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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I started the day trying to figure out if 60mg of iron was actually a little too much post sadI and stumbled upon one article that says fbaf supplemental calcium may not do anything to help with our bones but some research has linked it to kidney stones )which I had heard before) but also heart disease and gastrointestinal issues. There was mention of this on Hopkins.gov and Mayo Clinic plus ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Further investigation lead me down a rabbit hold of all the various nutrient deficiencies people experience post SADI and there are so many, OMG. Now my anxiety is getting the best of me. One article made it sound like people with all of The bariatric surgeries suffer so many issues in the long run. I am not scheduled to see my surgeon again until the morning of surgery and I honestly don’t know what good scheduling To talk to him would do me now. I mean he wouldn’t have scheduled the surgery if he felt it was going to put me in worse shape So he either has better research to prove these studies wrong or he just hasn’t heard of all this which seems impossible since I stumbled upon It my accident and it’s not even my field. I am honestly not sure what I am looking for here other than others take on all this and maybe some reassurance from the only ones who can possibly understand what I am feeling right now. I’m just so overwhelmed by what I have read And my husband couldn't have possibly dismissed it any faster. Am I crazy for letting this stuff freak me out? When I did my sleeve I didn’t do this much research And I wasn’t nearly this freaked out. Maybe I just need to get offline.
  2. 2 points
    Read entire thing but especially page 7 of 9 for some reassurance ❤️ https://www.bmiut.com/pdf/long-term-outcomes-of-primary-single-anastomosis-duodeno-ileal-bypass-with-sleeve-gastrectomy.pdf
  3. 1 point
    I swear I am so tired of hearing that! "Your getting too skinny" "your going to start looking sick" "Stop losing weight" "I don't want to hurt your feelings but you should just eat a little more" Like I realize this is the smallest I have ever been in my adult life, but I assure everyone that I am healthy and not starving myself. Even the surgeon and dietician said that I am eating more calories than someone at the same stage. I refuse to stop working out and refuse to stop eating how I eat to appease people. Ran over thanks for listening!
  4. 1 point

    Tell me about bone broth

    Thanks. I would say that’ seems impossible for me because I am one to add salt to everything but post surgery you never know.
  5. 1 point

    Tell me about bone broth

    Thanks for the reminder. My tastes didn’t drastically change last time but I guess they could this time. What did change was My cravings and preferences. I used to reach for salty food pre surgery aa a snack and post surgery I still love my food salty but I crave sweets most of the time as a snack. I’m hoping that changes back with the revision. Especially since when I do want something salty I’m not satisfied with just that. I have to finish it off work something sweet right after. I have learned to kist do a small portion of the salty thing and try to do a small portion of the sweet thing but most of those are single serve like yogurt and yasso bars so I usually finish it. I still think that is the oddest change. Especially since the one question my surgeon kept asking was if I eat alot of sweets before he steered me to the sleeve. Prior to surgery i had sweets maybe a handful of times a year (usually on holidays when someone really pushed them). Now I have them daily. 🤷🏼‍♀️
  6. 1 point

    Gastric sleeve

    Thanks so much for the info xxx
  7. 1 point

    Hair loss!

    Temporary hair loss is very common after surgery. Your body is going through a lot is stress: the surgery, reduced food intake, weight loss, anaesthetic, hormonal flushes & changes, etc. The result is a temporary acceleration of your natural hair loss cycle. It actually can occur after child birth, periods of extreme stress, other more major surgeries, etc. The hair you are losing is dead & you were going to lose it anyway just not as quickly. You can’t stop it. Or slow it down. Some people will suggest adding additional supplements but this period of hair loss still lasts about 4 month -/+ regardless of taking the additional supplements or not. Those supplements won’t help hair that is already dead. As long as you’re taking the vitamins your team recommends & are meeting your protein & other nutritional goals, you don’t need to do anything else. Your new hair is still growing just at its usual rate & it is only this new growth that may benefit from the supplements. How much you’ll lose is very individual & you can’t predict it. You may lose more if it’s summer (when we usually shed more hair) or if you are in your 7 year hair shedding cycle (just went through mine again & was losing a lot more than usual). Try cutting off some of your length if you have longer hair. Many of us do this so the new growth reaches the length of the old growth more quickly. And shorter hair is always bouncier & looks fuller than long. I decided some temporary hair loss is a small price to pay for the benefits of your weight loss. Oh, and try not to stress too much - it only adds to the stress your body is already under which influences the hair loss. PS: You can update your weight by scrolling to near the bottom of this page. You’ll see a section titled Together we have lost… Add your current weight & click Update Your Weight. It will display the next time you start a thread or respond to a post.
  8. 1 point

    Am I behind?

    If my math is right, you're already at 12% total weight loss. My program gives a range of 22-30% total loss in the first year or two (for gastric bypass/RNY; for sleeve it was lower) You're well, well, well on your way at only 2.5 months in. Be proud of yourself. And honestly? Even when the weight loss slows down and you feel like you're fighting for the next pound to come off? Be proud of yourself then, too. Cause it's your choice every morning when you wake up to continue making the healthiest choices for your own body and health. And you're doing it. There are gonna be stalls, and the first few months weight seems to come off a lot easier -- so it will likely get slower. But you'll get there -- we'll get there. We're all on similar journeys here, but each one is going to be different. ...And as other have said, while comparison can be good when you're looking to find support for stuff we're all going through, when it comes to exact numbers (inches, pounds, etc) it's not really healthy to compare. Everyone's starting from a completely different place, with different programs, different comorbidities, different ancillary health issues, etc.
  9. 1 point

    July 2024 surgery buddies

    I’m scheduled for 7/11.
  10. 1 point
    Who lost 30 pounds in their first month ? Not anyone your size. Who gave you these ridiculous expectations ? It could take a year to 18 months or so for you to be at a healthy weight. Your body will do what it will, you can not force the weight off your body. Stay off the scales, listen to your team and be patient.

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