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  1. 2 points
    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope it resolves quickly after the surgery. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress over the holiday stuff. Do you have kids? If so, this may just be the year to have a talk about what really matters in life, like family and good health, and give yourself permission to scale down the decorations and the dinner, and delay presents until a better time. It's okay not to be perfect all the time. And it's okay to find a totally new way of marking the holiday that doesn't cause you stress. It's okay to opt out for a year and try again next time. You've got a lot to deal with already. Sending hugs.
  2. 2 points

    New month, new surgery...

    Ouch, I'm sorry to hear you're so miserable and dealing with financial consequences on top of the physical and mental impact. I sincerely hope you get to feeling better, that will make all of it easier to bear. Virtual hugs......Just because you are a badass doesn't mean it doesn't suck, please try to find ways to comfort yourself, maybe body lotion, favorite pajamas, candles, water sounds, anything that feels good.
  3. 2 points
    I think that you really need to contact your team. You need some real help here. Its not normal to feel permanently hungry after this surgery. Occasional head hunger is more usual. Do you feel a restriction ? You really need to fill yourself with good quality food now. Has your team said you must keep carbs out of your diet ? I ask because you sound as if you eat protein or carbs. Your body needs the protein to function well. Eat your protein first, then the vegetables and then you can eat the carbs. Try to eat better carbs like fruits, skin on potatoes, brown rice and pasta and quality wholemeal or seeded bread. You are more than likely eating 2000 plus calories a day because you are at a plateau now. The only way to reverse this is to reduce your calories and eat better. Find a calorie tracker you like and be honest with it.
  4. 2 points
    While some doctors will tell you that you can never have NSAIDS again with a bypass. It's important to not just trust doctors because they are doctors. They too have biases, likely in the sense of being overly cautious for their patients. That may serve them to feel good but it's not necessarily pragmatic/ The most recent study [1] on this topic confirms that you essentially need continuous use of NSAIDS for around 30 days to create significant risk of ulceration for the post operation bypass patient. Non continuous use does not indicate significant risk. Sleeve doesn't have the same issues. [1] - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35595650/ I can share that I did ask my surgeon about this and he said it's OK to take NSAIDS very sparingly. I took that to mean as little as possible.
  5. 1 point

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    I had surgery on November 30! Those who've also, when will you be done with clear liquids?
  6. 1 point
    Wednesday can't come soon enough. I hope you get some relief .
  7. 1 point
    Tracking what you are eating may help you. I have not had my surgery yet, but I use an app to track what I eat. It is called Bariatastic and is free. It will track your calories, protein, carbs, fat, etc. It also will remind you about drinking water and taking vitamins. Also has some really good recipes.
  8. 1 point

    Just had The Talk with my doctor..

    I've had the DS. I'm about a month post op and my highest weight was 320. At your starting weight I'd really consider the DS for its better weight loss and lack of regain, or go bypass if you have a lot of GERD issues. I have some GERD issues but it is controlled by medication pretty well and I needed the DS because I'm diabetic with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea. I had a hysterectomy for cancer. All in all so far it is worth it! I'm down 30+ lbs from my highest weight, off all diabetes medications, off blood pressure medications, my blood sugar is normal, my BP is normal, and I have more energy! I'm really glad I went with the DS. Its a riskier surgery but only by a bit, and the things you gain from it like disease remission made it very much worth it for me. I'd encourage you to read about ALL the various surgeries and then discuss it with your surgeon. They'll be able to tell you what will be most effective for your individual case based on their experiences. If you can, go to someone who can perform any of the surgeries, only certain surgeons can do the DS or Bypass.
  9. 1 point

    January buddies??? 2024

    Yes! January 3rd is my date!
  10. 1 point

    Concerns about Weight loss

    Stalls are super frustrating! I am currently in that 3-4 week stall myself but I came across an interesting article regarding WHY it happens. Basically, your body is trying to figure out its new normal. During the low calorie liquid and puréed stage during the first 4-5 weeks, your body has gone from burning things like carbs for energy to burning fat. But during this process you had to burn through your glycogen stores as well. (Glycogen also holds a lot of water which is why we can get dehydrated even though we are drinking a lot of fluids). Our bodies are trying to find our new normal in what to burn for energy and our fluid levels are equalizing which can keep the number on the scale the same or even climb. I have a scale that gives me my water, fat and muscle composition and during this time, I am losing fat, gaining water and muscle and the scale hasn’t changed in 13 days and knowing that my body is adjusting really helped me relax. My blood pressure also dropped enough to stop my blood pressure meds!!! Be kind to yourself, give yourself good foods, drink as much water as you are able and get your movement in. As others have said here, this is a marathon, not a quick fix. Hugs to all!

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