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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point

    Surgery tomorrow!!

    Congratulations! If you're nervous, be sure to ask for something to calm your nerves. They can give you something.
  2. 1 point

    Surgery tomorrow!!

    Just try and stay calm today and you will be on your way to wishing you did this a whole lot sooner. BTW, I'm a Lanky too.
  3. 1 point

    Surgery tomorrow!!

    I am still pre-surgery so I can't give any advice just yet, but I wanted to wish you good luck and to say congratulations! You got this! ❤️
  4. 1 point

    Caloric Intake

    I was consuming something other than water every 2-3 hours as per my dietician's instructions.... I didn't really think about calories, I focused on my protein goals, water goals, and "eating" frequently. I still eat every 2-3 hours, so about 5-6 times a day. It sounds like you are progressing nicely!! Lucky you! I was on strict liquids for 2 weeks post op. Sounds like you get more things. I suggest broth or tea when that head hunger kicks in. Or a sugar free popsicle. I'd check with the guidelines your dietician gave you, often they want hydration focused on the most for the first few weeks, with protein goals a close second. Calories usually come in (if they come in at all) once you are on soft foods. But every practice is different!
  5. 1 point

    Road trips post op

    I went on a road trip for the holidays at 2 months out. I took a giant lunchbox with me filled with protein shakes and ice packs, cheese and some other cold snacks (I can recommend a fantastic lunchbox on Amazon if you are interested). Then I filled the top of it with some Powercrunch protein bars, Quest sweet chili protein chips, Paleovalley meat sticks (they weren't too dry) and water flavoring packets (I like sugar free lemonade and the Jolly Rancher sugar free ones because I love sour things). I stopped every 2 hours to walk around and use the bathroom to ensure I was hydrating properly. And we stopped for 2-3 meals a day in addition to my shakes and snacks. It worked really well!! I didn't feel deprived at all. In fact, I felt better than I did on road trips before surgery because I stopped more often and hydrated better! Plus I was making wiser food choices.
  6. 1 point

    Liquid diet & tiredness

    Lovely suggestions!! I'm an autoimmune patient and I incorporate these every day. I'd also suggest for the fatigue and mental fuzziness due to the liquid diet, add ELECTROLYTES. You can buy all sorts of sugar free ones. Often during the liquid diet our body is trying to shift into fat burning mode/ketosis. This can feel very unpleasant and we go through carb withdrawal. We are also low in calories. So electrolyte supplements once a day help give us the things the low calorie, sugar free diet is lacking and it often eases the fatigue and headache some... Good luck with your surgery!! ❤️ I have found mine has really helped my systemic inflammation and fatigue!
  7. 1 point

    Surgery in Turkey

    Our surgeon does a lot of work with traveling patients, and his normal protocol for them is to stay in town for ten days until their first follow up appointment. But, he isn't in the business of doing things on the cheap, but doing procedures that others don't offer.
  8. 1 point

    Surgery in Turkey

    This is very tragic. I read the article and I can’t tell if the original surgery in Turkey included a 10cm bowel resection (not a routine part of any standard WLS) or the emergency surgeries in Serbia. And she was released to fly just 3 days post op! That is still in the risk window for embolism. The worst part is the surgeon saying he did nothing wrong. He could have had the grace to just send his condolences or keep quiet. I’m so shocked and angry with the details the more I read. It’s all so sad. RIP
  9. 1 point

    This liquid diet is...not easy!

    So im getting ready for bed but thought id post this really fast. I made my boys some frozen pizza and i swear putting it in the oven zero effect. When it was done and i had to cut it up for them my whole WORLD turned upside down. I think that moment was the biggest temptation throughout this liquid diet at this point. I am seriously counting the minutes until the 18th! 6 more days please hurry up LOL
  10. 0 points

    Surgery in Turkey

    So I read in todays newspapers that a beautiful young girl of 20 went to Turkey for Bariatric surgery and became very ill on the airplane home. She paid Dr. Bayil of Global medical care, £2500. Eye wateringly cheaper than the out of pocket cost in UK. I paid £12000. two years ago. They diverted to Serbia but sadly she died. The surgeon had nicked the intestine. He is saying he did nothing wrong. He said 'It was an embolism caused by the plane. ' An autopsy found the intestinal laceration. I wish bariatric surgery was easier and cheaper to get in our own countries. RIP Morgan Ribeiro

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