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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2024 in all areas

  1. 3 points

    Finally!!! 199!!!

    Congratulations and I echo your feeling. I had a smile on my face all week. I was a oneabee all my life
  2. 1 point

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    After seeing the Feb 2024 thread and realizing my surgery is only 6 days later, thought I’d start a thread and see if there’s anyone else scheduled in March? I’m having VSG on March 6. I’ve been planning it since last June and am very excited! Any March 2024 Buddies out there? 😀
  3. 1 point
    Are there any people with MS who can share their experience with modified duodenal switch surgery? Have there been any challenges that you would have liked to know about before surgery? Has nutrient deficiency been a problem? Also do you have a surgeon recommendation? How much time would you suggest to take off of work? Thank you kindly.
  4. 1 point
    Thank you, very wise words!
  5. 1 point
    "As is the practice here I had an assessment with a psychologist who confirmed I was a suitable candidate and a dietician who again confirmed I was a suitable candidate but in the process managed to make me feel like I had already failed, in her words I was "Much heavier than most people who come to us" As she was a gate keeper and I needed her approval to progress I did not complain. That time will come." Your last sentence made me laugh, I can picture it. I've always thought that dieticians should have all gone through the bariatric process in order to work at a bariatric clinic. They really don't understand nor have the empathy to comprehend what they're saying " you want something crunchy have some celery," "Oh, you're missing noodles? Try heart of palm noodles they're delish and taste just like regular Thai noodles" and my personal favorite; "you want a treat or snack have a glass of tea!" Unfortunately, despite all their training and understanding of nutrients they don't understand its not will power we lack, we've all lost 100's of pounds on our dieting, nor is it a lack of knowledge knowing what we should be eating - its our bodies demanding certain foods, talking over our common sense. Dieticians act as if we just don't have the knowledge or that we just eat garbage for the heck of it. Food processed today was made to be addictive, why else are populations getting heavier than ever before? Good for you doing what you had to and choosing to address her comments afterwards to get what you need. I did the same thing with my dietician and psychologist (she said she really thought our session helped me open up) nope, I'm not one to talk about my feelings, I just didn't dispute her so I could get my surgery and oh yes date of palm "noodles are delish" to my dietician bleh..they're nasty to me, because I enjoyed eating slimy rubber bands! 😉 Congrats on your journey and doing what you had to do!
  6. 1 point

    Surgery coming up!

    Hi Vanessa, I'm also 5'9 and started at 262. I had a 2 week liquid only diet, and a couple of days of that were pretty rough but I made it through without any slips. I'm 3 weeks post op now and the things I thought would be hard don't seem to bother me, watching others eat my favorite foods is not an issue. What's been harder for me is the expected emotional roller coaster, probably hormonal, and the changes that have happened so quickly. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm tired and emotional because I had a big surgery, and I'm eating very few calories. So when I walk on the treadmill and go too fast, too long, I have to rest for a day and I don't like that. I know it's temporary, I'll start feeling better soon.
  7. 1 point
    From first private consultation Oct. 17th I was offered a surgery date of 28th Nov , but had holidays booked so I chose Jan 9th instead So it was quick. Worst thing I’m experiencing so far is constipation. Wow. Just wow. 😳. This is despite the 2l plus of fluids per day and a twice daily dulcolax. Heading out to get some fybogel today… wish me luck. May will soon come round for you. 💪
  8. 1 point
    That is true my god i did have bags upon bags of IVs. Today is day 5 post op when i stand from sitting i feel the most strain and pain in the largest incision still. Also i was advised to wait until friday which will be 1 week and 1 day to start my vitamins again. So ill let you all know how that goes for me. Im wondering though if the gummies would be alright now for the multivitamin sheesh another question to ask tomorrow. Thank you guys so much for your feedback so far i appreciate all and any! Really makes me feel like i am not alone in this journey.
  9. 1 point

    When to get new clothes?!

    I went through all my "small" clothes too. I was able to wear the smallest ones until about 10 pounds from my goal. When my pants fell down walking up the stairs with my arms full, I knew it was time to buy. I like Ross and thrift stores. I also bought from TEMU, though I return half of what I buy. TEMU ships from China and takes 2-3 weeks, so I had to predict my size or order something that would look good a little tight. My daughter in law and 2 of my friends are thrilled with their "new" wardrobes too. One of those friends is right behind me in her weight loss, so she really needed the clothes I gave her.
  10. 1 point


    k...im gonna go out on a limb here and assert that the decision to have surgery is yours and yours alone. if you want to have surgery for health reasons, cool, go for it. if u want to have it for vanity reasons, cool go for it. if you want to have it for job opportunities, cool go for it, surgery is not reserved for those that "deserve it", nor only to those that "really need it". if you have the means and desire and the mental stability, then by all means, have it done. its your body, you decide what you get to do with it. dont let anyone guilt or shame you one way or the other. with that said, you sound/read like you still have some thinking to do about which way to go? nothing wrong with that. it took me an extra year and 2 back-outs from scheduled surgery dates for me to eventually decide to get mine done. you are ready when you're ready (or maybe you may decide its not for u at all). there doesn't seem to be any extenuating circumstances that requires an immediate decision in your post. take ur time, there is no rush. good luck! ❤️

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