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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Pain relief

    Hi there! I live in the UK and i understand a lot of people on here are from america but im hoping i can google the equivalent here. So im a year post gastric bypass and had a lower wisdom tooth removed friday and came across the problem of not being able to take ibuprofen, ive been taking paracetamol (actually taking anadin extra before learning we arent supposed to have aspirin either! Oops) and rubbing ibuprofen gel on my jaw but its made me wonder, what the heck do we take for swelling and inflammation now?? Im going to ice my jaw because its still slightly swollen but im curious about the future and painkillers Sam
  2. 1 point


    So I was given a month to research the SADI procedure by my doctor and told to come back prepared with questions so we could make up my mind between revision to SADI and Bypass. I have been All over the Internet and this forum asking all kinda of questions to get as much info as possible before today about the SADI. I show up to my appt and my first question promoted him to say the SADI may not be appropriate for me. Even know he has prescribed them for me in the past and it was on the list of current meds he didn’t realize I have to take OMEPRAZOLE DAILY for heartburn/ GERD. So now he wants to do a scope to see if SADI or bypass would be better for me. I know that I need to learn to be more patient and roll with the punches but I thought today that I was the one who was going to be making the decisions and that I would be leaving with a surgery date. Instead I have to get a scope the last of May and follow up early June at which time I will hopefully be getting a date for some surgery. I am just frustrated that he was the one to present me with this option that my research made me really want it and I already wasted a month to do that. Now I have to wait another month for the scope and probably can’t get the surgery I never would have known I really want. If he has just read the chart this could’ve been avoided. If we were just going to end up with bypass we could have set a date a month ago. Idk. Just frustrated and a little sad.
  3. 1 point

    belly size still big?

    I’m not a doctor but a teacher who works with neurodivergent people. Many of the children walk on their toes and have “swayback.” It’s treatable with PT but NOT harmful so most places don’t treat it. It would take years, and would only help the appearance of the stomach. It doesn’t change the fat distribution, just helps lengthen the torso and help the walking gate, alleviates cramps in the legs too. I can’t diagnose you, it’s just a hunch about the swayback. There’s a PBS documentary called “The Faun” related to the intense body work involved. And, of course swayback can happen independently from any neurological issues! (I just find find neurological differences more interesting than us muggles lol.)
  4. 1 point

    Modified Duodenal Switch

    You're correct to be aware of bathroom issues but it's not a serious consideration for having the surgery. Consider yourself more lactose intolerant among a few other things and just eat around certain foods. The heavy consumption of fruit is important for me for hydration and feeling satisfied with food. The only gas triggers are grapes (red & green). I still eat them at home but not if I'm going to be in an office or public area like the gym. No issue eating berries, oranges, pinneapple, peaches, mango, grapefruit and most others. I'm not kidding about eating at least 20lbs a week of fruit, often way more. It's great for supplementing hydration and satisfies a sweet craving.
  5. 1 point
    Congratulations! All your hard work has paid off! You're a beautiful woman with a healthy long life to live - enjoy! I'm not sure what the "two months off" are about, but you've made it this far, you've got this!
  6. 1 point

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    She said that whatever you drink the week prior to surgery during the fast, many people seem not to like it afterwards. She said everyone is different and sometimes your taste preferences change.
  7. 1 point
    Pat Hall

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    @Zingor4 Hours??!! Is this like, right before your surgery? I've had two pre-op appointments, both took about 30 minutes. The first was with a nutritionist who went through the "no kidding" diet restrictions for the post op time and my blood work and the vitamins I'd need to order. She was even more insistent that there should be NO VITAMINS until 2 weeks post op. T The other appointment was with the regular surgical nurse who went through what to bring to the hospital (CPAP machine, etc.) and what not to bring (valuables, all my kids, etc.) whether I had any allergies to meds and my history of prior operations, anesthesia difficulties, whether I needed help with translation, etc. And I'm with you on the clothes. When do we pull the trigger on buying new stuff?
  8. 1 point
    Pat Hall

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    We won't like our preop shakes?? How come? I'm worried about that. I bought small canisters of Gold Standard shakes for the after shakes. I hope I can stomach them. Hah! I'll post my observations.
  9. 1 point

    Weight loss SLOWING way down!

    Your experience is totally within normal limits of loss OP! I know you'll be reading the posts here of others who have lost really slowly but still reached or exceeded their goal. I lost really steadily but most of us don't. If you stick to your programme you will lose lots more. I did, and my last few months saw me lose 1 or 2lbs max per month - still a loss! Keep the faith.
  10. 1 point
    Christina B1128

    50 and over crowd?

    I had my RNY procedure last January at 52. So far so good. 2 days in the hospital, I managed my pain at home with Tylenol instead of the hydrocodone I was given. No complications, I did have a bout of dumping when eating peanut butter for the first time post-surgery. I can tolerate it now. I lost a total of 85 pounds. I had a 3-week stall last March. I am off CPAP. My A1C is at 5.5 and I am feeling great. I love my new body. I am working on minimizing the scars with silicone scar and tretinoin via the advice of my dermatologist. My asthma is way under control so need for my maintenance inhaler. I feel that this was a reset in my life in many ways. I do Zumba, walk, and use dumbells to stay in shape. I make sure to stay hydrated per my surgeon's instructions. I follow my surgical team's advice to the letter. I'm just feeling blessed. Best of luck in your journey.

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