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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points


    If I am struggling to get in my protein, I have a protein pudding/ yogurt. They really make my poop like concrete. One of these and my internal system is like a traffic jam. I am not sure if its the artificial sugar or the protein in them that causes this
  2. 2 points

    Just had The Talk with my doctor..

    I've had the DS. I'm about a month post op and my highest weight was 320. At your starting weight I'd really consider the DS for its better weight loss and lack of regain, or go bypass if you have a lot of GERD issues. I have some GERD issues but it is controlled by medication pretty well and I needed the DS because I'm diabetic with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea. I had a hysterectomy for cancer. All in all so far it is worth it! I'm down 30+ lbs from my highest weight, off all diabetes medications, off blood pressure medications, my blood sugar is normal, my BP is normal, and I have more energy! I'm really glad I went with the DS. Its a riskier surgery but only by a bit, and the things you gain from it like disease remission made it very much worth it for me. I'd encourage you to read about ALL the various surgeries and then discuss it with your surgeon. They'll be able to tell you what will be most effective for your individual case based on their experiences. If you can, go to someone who can perform any of the surgeries, only certain surgeons can do the DS or Bypass.
  3. 2 points

    Just had The Talk with my doctor..

    I have had both sleeve and then a bypass revision. I had to get revised because of GERD due to the sleeve. If you've had any type of gerd in the past, go bypass instead and save yourself years of pain and suffering. Both are life changing as in you lose weight, and it stops you from binging, but other than that, once you are are completely healed, I don't really see it being any different than living as a thin person. You still have to watch your weight, watch the things that you eat for health purposes. Be aware that one can eat around the sleeve. You can't eat around the bypass though. I think the only thing that is different than life pre-surgeries is that I have to use a daily multivitamin patch (so I don't have to deal with a lot of pills). I added one chewable adek after I had the bypass. If I had to do it over again I would skip the sleeve. At the time, I was afraid of the bypass. I got severe gerd from the sleeve but please know that not everybody gets gerd from the sleeve. Now I realize that having a bypass was absolutely nothing for me to be afraid of. It's been a problem/side affect-free experience. It resolved all my problems I had with my sleeve.
  4. 1 point
    Ilene  h.

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Dec 13th. Just started liquids 9 long days
  5. 1 point

    Fecal vomiting?

    If your surgeon has a emergency line you should call them. If not then go to the ER.
  6. 1 point

    Yoga for seniors

    Oh I still have tuck shop lady arms @KathyLev but you can really only see the loose skin if I raise & wave my arms about. Forgot to add I do my stretches & such in short bursts across the day. It all adds up & you may find it easier to manage than a single 30 or more minute session. Actually @ChunkCat someone who knows my dislike of gyms asked me suspiciously & a tad accusingly if I was now going to the gym because of my arms. Lol!
  7. 1 point

    Yoga for seniors

    Arabesque - you have great looking arms ! ( Thanks for the pic ! ) My arms are like flabby noodles - no strength at all. I keep telling myself I'll build up muscle this winter when I shovel snow ( ugh ) but I'd much rather be in a warm house with some music on and doing stretches ! I think I'll do some digging around in U tube and get myself set up with some beginner yoga/stretches now that I know what it's all about. I don't expect to lose weight doing it,but it'll keep my mind off of eating Thanks again ,Ladies - this is sure going to confuse my dogs !!!! LOL
  8. 1 point
    By my second week post WLS I had an amazing hankering for ricotta cheese baked into a pasta shell. As a lactose intolerant person, this wasn’t something I normally kept around the house. This thought stuck in my head for days. I finally bought the frozen stuffed shells after reading that ricotta is mostly lactose free, baked it with marinara, and ate the soft inside when it was done. My kid thought he won the lottery and I felt so so satisfied. I never craved it again. It was exactly one ounce of ricotta cheese inside one shell. I did taste the shell, which tasted like wet cardboard, and spit it out, because why bother. The idea is to think about your craving first, then plan it into your week when your body is ready. I find guilt to be a waste of time, we are all messy humans. Slow down and enjoy your craving in small healthy sizes with careful thought.
  9. 1 point


    I don't know what surgery you had, that kind of impacts the answer. If you had a DS I'd steer WAY clear, the carbs in the corn portion will send you running to the bathroom. My nutritionist told all of us regardless of surgery to avoid anything dense and chewy for 6 months as it will ball up inside your tummy and sit like a lump. I'd be especially cautious of this if you had the Gastric Bypass. If you had one of the other surgeries you may be able to eat the meat portion. But I'd caution you to consider the spices. I'm 4 weeks out and if I have anything Mexican with sauce, or spices, or any tomato based sauce other than ketchup, I end up in agony for hours...and then in the bathroom. My healing tummy has decided those things are still just too strong. I can weirdly handle sriracha just fine and have no clue why, but other than that, nope.
  10. 1 point
    10 months out, 15 more pounds to reach my goal (61#’s down)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
