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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2023 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Day 1 of The pre opt Diet! We got this! Surgery date is Dec 20th. Lets gooooooo!
  2. 3 points

    Under 200!

    For the first time in years, I'm under 200 pounds. Woo hoo. Lost 34 pounds pre-op and now 24 post-op. Surgery was on October 2nd. Weight loss has been slower than I expected, but my nutritionist said that I have lost 48% of my excess weight and am right on track. Yay!
  3. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    Hope everyone is still doing well. My recovery is still at a good pace and I got to add the joy of a root canal to that yesterday. Woo. Trying to start an exercise routine and have been infatuated with making egg drop soup.
  4. 1 point
    I would totally cry, but you'll get through it, it's only a few weeks. At scheduling it was already 3 months out for me and now it's only 4 weeks. The time went by pretty quickly, I've been keeping myself occupied with crosswords, books, tv shows, music, and little projects around the house. Getting ready for Christmas can be a focus?
  5. 1 point
    hang in there...its a measley 7 days in the grand scheme of things good luck!
  6. 1 point


    Cool....will check these out as I love me some mexican too! Lol! I do have some pinto beans to make refried beans and ground turkey and low fat mozarella. Thanks again! Thank you Shanna....I realize I won't be able to eat much of it, just right now still on this liquid diet and all I can think of is my PR food! I am looking at other healthy recipes too. I'm hoping that cauliflower rice will be a good subsitute. Not a big bread eater but I do like to have a toasted bread with butter and an egg for breakfast at times.Mini zero carb tortilla....never heard of that one? I suppose I'll find things as I go on my new journey! 🙂
  7. 1 point
    Alex Areeda

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Hello, My name is Alex and I am scheduled for the gastric sleeve procedure on 12/18/23. Growing up I never had a problem with my weight; as a matter of fact I was very thin. Due to changes in life and past trauma, I used food as a coping mechanism. I ballooned from 160 pounds at 18 years old to 475 pounds by the time I turned 31. I was "content" being overweight because I refused to deal with it. At the behest of my wife, I begrudgingly scheduled an appointment to be seen by a primary care physician for the first time in years at the height of the pandemic. At this appointment, I weighed in at 475 pounds and was diagnosed with high blood pressure... extremely high blood pressure. This made total sense as I couldn't walk very far without being out of breath, I couldn't go up steps without sweating and having my heart pounding, and I couldn't play with my nieces and nephews. I was prescribed blood pressure meds at 31 years old and told that if I didn't make significant changes and lose weight, I was staring down an early death. That was the kick in the ass I needed. I immediately got a gym membership, downloaded a calorie tracker, immediately made improvements in my diet and dove in head first. Over the course of the next year and a half I lost nearly 100 pounds through diet and exercise alone. I knew that to get to my goal weight though, that I needed more tools.... or a more powerful one. So I was seen by a bariatric provider and over the course of many months was approved for sleeve gastrectomy and was scheduled for surgery. I am currently on the liquid diet and I am struggling. I am dying for flavor... the protein shakes, cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and jello that have been my diet for the last three days are not cutting it. I've made a few mistakes... a piece of cheese here or a nibble of chicken there. I am striving for today being a good day.. but it has been hard. I am constantly cold, I'm less tolerant of daily B.S. than I normally am, and am just now starting to not feel as irritable as I have the last few days. I am looking forward to having this procedure done, but I am nervous that I won't lose enough. I'm nervous that I'll ruin it or some other nonsense I keep telling myself. After being overweight for so long its hard to imagine not being as large as I am. I am looking forward to a healthier life, the ability to play with my nieces, nephews and daughter, and being in more control of my life. Thank you for reading this very long post and I look forward to chatting with you on this journey!
  8. 1 point
    Shanna NYC


    I too am Puerto Rican so I understand the attachment to rice. I am 8 months post-op. I personally have had rice on a few occasions. It does not cause me any discomfort, but I haven't had it in any large amounts. I had about a tablespoon of arroz con gandules and a tablespoon of stuffing for Thanksgiving. I still follow protocol of concentrating on protein first and foremost and then veg and carbs. A small taste is fine once in awhile especially for the holidays or special occasion as long as it's not a bigger trigger for you to keep going. Even before surgery, I was used to substituting cauli rice for reg rice. It took me a long time to try bread again and when I did it was a keto bread just one slice. It sits fine, but i don't eat it often at all. I prefer a mini zero carb tortilla when the mood strikes. A pack of 12 tortillas can last me a month and I've yet to go through more than 3 slices of bread from the entire loaf. Some plans can differ, some people's preferences will differ, and sometimes your tummy chooses for you as things won't sit well. I like to live in the middle ground, where I follow my plan the greater majority of the time, but don't demonize any food. I make the choice to choose foods better for me - leaner proteins, veggies, hearts of palm pasta, little to no sugar added foods, high protein low carb snacks. Fortunately now there are many more healthier options so you don't always have to go without.
  9. 1 point
    Yes, your relationship with food is supposed to change. How you view it, how often you eat it, what you eat, etc... Also, having a specific meal plan to follow helps a lot while you navigate your new normal. Definitely slow down your eating, start looking at what you're eating and what your calorie/carb/fat/protein intake is, look at your activity levels and adjust them accordingly, and look into speaking with your nutritionist and a bariatric therapist. This is all stuff that should have been gone over with you long before you actually had your surgery.
  10. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    Hiii friends. Had bypass done on Nov 21 just had my first sneeze and boy did that hurt!😅 also definitely Struggling with protein intake AND insomnia hope everyone is good.

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