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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2024 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I'm so glad you tried the muffins and liked them!! I really enjoyed mine, they kept well in the fridge and warmed up really well with a quick zap in the microwave. Regarding the nutritional needs of a SADI patient. We don't really know, honestly. The SADI is too new to have some of the longer term studies that have been done on the sleeve, bypass, and DS. But it is commonly thought by most surgeons that the dietary needs of a SADI are more than with the bypass because SADI patients are thought to malabsorb more than a bypass patient. And their needs are most likely a little less than a traditional DS. That said, I attended nutrition classes with all the different surgeries in one group, so we had to learn everybody's requirements!! Most good surgeons recommend that SADI patients follow the dietary requirements of a DS patient to be on the safe side. That means 80-120 grams of protein, less than 50 TOTAL carbs while in the active weight loss phase (the dietician said "net carbs" is not an official measurement, but if you want to follow net carbs you'd need to keep under 30 net carbs since they get counted differently, most DS patients introduce a bit more complex carbs into their diets once they reach maintenance weight) and the fat grams recommended by the ASMBS is 60 grams of fat by 1 year post op. However, SADI and DS patients malabsorb a good amount of fat, so veterans of the surgeries will tell you that you need more fat than that. I seem to feel best around 80-100 grams of fat a day, but there are veterans of the DS surgeries that eat closer to 150 grams, or whatever alleviates their constipation and eases their symptoms of low fat like dry eyes and dry skin. According to most studies, a DS patient only absorbs about 20-30% of the fat they consume, around 60% of the protein they consume, 60-80% of the complex carbs, and every single calorie of simple carbs!! That's why simple carbs are so important to restrict post surgery (besides the digestive drama), you can eat your way around any surgery with simple carbs... And this is why counting calories is pretty useless for DS and SADI patients. We don't yet know exactly what the percentage of absorptions is for SADI patients as they haven't done a breakdown study (as far as I know) but it is safe to assume SADI patients absorb a little more fat and protein than a traditional DS patient would. The best way to find your own perfect macros post surgery IMO is to aim for 80-120 grams of protein and then watch your protein labs. They will tell you if you need more protein or if you can back off a little. And for me at least, I find my skin, hair and eyes are highly sensitive to when I have too little fat in my diet.
  2. 2 points

    Struggling to stop losing

    For me, I stalled often, but lost pretty steady. I didn't have weeks long stalls. I would stall for 4-5 days, then lose about a pound a day for 3-4 days, then stall again. This was my norm from the start. I still averaged about 10lbs a month. I'm not sure how or why I lost like this. I do know I wasn't super restrictive in what I ate, just how much I ate of certain things, like bread, sweets, or favorite eats. Though, for some, completely staying away from temptation foods is a must. Having control over what you eat is the key to making this work. And giving yourself grace for the meal, or day, that wasn't the best eating choices. Use this losing time to learn control over food (in a healthy way), learn a new way of eating, learn to get your body moving in some form or fashion (I walk, clean my house, and do life), and learn to be in tune with your body in every area and nurture what it's asking (food (be reasonable), movement, rest, spiritual ECT). Everything I've mentioned, my nutritionist, surgeon, and therapist are on board with and support. I'm not trying to be weird with sharing my journey, but that's what I did/do.
  3. 1 point

    Feeling regret

    I’m 6 days post op i’m feeling fine when it comes to the pain, i was in the hospital for less than two days and have been resting at home. But the only thing i do is sleep, i don’t wanna eat anything cause my throat just does this gurgling sound, i feel weak, tired, and dizzy especially when i take my medicine i feel super full, this morning i almost vomited because of the medicine (cipro 500mg) i’ve lost 7 kilos by far Will i ever feel better? Will i ever eat again and actually enjoy the thought of eating food?
  4. 1 point
    When I have persistent gas, I take max strength Gas-X. It helps. Some days, I can eat pretty well. Other days (like today) I struggle to get 2 eggs with cheese down. It depends on what I eat, when I eat it, if I drink while I eat, and sometimes it's just the nature of the surgery. That's why I'm super mindful about getting my protein and fluids in. If you're struggling to drink or having pain when you eat or drink 8 mo out, you really need to speak to your surgeon. That shouldn't be happening.
  5. 1 point

