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  1. 3 points

    Second times a charm (I hope)

    I am currently three years post sleeve sitting ten pounds heavier than when I stared contemplating the SADI revision surgery. I am pretty hopeful and excited this time though. I am already eating better, exhaustively researching the procedure and the future diet. Finally I found a therapist that specializes in disordered eating near me who is taking new patients. It wouldn’t be possible without telehealth because she’s a couple hours away (something positive that came from COVID). Within 15 minutes tonight we discussed my mental health, medications, medical history, potential surgery, a change in the dietician and touched on some of my emotional eating concerns. She thinks she can help me and she asked me to think about it and talk it over with my current therapist and if we agree it’s a good idea she wants me to sign a release so that she and my therapist can work together. I feel so excited and hopeful that this is going to make all the difference this time. I am curious how long the process usually takes. I’m hoping I will have a pretty good idea of how much help I need and know whether I am ready to move forward by the time my surgery date rolls around.
  2. 2 points


    Hey there, fellow Massachusetts person! Here are a few options that might work for you for protein: If you like soups such as creamy tomato, butternut bisque, etc., add a scoop or two (10-20g protein) of unflavored protein powder such as Isopure or Syntrax to the soup. Also, if you make a canned soup like cream of chicken, make it with Fairlife skim milk for even more protein. 1/2 a cup cream of chicken with 1 scoop of protein would give you about 17g protein. If you are at a stage where you can have apples, make a great protein dip by taking 1 cup Greek yogurt and adding one serving chocolate protein powder and 1 scoop powdered peanut butter and eat 1/2 cup with 1/2 an apple. This gives you around 25g protein depending what brands you are using and tastes delicious. A great source of plant-based protein is edamame, which they sell already shelled and lightly salted, ready to eat, in the produce section of Hannaford (and probably other stores, I would assume). Also, four of the cracker-sized slices of Cabot cheddar have 8g protein, and if you pair it with Triscuit thins, that's another 3g for a nice 10g snack (when you can have crackers).
  3. 2 points
    Now that I'm in maintenance mode, I'm getting a into a routine for my meals. Every day, I start out with 8-16 ounces of water, and then a proffee, which I have come to look forward to even the night before. My proffees are simply a black coffee with a protein powder added. There are three products that I cycle through: Premier Vanilla, Orgain Vanilla, and Dymatize Vanilla. For second breakfast on workdays, I will have a low-fat yogurt with two tablespoons of PBFit and two teaspoons of no sugar added dried cherries. I will have ingested 35-45 grams of protein at this point between the two breakfasts, with 250-285 calories, and about 20 carbs. For second breakfast on non-workdays, I will prepare two servings of plain, instant oatmeal with a tablespoon of an olive oil-based spread. This means I will have had 34 grams of protein, 365 calories, and 38 carbs. Non-workdays are when I am being very active with training sessions, so I allow myself more carbohydrate fuel. Snacks on any day are always mixed nuts, even when I am travelling. I will have 0.2 cups of a blend that I make myself. It consists of dry roasted peanuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pistachios, and Brazil nuts. This is 5 grams of protein, 163 calories, and 7 carbs. Breakfast and snacks have been the easiest to nail down. Lunch and dinner have more variables, and I prepare enough for leftovers. I concentrate on protein first, and then add vegetables. Typically tempeh, tofu, or Field Roast products with roasted or sautéed vegetables. Today, I will be eating leftovers from last night. Two ounces of tempeh with four ounces of roasted vegetables that consist of red and yellow sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, small purple potatoes, zucchini, and carrots. I will add a tablespoon of olive oil-based spread, break up 3 walnuts to sprinkle of top, and garnish with two tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese. This particular meal will be 19 grams of protein, 377 calories, and 28 grams of carbs. Bear in mind that I do eat more carbs when I am not working, and I focus on ingesting healthy carbs instead of breads/crackers/chips/crisps. It's a helluva journey and I'm thankful to be on it!
  4. 1 point

    Help with carbs.

    you'll have to check with the clinic - I know carbs are more of an issue for DS patients than they are for sleeve/RNY, but I don't know about SADI. I've read carbs can give DS patients a lot of G/I distress, but I don't know if it's all carbs or just certain ones (and again, SADI might be different than DS when it comes to carbs)
  5. 1 point

    Help with carbs.

    I don't follow a low carb but I had asked something similar to my team, and basically they said that you count only Net carbs. So if it were up to my team, you can definitely have that tortilla lol. ^^
  6. 1 point

    Veggie advice/tips/recipies

    Thanks for uour advice. I agree with you about the fruits and veggies. I actually didn’t realize there were carbs in them until now but I have always tended to give myself leniency with them in terms of calories, even when I was dieting thinking I didn’t get overweight eating fruits and veggies but I’m not sure if my post SADI body will agree or not I did leave a message for the dietician but so far she isn’t calling me back. I honestly fear that she may be like the rest of my team and be clueless about the SADI. People have mentioned in the other surgery forums not to be surprised if I run into situations like this just because it’s far less common but I am not going through with this before I have some answers. I just figured I will post as many questions here as I can from my list. I will try the dietician again this morning. I am Even going to see if they will let me see the PA before I see the surgeon in hopes she can answer some but I have a feeling my list for him is still going to be pretty long. The support staff just doesn’t seem to have the information yet. This one is less researched, there is less info available online and the risks are alot more serious though, i would be a fool to not take this seriously.
  7. 1 point

    Buyers Remorse?

