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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Have you ever mentioned to your doctor, in the past, the things you did to try and lose weight? I have BCBS and they had the same requirement. But I had mentioned to my pcp that I did keto, weight watchers, calorie restriction, and the mediterranean diet. When I mentioned this, she put it in the notes that went to the insurance company and they accepted it and that took 6 months off the process. My pcp was very supportive and was happy for me to do the surgery. I gave her all the requirements from my insurance company (I needed to pass a ekg, her form stating what I've tried to lose weight, my comorbidities, etc...) he jumped right on that and got it done asap. By the time I went to my 1st appt w/ my surgeon, she had already sent all of this to their office. So I was 3/4 of the way finished on day 1 of seeing my surgeon. All I had left to do was the psych eval, blood work the surgeon needed, and then waiting for it all to be submitted and approved by insurance. My first appt with the surgeon was Feb 28th, 2022. My psych eval was March 7th. Everything was submitted to my insurance on March 10th and I got my approval on March 14th 2022. The longest part of this was honestly actually getting to the surgery date because I couldn't have it until May 3rd due to the surgeon's schedule. So honestly, the better prepared you are, the more you do behind the scenes, the faster the whole process will go.
  2. 2 points

    Lets talk about food!

    Amber you have done so so well (and am totally expecting that pesky 0.4lbs to goal to melt off soon, along with more besides LOL!!) Since my surgery I have tried to avoid processed foods and ultra processed foods, other than on special occasions. These are what made most of obese in the first place. Meeting our post op macros and choosing foods that will sustain and nourish our bodies in the long term are, I believe, two completely different things. I have no evidence that people who eat mostly whole foods cooked from scratch do better long term than those of us who return to ultra processed foods but just in lower volumes (because we have a much smaller place to put them at the start - but it does enlarge for some). I do know that my approach is working for me. Also no idea whether people who revert to UPFs are on a slippery slope, do worse, just stop posting here. My observation would be that most of the long termers here don't. There are a few exceptions I think but they seem to be people who have had surgery that allows them to malabsorb hugely (and pay the price GI-wise). The sleeve isn't designed to do that. In summary - hats off for your massive and rapid loss. I think that long timers seem to do better with whole foods and home cooked meals. If you're eating something that has ingredients that you don't have in your home cupboard, be wary, think twice, but enjoy if you want to! I wish you all the best.
  3. 2 points

    Struggling to slow down

    Haha. I started typing something pretty much exactly like that but couldn’t figure how to word it without sounding offensive to the men that actually do their part. I know not all men think like that but it sounds like this person has no clue what it’s like to have 4 Kids running around.
  4. 1 point
    ohh wow thats so smart to check if the surgeon where the hospital he is affiliated with takes my insurance…how did i not think of that. i am just scared the doctor wont submit the correct documents for cigna to approve me just because of the comment he made how i would be a great candidate but if i had To pay out of pocket could i. Im tempted to see another place but that may be foolish of me? did you have to stay over one night? the guy i think i want to go with also said as long as you are eating a balanced meal, you dont need vitamins and ive done so much research that contradicts that
  5. 1 point


    I love your kitty photo bombing!
  6. 1 point

    Wanted - 2 New Knees!

    Thanks @Bypass2Freedom, @SleeveToBypass2023and @FifiLux for your kind comments. I think the MSK person just wanted to make me aware of what the future may hold for me and to temper any expectations I may have regarding WLS and my knees. As it stands at the moment, I find it difficult to weight bear as the pain can knock me sideways. I’ve had a little folding scooter for around a month now which means I can now get out of the house with hubby and be around people. I cannot begin to explain how this has added to my quality of life! I have some independence back!! I could go weeks at a time not getting out, so this is a massive change. I could actually wizz off to the park with my granddaughter at the weekend and just be there with her 😊 I also haven’t driven for almost a year now, which I miss but cannot manage at present as I can’t get in the van we have at the drivers side as it’s too high and my knees can’t cope right now as there are times when just bending them can bring me to tears. It’s not the end of the world, just something that happens 🤷‍♀️ These are all things that will hopefully change in the future. I know that weight loss will have positive impacts in lots of different areas of my life. I know that my knees will definitely thank me, knee surgery not withstanding!
  7. 1 point

    Struggling to slow down

    I’m guessing that if you just got to go to work and come home and rest you wouldn’t feel as overwhelmed by the idea. Perhaps the dr didn’t understand your home demands on top of work. Trust what your body is telling you and go back when you feel ready. Even when you do go back if you can solicit help from others with the home stuff definitely ask for it. Everyone’s recovery is different. Your surgeon should know that.
  8. 1 point

    4 weeks post op

    I also relate to this big time. Totally agree with others - strained soups (home made for me but take it where you can get it!) got me through this phase. It is so short and every phase after that was so much easier. I actually loved my pureed food stage - it's when I realised I was eating proper food again and always would be able to. I do know others hated it, especially if they have texture issues (I don't)! Best of luck on your journey OP.
  9. 1 point

    July 2024 surgery buddies

    I’ve got a list from my surgeon to bring to the hospital, plus what I’ve noted from other bariatric patients. List includes: ID card and insurance, comfortable clothes, shoes that are good for walking, socks, a heating pad, phone and charger, book, dry mouth spray, water flavor packets, lotion, and lip balm.
  10. 1 point

    August Surgery buddies

    Hello @Lisa Gilkison and welcome. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey. Do you have a date yet?

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