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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Please don’t hate.

    Hello long time no speak! I had my vsg 4 years ago . With the typical stalls of loosing weight. As I approached my goal weight . The scale keeps going down. To the point I’m now underweight . Was told not to loose any more. Blood test all come back great. She did order an upper GI . Why? I have no pain or heartburn. i can eat and eat and eat. Half cup or less at an time even wake up in my sleep to eat. I feel as if my body is starving . I’m sure I’ll get the back lash but I know I’m not the only one suffering. If you happen to see a form on here please let me know. I don’t want bad eating habits like chips . Pop . Candy . But I am to keep the scale from moving in the negative 😢
  2. 1 point

    Bodybuilding after surgery

    Hi everyone, I had gastric bypass on February 27 of this year and I am down 53 pounds. My goal is to lose 100-120 pounds. While I am happy with the weight loss, I am losing muscle just as fast. I started going to the gym and hitting the weights this week. Of course I’m not as strong as I was before (I used to lift weights 10 years ago). I’m concerned that I won’t be able to get the nutrition/protein I need daily to start growing muscle again. Anybody on here bodybuilding months or years after surgery? Any tips or suggestions? Thanks
  3. 1 point

    Did you cheat too?

    oh that one time was enough for me, I have never done that again and plan to never. that was the day that I realized my food addiction and realized that I did my sleeve for a reason and to get outta this habit. Now I eat till I am satisified and make sure to drink my water plus some. I have been working my ass off and never want to go through being obese and how I felt before. As you said "this is my second chance at life"!
  4. 1 point
    Since my surgery in 2017 I've lost my weight loss powers. I'm a mere mortal when it comes to weight loss. That being said I do the following: 1- Weekly weigh in and log it in 2- Stop eating at 7PM and start again at 7AM (I usually go to 9AM) 3- Eat the same thing every day. For me, Breakfast greek yogurt and hard boiled egg, cup of coffee Lunch, tuna fish, sardines or salmon from a can (no additives such as mayo) dinner broiled or baked seafood with a salad. I will also eat a costco protein bar if I need it. 4-Excercise, for me 3x at gym nothing too strenous just 30-45 on treadmill 5 degree incline with a brisk 3.5 mile speed walk Very Very difficult to stay within 5-10 pounds of goal weight then try to get back down. Vigilance and sorry to say obsession are my keys. It's a struggle every day.
  5. 1 point
    I had the Pho broth from week one, I made it myself so it was not too salty or chilli hot. It was so good I could have bathed in it. At 2 years + now, I can manage a couple of spoons of noodles at the end of the meal. I don't crave mountains of noodles now, I am used to just a few for the mouth feel.
  6. 1 point

    Veggie advice/tips/recipies

    Thanks for uour advice. I agree with you about the fruits and veggies. I actually didn’t realize there were carbs in them until now but I have always tended to give myself leniency with them in terms of calories, even when I was dieting thinking I didn’t get overweight eating fruits and veggies but I’m not sure if my post SADI body will agree or not I did leave a message for the dietician but so far she isn’t calling me back. I honestly fear that she may be like the rest of my team and be clueless about the SADI. People have mentioned in the other surgery forums not to be surprised if I run into situations like this just because it’s far less common but I am not going through with this before I have some answers. I just figured I will post as many questions here as I can from my list. I will try the dietician again this morning. I am Even going to see if they will let me see the PA before I see the surgeon in hopes she can answer some but I have a feeling my list for him is still going to be pretty long. The support staff just doesn’t seem to have the information yet. This one is less researched, there is less info available online and the risks are alot more serious though, i would be a fool to not take this seriously.
  7. 1 point

    Struggling to stop losing

    Well, I think you look spectacular and very healthy. The transformation is absolutely stunning! I also think as our population trends heavier, we don't see the extra weight as much. I was a chubby kid, and I was like one of maybe 3 chubby kids in my entire grade, not just my class. I dieted like an idiot as a teen and got down to 126 lbs and I was nowhere close to the thinnest person in my friend group. Nobody said anything about me getting too skinny, for sure. I gained weight in college and by the time I graduated, I was overweight again, and obese by the time I hit my late 20s. I always felt like the biggest person in the room (at, like 210 lbs). But by the time I was in my mid-30s, I started seeing bigger people than me all around. Everyone was getting bigger. My weight went up to 225, but many of the parents of kids in my daughters' grades were way bigger than that. It almost had an insulating effect from my own weight gain, because I was no longer the biggest person in the room. I just kind of looked normal. When a friend heard I was getting bypass, her first response was "but you're not that big" and at this point I was 250 lbs with a 40+ BMI, plus high blood pressure, prediabetes, and high cholesterol. And this was from a person who is in the healthy BMI range and never been overweight. So I definitely think we've become so used to seeing larger people that we think "obese" is a term reserved for the people on television shows who weigh 600+ pounds. And, of course, the rapid weight loss from surgery is jarring so people notice it more. But don't let their comments get to you!
  8. 1 point

    Struggling to stop losing

    Dang. That eliminates what I would say. I will say this, though. Did these same people tell you to your face you were "too fat" when you were obese and your weight was actively trying to shorten your lifespan? Or is it just your skinniness that worries them? Because you are right in the middle of a healthy weight range right now. You could drop to 125 lbs and STILL be 100% healthy and normal weight. So, if these people weren't telling you every day when you were 262 lbs how worried they were about your weight, I don't think I'd trust their judgement where weight is concerned. I'm not saying the comments don't come from a place of love, but they do seem to come from a place of ignorance.
  9. 1 point

    Struggling to stop losing

    Thanks, everyone! Let me ask, how'd you handle the comments of "You're too skinny?" I get that from several people and it's infuriating. They are older and I respect them, so I don't want to give a mean comment. Oh, and the stares and jealous looks. In my mind I tell myself, "if your (talking to them in my head 🤷‍♀️) weight were that big and issue to you, then do something about it. That's all I did." An 126 lb weight loss in less than a year is massive change but the comments and looks...so isolating sometimes. Thankfully, another friend of mine has had the surgery as well, so I can talk through it with her. But what really iced my cake is she doesn't get the same stares and comments from the same group we run in. Unless, I'm reading too much into it. People who didn't know me from before look at me or comment me like a "normal" person. For example, I was at the doctor's office yesterday and we were discussing a dose change for a medication, and he said, "for people of healthy weight, such as yourself... " I just want to video it and play on repeat. Sorry, my passive aggressive fell out 😂
  10. 1 point

    Struggling to stop losing

    i lost 10 lbs in the month after reaching goal. and then another 5 or so lbs in thr 2-3 months following. the fear of losing too much weight is a common concern to those who reach goal (or are nearing it) it doesn't last long. slowly up your calories if you can...if u cant now, trust me, you will have no problem later. if you continue to lose weight over months (not weeks as its way too soon for concern) and you dip below 18.5 BMI and your doc/team is concerned , then that will be your cue to be concerned. otherwise use this time to figure out what YOUR maintenance calories are (not what is recommended to you as we are all different and require different calorie intakes) and enjoy and bask in your success! congrats!

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