    Oh wow. I wish I had a Whole Foods. Those would be perfect for me because it’s just myself and my hubby who also eats smaller portions. I need to actually go into the grocery store and look for something like that. I know that places are carrying more of the healthy options but I have been doing pickup and I don’t get the chance to really see what’s out there now.
  8. 1 point

    Buyers Remorse?

    You mistook my statement, I wasn't diminishing your experience, it pointed out the inner workings of the human brain and what we choose to highlight in situations. That you chose to see one aspect, the effect over the root cause. If there's one thing I've learned through all this is a sense of humor is: 1. Necessary to help persevere and maintain our resolve in this journey. 2. Subjective and can be taken wrong when not intentioned - in the future I will keep this in mind, but it is also how others do their sharing and should be understood and recognized as well. I'm sorry you were offended over my attempt to bring humor to something we ALL struggle with, but as you deal with your neurological divergences by sharing, I too have my neurological processes of managing difficult times - seeing myself in your post as I did relate it to my struggle since I've been there - humor. If we can't laugh at our difficulties then we are left with so few options and get bogged down in the minutia we call life. I accept your way of dealing with your neurological divergences by sharing and I applaud your recognizing it and managing it! Just keep in mind we all deal with things differently with our own way of sharing. Sometimes, other people in how they share may not be how you perceive as helpful, or meaningful, but I too was sharing in my way. I was trying to offer a new perspective as well as offer a possible way of handling it. I cared enough about your sharing and your struggle to comment and attempt to show there is humor another side of it. My post to your comment wasn't intended to belittle your experience, but to possibly expose it for more than the one perceived aspect, how you saw it. It is why people share, to hopefully bring relief and see other sides to the problem. Thank goodness we all handle things differently or this world would be boring. Again, I'm sorry you took mine as questioning or laughing at your neurological struggle it is how I handle my sharing (just look at my past posts) its how I choose to see life and hope it helps others to look away from always seeing the rough side of things and occasionally brings a smile in difficult times. I try to not take life as a constant struggle even though it has been for me, believe me more than most people should have to deal with in a lifetime so I laugh opposed to cry. I truly wish you well and hope your struggles on your journey can at times make you smile knowing you made it through not only in one piece but you made it through as a stronger more capable person. You will make it out to the other side.
  9. 1 point

    I want solid foooooooood!!!!

    I'm with you there! I'm currently day 8 post-op, and was also on an all liquid diet two weeks before surgery too. Been three weeks since I've had solid food of any kind and I want real food so badly. Thankfully I meet with my surgeon soon, hopefully he approves me to transition to soft foods.
  10. 1 point
    Alex Areeda

    December Surgery Buddies!

    PROGRESS UPDATE I had my gastric sleeve surgery on December 18th, 2023. I was nervous going into the procedure as I had never had any surgical procedures before, but it went relatively smooth. I was in a lot of pain while in recovery, to the point where the team had to push oxy and fentanyl simultaneously to help with the pain. Once the team was able to help me manage the pain I was in pretty good shape. It has certainly been an adjustment but it wasn't as daunting as I was expecting it to be. Its been about 2.5 months since the surgery and I've lost almost 60 pounds; I weighed in on at the hospital at 366 and yesterday weighed in at 308. My highest weight was 475lbs so all-in-all I've lost 167lbs utilizing diet, exercise and the sleeve. I found it fairly easy to comply with the post-op diet and have moved on to solid foods. I'm not hungry often but I make sure to eat at mealtimes to continue meeting my goals. I consume, on average, between 80g and 100g of protein a day and consume less than 900 calories a day. I don't consume very many carbs as a) they tend to contain more sugars and b) they tend to make me not feel very good. I do still have a bit of a sweet tooth but that has been easy to manage with the occasional chocolate chip. I've also completely kicked sugar and have switched to monk fruit sweetener with erythritol. I also dabble with keto recipes, mainly deserts as I find that some "entree" recipes contain way too much fat for my liking. My family, friends, and coworkers notice the weight loss more than I do. I'll see it a little bit here and there but not to the extent that others do. I still see myself as that 475lb guy that struggles with his weight and his health. I know that it isn't true, but that is still how I view myself. My clothes are fitting me much looser and I think I see some weight loss in my face and neck. I still have a lot of excess fat and tissue around my midsection and especially the "love handle" region. I definitely suffer from body dysmorphia as I only ever see the overweight me. My overall goal weight is 250lbs, which is only 58 pounds away which sounds crazy. That said, I would throw a party if I reach 225lbs as that is my "best case scenario" goal. I genuinely believe I will achieve both goals but there's always that part of me that doubts it. This has been the best decision I've ever made for my health and I wish I had made this choice earlier.

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