food can be.