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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    i think many people on here will tell you any revision surgery results in a much slower rate of weight loss than the first time around.
  2. 1 point


    You look great! Good progress, for sure and definitely a noticeable difference. I just started looking at photos I took on the first day of liquid diet, on the day of surgery, and next will be monthly, on the day of surgery. It's a weird feeling in that I can clearly see the difference but I don't feel very different yet. I'm sure I'll catch up soon.
  3. 1 point

    Surgery in Turkey

    Our surgeon does a lot of work with traveling patients, and his normal protocol for them is to stay in town for ten days until their first follow up appointment. But, he isn't in the business of doing things on the cheap, but doing procedures that others don't offer.
  4. 1 point

    Surgery in Turkey

    This is very tragic. I read the article and I can’t tell if the original surgery in Turkey included a 10cm bowel resection (not a routine part of any standard WLS) or the emergency surgeries in Serbia. And she was released to fly just 3 days post op! That is still in the risk window for embolism. The worst part is the surgeon saying he did nothing wrong. He could have had the grace to just send his condolences or keep quiet. I’m so shocked and angry with the details the more I read. It’s all so sad. RIP
  5. 1 point

    April 2023 GSV updates?

    I had mine in May of 2023. I'm doing great , thanks for asking ! I've been eating low carb ,very small portions and except for a months long stall, everything is going a-ok I haven't had any carbonated drinks or alcohol so far, but I don't miss it. My stomach handles everything good with no problems. I'm down 2 sizes and couldn't be happier ! All my lab work have been perfect and I'm off 3 meds that I took for a long time. Diabetes is no longer in my future ! How have you been since your surgery ? You lost a ton !!!!!
  6. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    Protein Belgium waffle I used to make these often in the first year after WLS when I was concerned about reaching protein goals. I lost my trusted recipe so I’m back to experimenting again. This one was a little too thick and dry but overall not bad because the flavor was nice. I tried it with strawberry jam and agave caramel sauce. I prefer the caramel sauce. The tracking is for two full-size waffles without jam or sauce (I only ate half of one waffle so 136 cals, 19 g protein & 10 g carbs)
  7. 1 point
    "As is the practice here I had an assessment with a psychologist who confirmed I was a suitable candidate and a dietician who again confirmed I was a suitable candidate but in the process managed to make me feel like I had already failed, in her words I was "Much heavier than most people who come to us" As she was a gate keeper and I needed her approval to progress I did not complain. That time will come." Your last sentence made me laugh, I can picture it. I've always thought that dieticians should have all gone through the bariatric process in order to work at a bariatric clinic. They really don't understand nor have the empathy to comprehend what they're saying " you want something crunchy have some celery," "Oh, you're missing noodles? Try heart of palm noodles they're delish and taste just like regular Thai noodles" and my personal favorite; "you want a treat or snack have a glass of tea!" Unfortunately, despite all their training and understanding of nutrients they don't understand its not will power we lack, we've all lost 100's of pounds on our dieting, nor is it a lack of knowledge knowing what we should be eating - its our bodies demanding certain foods, talking over our common sense. Dieticians act as if we just don't have the knowledge or that we just eat garbage for the heck of it. Food processed today was made to be addictive, why else are populations getting heavier than ever before? Good for you doing what you had to and choosing to address her comments afterwards to get what you need. I did the same thing with my dietician and psychologist (she said she really thought our session helped me open up) nope, I'm not one to talk about my feelings, I just didn't dispute her so I could get my surgery and oh yes date of palm "noodles are delish" to my dietician bleh..they're nasty to me, because I enjoyed eating slimy rubber bands! 😉 Congrats on your journey and doing what you had to do!
  8. 1 point


    Thank you. I still have a long way to go but after four months, I'm almost exactly 1/3 of the way to my goal.
  9. 1 point


    All white sweater dress (flanked by my children)
  10. 0 points

    Surgery in Turkey

    So I read in todays newspapers that a beautiful young girl of 20 went to Turkey for Bariatric surgery and became very ill on the airplane home. She paid Dr. Bayil of Global medical care, £2500. Eye wateringly cheaper than the out of pocket cost in UK. I paid £12000. two years ago. They diverted to Serbia but sadly she died. The surgeon had nicked the intestine. He is saying he did nothing wrong. He said 'It was an embolism caused by the plane. ' An autopsy found the intestinal laceration. I wish bariatric surgery was easier and cheaper to get in our own countries. RIP Morgan Ribeiro

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
