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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2024 in all areas

  1. 3 points


    With about 5 months ahead of you, I suggest making some changes to your eating now to break yourself of bad habits and get into better ones. For example, I started this journey in July and spent the first month cleaning my cupboards. As I used up unhealthy snack foods, sweets, and processed foods, I opted not to buy more. I replaced the crackers and chips I would snack on with dry roasted, lightly salted nuts. I added a lot of veggies and fruit to my diet every day. The next month, I stopped drinking diet soda and artificial sweeteners and cut way back on sugar. The next month, I stopped buying bread and cut way back on dairy. I bought a few bariatric cookbooks and have been finding recipes to try. I might still have bread, diet soda, dairy, or sweets every so often when I'm out, but I don't keep it in the house, which means I'm avoiding it probably 90% of the time. I also started taking my vitamins so I will be in the habit of taking them every day and not forgetting. Oh, and I got into a good routine with water and trying to remember to take a water bottle with me wherever I go. Changes like that will hopefully go a long way in helping you feel mentally prepared for the changes you have to make post-surgery.
  2. 2 points
    Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and a successful journey to better health. On March 1, 2023 before heading to the airport traveling to Piedras Negras, Mexico for my scheduled March 3rd VSG with Dr. Alvarez at Endobariatric; I logged my weight and recorded my measurements. I have kept a running spreadsheet, updating the stats the 1st of every month. Ten months later, I am down 75 pounds and fitting comfortably in a size 6. I am not finished. I had set my goal at 112 which in reality is too thin for me but I wanted to allow for the common 5 to 7 pound regain from the lowest weight, hopefully settling in the 117 to 118 range. I have not had one moment's regret. This is the greatest gift I have given myself and look forward to a healthier and more active 2024.
  3. 1 point
    Hey there, That’s awesome! Doing this journey going from not eating carbs and then reintroducing them as needed is key. I’ve lost weight, but it comes in stages. I’ll lose inches first, then the scale will be stuck. Then all of sudden the following month, boom, ten pounds gone. I was weighing daily then weekly and now I weigh every other week. Protein is vital.
  4. 1 point


    One thing about mental hunger or cravings is that they're almost never strong enough for me to actually get into a car and drive to a store to buy something. The first few weeks, I would end up digging until I found something else to eat, but the fewer options you make available, the more you have to admit to yourself that you're just bored or (as is often my case since I work from home) procrastinating. There have been times I would find myself staring into my pantry and I'd have to ask myself what exactly I thought I would find there. It's all canned beans and pasta sauce now. Generally I just ask myself if I want a snack badly enough to drive to the store for it, and the answer is always no. Oh, and I do all my grocery shopping online for pickup now to minimize the chances of throwing impulse buys into my cart.
  5. 1 point

    Anyone willing...

    Thanks for sharing. In a little over a week I'll undergo a 360 with a breast lift and implants and these are very encouraging. I admit to being afraid of the pain too, but everyone has said that it's worth it. I figure if they could do it, so can I.
  6. 1 point
    You have been through so much. Give yourself a break! You are amazing in my eyes! 340 down to 185! Wow! Keep your chin up! Sometimes I think we just get into a funk for really no reason at all! I like you am blessed and still get into a funk sometimes. It doesnt last!
  7. 1 point
    I just got home from my appointment and am happy to say that I'm now scheduled for surgery on February 21. I was able to meet with the dietician right after my appointment with the surgeon and she went over the differences between my old program and their protocols, which are similar with the exception that I will need to do the 2-week liquid diet (my old place only did 2 days). I head to the hospital tomorrow for pretests and then just have to wait the 7 weeks until surgery. Time to get back to my good eating habits after the holidays! I thought everyone was very nice and I got a lot of sympathy for what I'd gone through with the center closing. I was told one patient who is now at the new practice actually arrived at the hospital the day of her surgery and only then found out it had been cancelled. No one even called her. I don't even know what I would have done had that happened.
  8. 1 point

    What a difference a year makes!

    Women tend to do so much stuff for other people...isn't it nice when we can do something great for ourselves ? I hope you have many more years of happiness from your surgery !
  9. 1 point
    Oh yes, the letdown or after effect of all the craziness. All the fear and anxiety about the surgery, the relief of getting back to normal and feeling more normal again, can feel like depression, or just wading through quicksand, teary and easily emotional. You have been on a such a roller coaster for a while now and it's just stopped and returned to the station. You are likely just letting down your guard because everything is okay and now the emotions that stayed under the surface are coming up. Honor your body for the journey it has taken and survived, honor your self for being so resilient and steadfast, pamper yourself and do all the little things that feel cherishing like extra sleep, foot baths with spa treatment, comfy clothes and cheerful movies, music that makes you feel good, books that make you think. Anything that feels good, and just give it time and know that it will ease once you've felt the feelings and let them go. If it lasts more than 2 weeks or gets worse, or severe, please contact your team and let them know, they will likely have resources for you, in fact, no reason to wait if your team has a psychologist you feel comfortable with, go ahead and talk to them. It would likely be very helpful. Take care.
  10. 1 point
    It sounds like you’ve been through a lot and now your body is catching up to it. I kind of feel the same as you, because the holidays are over and I’m looking for something to anticipate. I’m telling myself it’s ok to chill out. No one can be 100%, 100% of the time. (Side note, if it lasts for 6 weeks or longer seek professional help.)

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