    I feel like I am losing my mind

    I think I seen in another post that you are having trouble sleeping. Loss of sleep can certainly make you feel like you are losing It. Have you spoken with your team to see if they have any ideas that can help. It’s possible your medications are just not absorbing properly. Maybe Check with them to see if they can safely adjust the dose or try something different alltogether. After you get some sleep you may find that the depression and anxiety subside. If not, it will depend on how problematic it is. Many times Depression can be helped significantly by just getting outside in the fresh air and sunlight (or by using a special lamp Designed for seasonal affective disorder that can be purchased on Amazon). Light exercise can also help if you are cleared for a walk. Even better if you can get a friend to go along with you. Most anxiety can be reduced through meditation. Guided meditations are available on you tube or apps such as the calm app. If formal meditation is not your thing, many hobbies require mindfulness. I suffer from anxiety and I crochet. Focusing on the pattern and counting the stitches takes just the right amount of mental energy to pull my focus and help me relax. Believe it or not since I started crochet I have been able to cut back on my anxiety medication by more than half. Many people also Find adult coloring books to help With stress and anxiety. If Crafts are not your thing, just google anxiety reducing hobbies and you will find things such as puzzles, writing and reading have been proven to reduce Stress and anxiety. If you are still struggling with depression and anxiety that are bothersome i would contact your team. I am not certain but they may be able to prescribe something for you to take temporarily to help you to feel more like yourself. If not hopefully they will have some more ideas because you are definitely not the first one to go though this.
  6. 1 point

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    I've been struggling with the eating too fast. It's a problem i've always had, but now its having more of an impact on me (obviously). I've luckily only done it twice, with today being the most recent, and I get so mad at myself for letting it happen. Any tricks or advice to slow down. It is probably as simple as taking a tablespoon of food and counting to 50 or something.
  7. 1 point

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    Hi Everyone, I am a March 2024 Bariatric By-pass patient. I am only into my 3rd week post op and I am down 50 lbs and counting. I am still learning the ins and outs of how to eat again. Drinking too fast or too much triggers consequences. Also, with eating too fast or too much will trigger throwing up. However, by eating the ways that are prescribed will render the proper results. I am very impressed with the results I have seen thus far.
  8. 1 point


    Hey there, fellow Massachusetts person! Here are a few options that might work for you for protein: If you like soups such as creamy tomato, butternut bisque, etc., add a scoop or two (10-20g protein) of unflavored protein powder such as Isopure or Syntrax to the soup. Also, if you make a canned soup like cream of chicken, make it with Fairlife skim milk for even more protein. 1/2 a cup cream of chicken with 1 scoop of protein would give you about 17g protein. If you are at a stage where you can have apples, make a great protein dip by taking 1 cup Greek yogurt and adding one serving chocolate protein powder and 1 scoop powdered peanut butter and eat 1/2 cup with 1/2 an apple. This gives you around 25g protein depending what brands you are using and tastes delicious. A great source of plant-based protein is edamame, which they sell already shelled and lightly salted, ready to eat, in the produce section of Hannaford (and probably other stores, I would assume). Also, four of the cracker-sized slices of Cabot cheddar have 8g protein, and if you pair it with Triscuit thins, that's another 3g for a nice 10g snack (when you can have crackers).
  9. 1 point
    That's what made me nervous, too. People don't understand that the surgery doesn't make you lose weight, but that it's all the work you put in after.
  10. 1 point

    When to get new clothes?!

    At my largest I was size 24. I'm currently size 18 and I still have things in my wardrobe that are size 16. Once I shrink beyond that I will either have to buy new clothes, go to a tailor and have my current clothes altered or rock out baggy clothes until my weight stabilizes. I'm trying to have a no buy year for 2024 so my plan for this calendar year is to make due with belts, tailoring , baggy clothes and dresses until next January, with the exception of underwear and bras which I refuse to wear incorrect sizes for.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
