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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2024 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    I didn't realize how much the label "obese" bothered me until I stepped on the scale and found myself in the "overweight" category. I became teary eyed. It is sad that labels can mean so much. There is no practical difference between the two pounds more that I weighed last week and then the two pounds less this week. Thirty pounds ago my I lost my sleep apnea diagnosis (and CPAP!), forty pounds ago I went from Type-2 diabetic A1C to pre-diabetic (then to normal!) and fifty pounds ago I dropped my blood pressure meds and maintain a normal BP. Those are the most important "wins." But it sure feels good to be "overweight" (and not obese).
  2. 3 points
    Hey lovely! I am pre-surgery at the moment, due to have it on 14th May, and my birthday is on 7th June - so like 24 days after my surgery! I have been wondering the same thing, though I will still be massively restricted in what I can eat by that time. Typically, I feel that birthdays and other events of celebration tend to revolve around food, and that can be really triggering, so what I was thinking of doing instead is something more practical. For example, celebrating by going somewhere and doing something active or enjoyable, rather than going out to eat or staying in and just having snacky food like I usually do! Just trying to change up the way that I celebrate so it isn't so food-driven I guess! But honestly, I do think that trying even a little bit of the cupcake is okay! You celebrate however you want to! The surgery isn't about restricting yourself forever from things you used to enjoy, it is about finding what works for you and still enjoying the little things in moderation. All that being said, happy birthday!! ❤️
  3. 2 points
    Your surgeon is right it is your decision, but, your surgeon also knows based on past patients experience and your health background, stats etc., what she feels based on her experience what would be the best for you. The surgery itself, the aftercare and long term outcome. I've never had to throw up, get the runs or any issues with my bypass. I feel most ppl don't have issues, but you hear about these that do, because why post everything is great I have no issues or questions? I chose the bypass because I have the worst luck known to mankind and I just knew I'd start getting acid refux/GERD if I didn't and I'd be back for a revision later. I've had no issues - none! I'm not sure why you think getting a SADI wouldn't have a chance to effect you the same way a standard bypass would. There is still the possibility of nausea/vomiting etc. I think if you only have 100 lbs to lose ....I agree with your surgeon, it might be a bit much unless you have diabetes or a BMI of 50% or higher. Just my two cents..although with todays economy..maybe its only worth a half cent! Finally, you won't spend your entire life only eating a spoonful of food at each meal, just smaller portions.
  4. 2 points
    Oh yeah, I was also super strict with myself for the first year or two post-surgery. I remember my first Christmas after surgery when I baked dozens of cookies and didn't even take a single bite. Wish I could still be that disciplined. Last year on my birthday, I decided it would be ok to indulge in a dessert treat on my birthday, but then realized I didn't have anything indulgent in the house (but I did have a fantastic filet mignon for dinner, so I didn't feel too sorry for myself, and I bought myself a "birthday" cupcake the next weekend, anyway). To my disappointment, I don't get dumping syndrome, but if I eat something with too much sugar, I get really tired and feel like crap for the rest of the day.
  5. 2 points

