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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2024 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Mine is tomorrow too
  2. 1 point

    Surgery Failure

    Baritastic is a great app for tracking your food and it is made especially for bariatric patients!! It will track your fat for you as long as you enter everything you eat for the day! And it even has recipes in the app you can try...
  3. 1 point
    I've read that caloric intake for a bypass patient at that month mark is not unusual. However, if you are more active than the normal bariatric patient, it is possible you are burning so many calories that your body is experiencing more of a caloric deficit than your dietician has estimated for you. Some dieticians are VERY good at individualizing their care to each patient's intake, activity, and dietary needs. Others stick to the book and will give everyone the same plan regardless of how many calories they are burning. That can be a detriment to you if you are burning more. If you are walking several miles a day, or intensely working out, you may need more protein than your current calories are allowing for. It might be worth messaging your dietician to ask if they took this into account. Stalls definitely happen, I had one last 6 weeks pretty early out after surgery, and I'm losing a little slower than I like, though they say it is right on target so I'm making my peace with that. It is good to stick to the plan you are given by your team, just make sure that plan is taking into account the whole picture of YOU, not just what patients average in general. Many bariatric patients are quite sedentary and averages account for that, not for active patients.
  4. 1 point
    I actually did the math and took it to my surgeons office asking exactly how did they expect me to do it!? I further explained I'd have to drink right up to bedtime and sleep was just as important in the healing process, so if I drank just before bed..I'd be getting up several times in the night. I was told they "know right out of surgery there is no way to get in the entire water requirement." They just want you to try. My math (basic because I suck at math): Average "day" (excluding time for activities you can't be actively drinking water i.e. driving, showering, different tasks at work): 12 hours No drinking water 30 mins before and after and during a meal: 90 mins+- 90 x 3= 270/60 = 4.5 hours per day you aren't allowed to drink 12 hrs a day +- - 4.5 can't drink. = Leaves you 7.5 hours to get down 60+-oz each day 7.5 hours to get down 60oz each day @ 2oz. max each "drink" = .12 to get your sip in. In other words not real easy or possible if you also add nauseous! This isn't taking into consideration snacks (which I didn't do and still don't). Needless to say they found me funny. I wasn't going for "funny!" Said they'd never had a patient break it down before. I told them I'm a Histologist who manages a laboratory measuring in microns/millimeters/centimeters etc. everyday what did they expect?.. Perhaps they should have done the math before asking patients to do something! I asked who has time for that!? That's when they said to work up to it, its not expected for awhile, to just try..its a goal to shoot for. Eventually you'll be able too. So no worries, just do the best you can! 😆
  5. 1 point

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    I am short 5'2" so my starting weight of 235 put me at 43.0 BMI, which is classified as Morbidly Obese. I did not have GERD/acid reflux prior to my sleeve surgery, but I developed it after. I take/took the lowest dose PPI to control it, as well as adhere to a couple self-imposed rules to manage symptoms (sleep on empty stomach, etc). Having it did not seem to affect my weight loss: By 6 months later I was 130 lbs...(lost 105 lbs) Weight levelled out at at 10 months post up and I clocked in at 115 lbs (lost 120 lbs total). 5+ yrs later I am 116.7 lbs this morning...and i still have GERD/acid reflux.
  6. 1 point

    Something feels off

    Double check with your team but I remember being told that every liquid you consume (without caffeine) can be counted towards your hydration goals. Good luck on the food stage progression!
  7. 1 point

    When to get new clothes?!

    I shopped my wardrobe for most as I had kept a lot across sizes (US6-12) but in many cases I missed my window. Wrong season or dropped before I had a chance to wear them. I just bought odd things to fill in gaps. Didn’t spend a lot of money. Thrift & consignment stores are a great option too & then you can donate them back or sell them again. Go for elastic or drawstring waists or stretch when you can which will cover you for a couple of sizes. I also belted a lot of things. Better to go slowly because you never know where you may actually settle. When I reached my goal & was wearing a US 6/8 I started buying a lot more & really restocking my wardrobe because I thought yay I’m done. Bad mistake as I kept losing & those clothes became too big. I had to buy new bras, new knickers & clothes all over again. So be careful.
  8. 1 point


    I really like creamer in my oatmeal, so I feel like vanilla protein powder would work! I'd mix half a scoop of powder with 1/4 cup of cold water, then stir it into the oatmeal once it has been cooked. You don't want to heat protein powder very much or it'll denature the protein and it'll clump and be gross. But stirred in after the oatmeal cooks should be fine...
  9. 1 point

    Surgery Failure

    Could be water weight, could be hormones, could be the day of the week, could just be...your turn to have a minor setback. You'll have some fluctuation here and there and as you lose more and the weight loss slows, you may notice it more. This is not a "failure" and it's destructive to frame it that way to yourself. It's part of the process. It's going to be ok. Don't beat yourself up. Don't sabotage yourself. Just keep going.
  10. 1 point

    What's your non-scale victory?

    I crossed my legs at church last Sunday

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
