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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2024 in all areas

  1. 3 points


    Looks like I've got cancer .Find out in a week for sure .🙄
  2. 3 points

    Pain Relief!

    At the beginning of this week I started using a circulation booster to help me as my mobility is shot to pieces, pain is a constant and I’m worried about lack of circulation in my lower limbs etc. I also have to do what I can to strengthen the muscles around my knees for when I have them replaced, as the MSK nurse physio said that this will make a huge difference come recovery. I bought a machine that also helps with knee pains etc (separate TENS pads and programme for this) I’ve done the circulation programme for 4 days now and I’m just doing the knee programme for the second time. OH MY GOD!! The difference in pain is indescribable!!! I’ve not taken any big girl pain relief this week (Tramadol - was weaning myself off as I don’t like any kind of opioids) just a couple of paracetamol and an ibuprofen at bed time. Hopefully this will all be done away completely and my pains will be easily controlled by the booster. Honestly, if anyone breathed too hard near my knees previously I would be on the ceiling but now I can poke and prod them with no ill effects (or lots of bad language!) 🥳🥳🥳 The pain isn’t waking me up in the night and I just generally feel so much better. I still can’t walk much on them but I can deal with that for now. I know that I still need both knees replacing but it will certainly make life a lot more bearable in the meantime. The bumf with the machine reckons it can be up to 8 weeks to get the full effect but I’m so happy with how it’s working out so far. Just thought I would share 😊
  3. 1 point
    This whole thing is a science! LOL I am a worker-outer? a gym rat? a gym go-er? well you know what I mean. I work out lol I lift 4 days a week, 1 day only cardio and 1 day F45. I eat anywhere from 1300-1600 calories a day. Depending on the day. One days I do not work out I eat less around 1200 cal. I am only 6.5m out and have hit my goal weight, but there are days where I get scared that I am eating too much. From what I have learned in my very short journey is that our body needs the food in order to grow our muscles, and give us energy for our workouts. Your body will balance out, you will notice your body change now too. I noticed that when I allowed myself more calories my legs and booty got thicker which I have been trying to achieve for months but it wasn't happening lol Just track everything and if you find yourself eating A LOT of not great things then you can look back and see why there is a gain. P.S I eat a "bad thing" everyday, I am not super restrictive and deprive myself. I have learned that everything in moderation in order for me to keep this as a life long thing. Tracking has really helped me stay accountable!
  4. 1 point
    A lot of early post-ops are on a virtual starvation diet which does wonders to every system in your body. This is rather expected, and something to get through for all of us. And as we all should know, when the body isn't getting adequate calories it eats fat. Yeah! And muscle. And eventually organs. Plus, your metabolism slows down. Everything that isn't critical is curtailed if not outright shut down. Things that were easily dealt with before might not be easy during starvation. Over a month, even two or three most healthy persons can cope. And typically, by three months most post-ops are upping their calories adequately. The longer we remain at starvation levels the more harm that can be caused. However, above all else, no matter what you do, carp happens. Good luck, Tek
  5. 1 point
    I have been consistently lifting weights and doing cardio for 4 and half months now, This week I decided to lift heavier for some booty gains! A win for me was being able to lift heavy and actually do all the reps! whoop whoop!
  6. 1 point
    It can definitely feel intimidating. As someone who would categorize myself as a "gym girly" now I will tell you that not one person in that gym started where they are now. They all were beginners at one point, they all fumbled to figure out the equipment, they all made mistakes. Heck I still drop weights, forget how to move stuff, etc. Also, most of us are so focused on what we are doing that we aren't paying attention to those around us. I will also say that most gym people love helping people. We love talking about fitness and sharing knowledge and I am sure many people at your gym would be happy to help you out. A lot of gyms also now have the QR codes on the machines that show you how to use them and some gyms like crunch and planet fitness have preset workouts on the app that you can walk through. My next BIG thing though is going to be about safety. Your diet pre-op sounds VERY calories restrictive and chances are you're not going to have a lot of excess energy for activity at that low of a calorie intake. So many sure you feel up to it. If you feel tried, lethargic, dizzy, have a headache, etc. I wouldn't do a workout. Your body is trying to just function at that stage and might not be up to the excess activity just yet. I am really into post bariatric fitness and just got my certificate in nutrition health and wellness. Reach out anytime on IG @ anastacia_bari_life
  7. 1 point

    Sadi is so lonely

    Awake. Still In a bit of pain though. A lot more than with the sleeve. They ended Up giving me morphine and I got some sleep. Dr woke me up and I asked him my main. questions. He is so nice. Nurse seems to be good too so far. Haven’t tried to walk yet. Not sure how that’s gonna go since I can’t move my torso. I woke up with a binder on which helps alot cause they undid it a couple of times to check and I was thankful when they put it back. I am still on oxygen and supposed to be sipping my little cups every 15 minutes and using the spirometer. It’s sucking not blowing to raise the llittle ball and the other thing which is hard to explain. We will go for a walk around 5 he said before my next pain meds. Ooh and they have leg things on me that inflate like a blood pressure cup but looser every minute or so. So just sipping my water and eating my ice chips in between.
  8. 1 point

    Lets talk about food!

    I agree for the most part. There are definitely some items that are bad or good for me, personally / individually -- ie. food items that trigger physical reactions (foamies, dumping, lactose intolerance, etc) or things that give me bad medical reactions (alcohol and caffeine interfering with my meds, etc). I have to label those items as 'bad' in my head to avoid slipping, and I'll tell other people they're bad for me just because it's a simple way to avoid whatever's being offered without having to get into any long conversation about my particular needs or issues, lol. (It irritates me so much when people don't respect the simplest of boundaries. Like, if you offer me alcohol and I say 'No thanks,' shouldn't that be enough? Do I really have to explain to someone the 'why' in order to get them to stop pressuring? Ugh. I need to get better at responding with 'Why can't you take my no at face value?' etc)
  9. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    i loove my slow cooker (and its close cousins, the instant pot and my trusty rice cooker!) *remembers that there are ribs in the basement freezer and makes mental note to defrost them so i can make my slow cooker ribs...yummmmmm*
  10. 1 point
    Mine's almost all metal. Northlane, the Architects, Lamb of God, Thy Art is Murder, Sonata Arctica, The HU, it doesn't matter. I need it resonating in my head to lift heavy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