    Pre & Post-Surgery Vitamins UK

    for some reason this wanted to insert itself in the middle of my paragraph (above), so I had to post it separately. Anyway, here I am before my first plastic surgery. I had a lower body lift first, then a breast and arm lift, and lastly, a face and neck lift. But as you can see, no one would have been able to tell that I had a ton of loose skin under those clothes. And I did! My abdomen skin was especially awful.
  6. 1 point
    Choosing a surgeon and Days 1-3 It's Sunday night and my surgery was Friday morning (1/12/24). My gastric sleeve was 3/24/23. I lost almost half the weight before my Gastric Sleeve surgery. I chose to have my surgery in Tijuana, Mexico because of the cost and I have a friend who lives about 45 minutes away in Mexico and my father lives about 2 hours away. I started my research reading about medical tourism in general to get advice on what to look for and what questions to ask. I started my search with Realself.com and chose surgeons with 4+ stars,10 or more years experience, and who said they were part of the American Board of Plastic Surgeons or the American or International Societies of Aestetic Plastic Surgeons. I read all the reviews I could find, noting all the bad things said, and verified they were actually listed on the board or society sites. One of them wasn't. I made virtual appointments with 3 and chose Dr. Rodolfo Casillo Calderon, who is listed on both the American and International Societies. He originally told me I had to wait until a year after my surgery, but I reached my goal and my weight stabilized in early October so I was able to move the date up. I uploaded a bunch of pictures to myTouchMD and when we did our call he explained in detail what he would do, complete with drawings on my pictures. He explained possible problems and what could be included in my package and that I would have a patient coordinator to walk me through it and answer questions. I had told him I wanted a 360, breast lift with gummy implants, and a BBL (i've always had dents in my butt and got called board butt in high school). He told me he didn't think I had enough fat in the area he was working for a BBL, especially since some of the transferred fat would die, but he would see what he could do. I asked for the best medicine package and told them I didn't need transportation to/from the airport since my dad and friend would provide that). I also told him in the future, I wanted my inner thighs, maybe my arms if I could get a good price at the same time and a face-lift. He told me that was too much to do in one surgery, that the face-lift would be one and the thighs and arms another, and they had to be at least 6 months apart. He sent me a quote for the 360, breast lift with implants and lipo and said it included the mons reduction and lift but not the BBL. The quote included the surgery, labs, cardiology evaluation, compression garments, meds, hospital stay of 1 night, and 6 nights in a recovery home that has 24/7 nursing staff and food. $12,699. I paid a 20% deposit and paid the balance during my pre-op lab appointment. I also filled out paperwork and met my coordinator. When I talked to Dr. Castillo in person, he took the pre-op pictures and told me again that he didn't think I had enough fat for a BBL, but he would see what he could do. I was disappointed, but trusted his judgment. I woke up after surgery in recovery, and they took me to a room and bolstered me well with pillows. I had a catheter, so I didn't have to move. My right toes felt numb and I couldn't feel my left toes, The nurse said it was from the anesthesia and would wear off and it did. I could feel and move my toes again. I had good service ar CER Hospial and spent the evening eating, drinking and watching TV. I asked for a snack and they got me some crackers (the cafeteria was closed and I didn't want jello). The next morning (Saturday) Dr. Castillo came in and talked about my surgery. He put 320cc in my right breast and 240 in my left and explained it would take a while for them to drop. He also told me he did a little fat transfer to my butt and gave me instructions to reduce death of the fat and stressed that there wasn't enough fat for a ful BBL, but he did what he could and it mostly came from my hips. Then his nurse came in and gave me my meds and instructions for aftercare. My patient coordinator from his office also came in and told me I'd get picked up by Casa by Linda's driver at about noon and asked if I have any questions. Shortly before noon they took my catheter and IV out and the nurse helped me sit up and helped put the compression garments on me, then I got dressed. The drive was a bit scary. The driver said it was like driving in New York with people pulling out and changing lanes without enough room. He told me interesting stuff about Tijuana and prohibition, how the margarita came to be made, and about Rita Hayword's history, getting discovered, and changing her name. I was helped out of the car and to my room, which has a queen hospital bed. The head was inclined and my space was pre-padded. I got in bed and they explained the remote and how to call them and asked if I had questions, needed anything, and if I was hungry. They brought me lunch and my friend came with my backpack and snacks. I was able to get out of bed and put my stuff away. My laptop, tablet, and snacks are all in reach. Sitting up is the most painful. Lying down in my nest of pillows is not as painful, but hurts pretty bad. To get up, I put the foot of the bed down, the head up, and roll to the side, then use my arm to push myself up. To get back in bed, I get on the bed on my knees and position my knee at the far side of my nest, then lower myself sideways and roll into the in the nest. My breasts aren't hurting at all. The compression garments has an open crotch, so you don't have to mess with it to go to the bathroom. The staff here respond quickly to requests and bring me my antibiotics and pain meds, and so far the pain is tolerable and I've been able to walk. You walk hunched over and slow. Linda has come in several times to check on me and see if I need anything. She is originally from Canada and is a US citizen, married to a local. This morning, after breakfast, I took a shower. One of the staff helped me with my compression garments (it hooks down both sides) and got the water ready. There is a seat in the shower with the shower head within reach. I hosed myself down and she handed me a washcloth and put soap on it. I didn't have to ask her for help as I was able to bring my legs up to wash them (it wasn'teasy). After I rinced myself off, she put antiseptic on gause and applied it to my incisions. I dried myself and got into bed to wait for the return of my compression garments (they washed the blood out). When she returned with my compression garments, she put gause in my new belly button and over the incisions in the back that had bled, then she helped me hook the garments up, putting a square of gause over my nipples. Nothing else to report. Unlike Friday and Saturday, I slept most of the day.
  7. 1 point
    I just had a revision from the sleeve to a bypass a week ago today. I'm already 16 pounds down. I had horrible stomach acid... the thing is, lifelong taking medicines for stomach acid is bad for you. Increases cancer risks, dementia risks, and accelerates bone loss. I did not want to be taking these meds for decades to come when science has proven how dangerous that is. I've had no vomiting or nausea while healing. This time around, the vitamins don't even make me sick which is a huge relief. They used to.
  8. 1 point
    This is the absolute best written account of medical tourism for plastics I have seen. Thank you for the thorough description. Also congratulations and speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹
  9. 1 point

    Something feels off

    Thank you for your reply. Yeah, I focus on the most I’ll eat is maybe 4 ounces I measure it out as like a half a cup. It just seems like after I eat that half a cup couple hours later i’m “hungry” again. I think a lot of that is that I just want to eat like meat or something like that. I was a big meat person before surgery. I mean the last meal I ate before surgery was almost a half a pound of primary rib. I think that’s what I’m missing. The most is the meat. I’ve been adding canned chicken in the blender with my broccoli and cheese then have a half a cup of it. I made salmon salad , instead of tuna salad, and it came out to be a half a cup. I’m using my half cup measuring cup for everything. It just feels weird. I do notice that if I eat something too heavy or maybe a little bit too much I hiccup. I also use my digital scale for stuff that I have to weigh that’s not puréed like cheese, or the tuna, salmon stuff like that.
  10. 1 point
    Does he need to know? 2 years in is a little late but I completely understand not wanting to give out medical info unless absolutely necessary. IMHO it has to happen naturally now ( he asks directly or a situation where he needs to know) And even then you may have to downplay it’s importance. When I was newly dating after WLS, I told 2 out of 3 people I went on dates with (one just never progressed to the point where it came up) but I chose to tell them so they could understand why I either didn’t want food based dates or why I only ordered an appetizer vs entrée. Good luck!

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