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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2024 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    When to get new clothes?!

    I went through all my "small" clothes too. I was able to wear the smallest ones until about 10 pounds from my goal. When my pants fell down walking up the stairs with my arms full, I knew it was time to buy. I like Ross and thrift stores. I also bought from TEMU, though I return half of what I buy. TEMU ships from China and takes 2-3 weeks, so I had to predict my size or order something that would look good a little tight. My daughter in law and 2 of my friends are thrilled with their "new" wardrobes too. One of those friends is right behind me in her weight loss, so she really needed the clothes I gave her.
  2. 2 points

    When to get new clothes?!

    One of the things I sorely missed when overweight and homebound was thrifting. I had plenty of old clothes in various smaller sizes I held onto that I have been fitting into over the past 9 months since WLS. I have been having the best time buying new to me used clothing and bagging up the ones now too big and donating. I'm just so happy to finally fit back into stylish clothing again instead of tent dresses and elastic waistbands. I love vintage clothing and have no qualms wearing used except underwear. LOL I guess the thrill for me too is finding expensive items for practically nothing. Also it's just not practical to pay full price for clothing you will outgrow in a few short weeks.
  3. 1 point

    4 week Post-op feeling down

    I have the worst luck, of course I'd be part of the 5% lol. I just had my post-op appt so it'll be a bit before I get my labs done. But if the pain and nausea usually go away after week 4, I guess I'll do my best to stick it out. Thank you!
  4. 1 point

    Food Before and After Photos

    look ma, i did it!! totally made the diy Boursin, which the fam enjoyed with bagels...tomorrow i am gonna try my hand at a tart (so excited!!) 😂 p.s., the other (taller) container is homemade tzatziki sauce to go with the roasted leg of lamb i made today (no pics, sadly, it was gobbled up before i remembered to take a pic...but take my word for it: i looked and tasted awesome lol)
  5. 1 point

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Thank you so much 💜💜
  6. 1 point

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    I was supposed to have gotten bypass but she wanted sleeve to see if it’ll work since bypass is more major. I already knew my reflux wasn’t going to stop but it’s a chance I take. I’ve already researched bypass is best for GERD patients. But I’m just happy my hiatal hernia is repaired and my stomach is no longer in my chest causing severe pain.
  7. 1 point

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    I agree with others have said. But about people starting at 240 lbs and weighing 120 after six months, that would be VERY unusual. People starting off at 400+ lbs might be able to lose that much in six months, but 240 isn't all that high of a BMI when compared to other WLS patients. That's on the lower end of the range. Starting BMI is a big factor in how quickly the weight drops off, at least in the early months...so I would be very surprised to see anyone starting at that weight lose 100 lbs that quickly.
  8. 1 point

    When to get new clothes?!

    Can’t help with the Amazon, but I wear Bonds/Hanes bralettes around the house. The ones I wear have some shaping which I find better for my larger cup needs. I keep my proper bras for when out in public & need good support. I started this when losing so I only needed to buy 2 good proper bras (black & nude) at each stage so not as expensive.
  9. 1 point

    Surgery Failure

    First we all fluctuate. It may be a pound or two or it might be more. Tracking your weight will allow you to see your natural fluctuation & help you recognise that versus weight gain. Secondly, a 50 pound weight loss in about 5 months is great. Why do you think you are failing? Does your surgeon, dietician or team say you are failing? The only people who lose more than that in the first months are those who start at much higher weights than you like on My 600lb Life. They may start at losing 50lbs a month but that doesn’t last. Like everyone their rate of lose slows as they lose weight. I echo others suggestion of tracking everything you put in your mouth - solid or liquid - ensuring you weigh & measure everything. Do it for a few weeks, then discuss your food records with your dietician to check you aren’t missing something or confirm you are on the right track. PS - Real fruit is always a better choice than fruit juice. You get more nutrients, better fibre & still get fructose as a natural sugar to help with your diabetes.
  10. 1 point

    Surgery Failure

    I know its been awhile since you originally posted this, but, upon reading it I was very surprised that you said you're diabetic and drink apply juice (Gerber or not)! Just 1/2 cup has: 60 calories 14 carbs and 13 sugars! That's a lot of sugars for the small quantity of 1/2 cup. I did keto for a few years and that would have pushed me out of ketosis quick! I know each surgeon has their own plan, but I'm surprised yours allowed apple juice..or any juice since most are high is natural sugars. I was told absolutely no juices. I hope you've gotten it worked out!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
