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  1. 3 points
    Hi Sleevetobypass thank you for taking the time to respond. Prior to this surgery I had 2 barium swallows. The first time I couldn’t get the liquid in. I was just vomiting. So he got some videos and we rescheduled. I’ve had the dye contrast ct scan. I had bad GERD and was on medication for about 6 yrs. That is not good. Before surgery I regurgitated with every meal. This time round I’ve regurgitated about 5 times. The surgeon said my oesophagus is narrow leading in to the stomach as some oesophagus was removed. I’ve told him I don’t want the stress as I had that last time and then all the issues started. he told me at initial consult this time round in October that bypass would be the last resort. And now 3 months later it’s on the table. I was never really big 105kg. They just had to remove parts of the stomach and the hiatus. Now in the last 48hrs the constant pain is in my right hip area. The ER said they can’t do anything as they need my records and everything here is closed. I wanted a better quality of life and I’m not achieving this no matter what I do by the book. I haven’t had eggs, bread, rice or pasta in 16 months and only 2 cans of fizz no sugar. That was towards the end when he told me I could as it wouldn’t damage anymore damage then is already done. I guess I just have to keep taking the pain killers and wait for the 2nd Jan on his decision.
  2. 2 points
    Hello and welcome in the forum. I started at a similar weight to you. I was told I could loose 65% of my excess weight through this surgery if I stuck at it. I did that and a few more percent. At my 2 year check in with my team, they were overjoyed with my progress. In private moments, I look in the mirror and say ' wow, you did this' The surgery has done everything I ever wished for and some other things that I never imagined. Enjoy the ride
  3. 2 points
    I’m on my 5th day off the liquid diet and I’m doing pretty good! I smell what my son is cooking and I have to tell my self you got this! 8 days to surgery!
  4. 2 points
    Sleeve2bypass has been through a similar situation. Hopefully she'll see this and respond to you.
  5. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    I got my surgery date today... November 29th... Gastric Bypass... Now to start planning, getting together everything I need and trying to not stress myself out until then....
  6. 1 point
    MC BCBSil


    I was denied. Tomorrow is peer to peer review. It that is denied again I am going to appeal for the record to be official for the process of tracking these denials. I have been on this plan and expected my insurance to cover my recommended treatments. I could hardly believe it was denied. Feel very violated and taken advantage of by the company I pay every month for coverage
  7. 1 point

    Clear liquid diet

    I drank Herb ox chicken buillion powder. I just got mine at the grocery store ... but here's a picture of it from their website . It's really good,too ! https://www.hormel.com/brands/herb-ox-bouillon/product/chicken-granulated-bouillon/
  8. 1 point

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    January 8th...
  9. 1 point

    Gaining after 3 yrs

    it's actually very common to have a rebound gain of 10-20 lbs during year 3. There was a dietitian once on Unjury's online support group who said in her clinic, they don't even consider anything less that 15% of the person's lowest weight to be a regain (so in your case, they wouldn't consider anything under a 21.6 lb gain as "regain" - it's just more-or-less expected). Granted, you're up more than that, but only by about 10 lbs. You can always lose weight again by getting back on track. If it's really tough to do that (and it can be..), maybe just make one or two small changes at a time until they become a habit. Start with something not super challenging - like logging your food intake - or taking a walk 3x a week. Or whatever...just anything that seems achievable. It all adds up in the end... A lot of people have dealt with this, so you're definitely not alone.
  10. 1 point

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Mine was the 16th and recently started losing weight but before the scale started moving I started seeing my clothes fitting a little looser. I definitely don’t have the same appetite but still getting used to how to tell when I’m satisfied before feeling sick but it does get better each day. I have finally had the energy to start going to the gym again!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
