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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/17/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Pureed foods. Yuck!!

    My program skipped pureed foods and went directly to soft proteins with the instructions to chew thoroughly. But your best bet for purees is blended soups. You can make a very flavorful soup and puree it, and it will still be tasty (as opposed to pureeing meat, which is gross). Bean soups and butternut squash bisque work well. You might also try a ricotta bake in that stage, which can be made by mixing a cup of ricotta and an egg, spreading this in a greased baking pan, and topping with a non-chunky marinara and some mozzarella and parmesan, and then baking at 350F until the cheese is nice and brown, maybe 30-45 minutes. As for protein drinks, you should plan to be supplementing with those for quite some time, at least several weeks. Some people can get what they need from food really early, but others need at least one protein shake a day for several months. You also might want some plain, unflavored protein powder to add to things like soup or smoothies to increase protein.
  2. 2 points
    omg. im totally gonna have a t-shirt made with this slogan.
  3. 1 point

    Raw vegetables?

    i was cleared for everything at 1 month post op. i'm pretty sure i had some raw carrots around that time and had no issue. i wasn't eating much at the time so i didn't test other raw veggies tho. but im pretty sure they would've been non-issues if i did. i have read on here of others who did have issues with raw veggies tho, so best way to find out for yourself is to try...small amounts tho, just in case!
  4. 1 point
    That's where I feel a lot in of my weakness - my hands and I turn 60 Thursday! Its my arms and hands (duh! They're dependent on each other πŸ˜†). That's what I was referring to in my OP... I have a hard time opening things I never had issues with before surgery. I shouldn't think its age related when I had no issues 9 months ago BS (before surgery), I opened things my husband had issues with sometimes - though if you were to ask him..he "loosened it for me!"
  5. 1 point
    As I read through your comments I am wondering if my weak hands are also from the surgery. I always thought it was carpal tunnel and old age (almost 60). I just keep on learning as I read posts.... 🀯
  6. 1 point

    Eating too much I feel like

    Kristen... Most of my life I heard people say how they felt full. I never really did. I am 23 years post-op and I still struggle with the not feeling full issue. Unfortunately, this struggle led to my over eating and putting my weight back on plus some. I am now on a journey to lose again to repair hernias and improve the quality of my life. It's hard though! I was a teacher for 33 years (now retired) and eating fast was a necessity in order to finish before the kids returned and class began again. It's a tough habit to break, but a necessity for me to keep from over eating due to not feeling full. It has taken me MANY years to learn to eat slower so I can be more conscious of filling up. Different things work for different people, but if you eat fast, you can try eating slower and giving yourself time to feel full. Just know you're not alone! 😊
  7. 1 point

    The unspoken rule

    being on these forums long enough i would assume that one should realize by now that everyone is different. we say/post it multiple times a day, every day. i don't like weight lifting . it's don't like olives. i don't like talking about my wls. others don't feel the same way. i get that. we are all different people getting our own versions of joy. i may not make the same connections to things as you do, and thats cool. i mean, some people have sex every day while others don't. some people weigh themselves every morning others don't. some people read books while others don't. why do people drink too much and become alcoholics? alcohol is so gross. this line if thinking is the close sibling to why do people eat too much and get fat? being fat is so gross. to paraphrase you: "but how did you get to the point where <eating> was enjoyable enough to do it often <that u end up being 300 lbs>?" the incredulity in your post is loud and clear...but really, if u think about it, its not that impossible to understand (especially from the point of view from a person who was morbidly obese) your intention may be not to sound judgy...but in my very insignificant opinion, you kinda do. but i mean, you are entitled to say whatever you want. i guess i just wanna ask you to take a pause and reflect on how ur post may or may not have come across. sorry. πŸ˜” i don't normally weigh in this heavily in anonymous internet chats as i hate confrontation, but this touched a wee nerve for me. (i may just delete this post after i overthink it to death...we shall see...i have already edited this post a gazillion times in my overthinking, ha.)
  8. 1 point
    Since my surgery in 2017 I've lost my weight loss powers. I'm a mere mortal when it comes to weight loss. That being said I do the following: 1- Weekly weigh in and log it in 2- Stop eating at 7PM and start again at 7AM (I usually go to 9AM) 3- Eat the same thing every day. For me, Breakfast greek yogurt and hard boiled egg, cup of coffee Lunch, tuna fish, sardines or salmon from a can (no additives such as mayo) dinner broiled or baked seafood with a salad. I will also eat a costco protein bar if I need it. 4-Excercise, for me 3x at gym nothing too strenous just 30-45 on treadmill 5 degree incline with a brisk 3.5 mile speed walk Very Very difficult to stay within 5-10 pounds of goal weight then try to get back down. Vigilance and sorry to say obsession are my keys. It's a struggle every day.
  9. 1 point


    Best advice is to get back into contact with your therapist (if you saw one as part of your pre surgical process) or ask your team for a referral to one. They will help you work through the why behind your bad eating habits & help you develop strategies to manage when those situations (stress, anxiety, boredom, past issues, life in general, etc.) arise. Then go back to how you were eating when you lost that 50lbs. You don’t need to go back to the very beginning. Meet those protein & fluid goals. Eat your protein first, then vegetables & only if you can any carbs you are allowed (look for whole or multi grain low prices see versions). Keep your fat & sugar (real, artificial or alternatives) low. Check your portions. Return to tracking if you did it before to check your getting your nutrients in. Maybe catch up with your dietician too to help you get back on track. You can do this.
  10. 0 points
    It could possibly be premenopausal or if you're dehydrated.. Your gums recede due to not having enough moisture aka dehydration. πŸ˜•

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