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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2024 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Welcome to the group
  2. 1 point
    Jessica Marie

    February surgery buddies 🥰

    I just got the call today that my surgery is scheduled for February 7th! I'm both excited and nervous, I knew this day would come, but I'm still in shock 🤣
  3. 1 point

    revision from VSG to bypass and tricare

    I'm hoping to get a revision to a bypass for gerd and sleep apnea if that is a possible. I called tricare and the lady said that they only cover 1 weight loss surgery in the lifetime or the person. Any experience with getting approved with tricare select?
  4. 1 point
    MC BCBSil

    BCBS Denied

    Peer to Peer BCBS also denied. Had appointment with primary care and she formulated letter in support with various reasons that stated I met all the criteria required after the peer to peer now waiting on appeal. I have hear that these tend not to go well. Looks like BCBS will avoid meeting their obligations to subscribers. I am so disappointed. I been forced to wait though out this process 1st 6 months of requirements by the Cleveland Clinic (6/4/2023 - November 29, 2023) to get Denied. Then for peer to peer (December 30, 2023) of which I have received nothing in writing about results. Just a email from Cleveland Clinic saying it was again denied. I let them know I wanted the Appeal that they submitted in January and now I will not have a result for another month 2/17/24. In the mean time still getting fatter went to annual appointment primary care 1/8/2023 and it is official BMI 41.2 with high blood pressure, joint issues and overall just not feeling well. OSU primary care wrote letter supporting me having procedure and yet BCBS still continues to make me wait. I was told decision will be available on a Saturday 2/17/2023 and that too seems a little off to me to make decision available on a Saturday. In mean time I am held hostage to this appeal process. I was told by BCBS I could yet appeal again to another outside agency if I am unhappy with their findings. This sucks and this should not be the health care insurance companies treat not just their insured clients but the hospital that support their plans. This is so out of wack. If somone qualifies for treatment by their provider (my doctors) and through the terms of my health care policy (BCBS) I should not have to go through this mountain of red tape and still yet possible be denied the care in which I pay for every month. This sucks.
  5. 1 point
    No scars from the reaction, nothing permanent. But at the time, I had itchy, red, raised rash all around the surgical sites. Warm to the touch. The red areas were a little swollen. After about 10 days of treatment, everything went back to normal and was fine.
  6. 1 point

    Zofran didn’t work tonight

    Oh yeah. They’re a big thing. I still get attacks usually if a food is coarser than I expected (some vegetables can be too fibrous some days). And sometimes if something sits a bit more heavily in my tummy. Some people rarely experience them & others, like me, are a little more sensitive & have them more often. I can go for months without experiencing one & then oh no. As I said I feel fine after I’ve bought up the offending mouthful or two & often can go back & finish my meal (avoiding the offending component). Had an attack last night with mince. Yes mince. Yet I ate it the night before without a problem. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  7. 1 point

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    I was the same, first week was 3kg Ive been told by a physician who I work with that no more than 2kg a week is good moving forward is a great goal as it means your body won’t go into the natural starvation mode and try to hold onto the weight. Plus your body is doing it slowly which is good re rapid weight loss problems also. I also felt sad about how slow it is going but we will get there I’m 3 weeks post op and I’ve only been loosing 1.3kg a week roughly.
  8. 1 point
    Sorry just seen this now. Yes they were happy with the weight gain. Month 9 I did gain another 8 pounds (my appetite went crazy) so 15 pounds total. Baby was 7 pounds healthy and perfect! By 2 weeks post partum my weight went back to pre pregnancy weight. But then the holidays came and I did gain about 10 pounds, so I would just say be careful after you give birth and try to continue healthy eating habits.
  9. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    Ok this is gorgeous! What did you use for the tart crust? Homemade? Pre made?
  10. 1 point
    MC BCBSil


    Shopping around. Agree about the discrimination and or selectiveness of what constitutes health procedures. The track records speak for themselves. Hopefully someone pays attention to outcomes. Results should matter. If you pay for insurance you should not be brined coverage for proven health related procedures ever. That is why it is called health insurance but I agree that they want to keep you sick. Maybe they should call it sick and dying insurance. So sad so backwards.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
