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  1. 2 points
    The Greater Fool

    Not losing weight

    I would advise you to get rid of the scale. I say this a lot and it's difficult to say it in new and interesting ways. Let's see... We don't need the scale to follow our plans. We can follow our plans to the letter and stall or even gain a pound or three, as is very common. In such a case it's easy to start considering "changing things up" to get the scale moving again. in the first several months we could completely abandon our plans and still lose weight. Looking at the scale will give many of us confirmation that we are doing well when in fact we aren't. Again, the scale is a poor guide. We should measure our success on how well we are following our plan. Are we feeling better? How is our mental attitude? Are health issues resolving? How about those clothes? Are you more active? Is it getting easier? There are all sorts of measures of success without a number on a scale. I was too large for a home scale so was only able to weigh in at monthly follow-ups. I'm confident I had stalls or even days where my weight was higher than the day before. I never actually experienced them. Every weigh in was lower than the month before. Never a temptation to "get the scale moving." You are at the beginning of this adventure. Focus on the things you can control. You can't control a number on a scale. Damn it, not new. Let's see if next time I can come up with a Hanzal and Gretel fairy tale where the witch is a scale... Good luck, Tek
  2. 2 points

    Nervous about exercising

    Could be a hypoglycaemic episode. I get lightheaded, cold sweats, weak tummy too. I have them randomly but usually with exercise though I can have them doing nothing remotely strenuous. (Had one on Sunday just standing & chatting 🤷🏻‍♀️.) I had them before so nothing new for me. Yes, an electrolyte drink can help. If doing something quite active I’ll pop a hydralite tablet in my water bottle. If I’m running to the shop before breakfast for milk or something I’ll eat a couple of blueberries. Certainly worth a conversation with your doctor. Try little bursts of activity a few times across the day - called exercise snacking. They all add up. Say you do 3 sessions of 10 minutes that’s 30 mins total. It’s what I do. I also use resistance bands to build & tone muscle. It works - my arms look great & my thighs & calves are larger. (I know cause my pant legs have got tighter which I’m not really happy about 😆.) Also try adding to your usual day to day activity. Going to the shops park further away. Walk/jog up travelators, escalators & stairs. Carry your groceries in do multiple trips instead of carrying all the bags in one or two trips.
  3. 1 point

    December Surgery Buddies!

    We got this! One day at a time. Once you see what you need each day the next will get easier. I'm sure. It is a lot of prepping. We were told 5 shakes a day liquids sugar free jello popsicles broth etc. I never had any type of surgery before so I am getting scared myself only thing that came close was childbirth 🤣
  4. 1 point

    Find me on IG!!!

    Followed y’all. I haven’t posted on IG about my journey, but I may get brave one day. My account (DT) is mostly outdoor photos and attempts to be artistic 😁
  5. 1 point

    Not losing weight

    Perfectly normal. As @Shanna NYC said they usually occur at week three but can occur before or after that. They usually last 1-3 weeks. And it may not be the only stall you experience. They are the time your body takes to assess where you are now & what it needs in regards to digestive hormones, metabolism, etc. When your body is ready to move forward again the stall will break. Can’t force them to break though some people say they did but they don’t know how long their stall would have lasted. Just stick to your plan. I agree stay off the scales for a week if nit seeing it move is messing with you. Try taking body measurements as some times the scale doesn’t move but your measurements do as your body realigns itself & yes including your fat deposits.
  6. 1 point

    Nervous about exercising

    No I’m not on blood pressure tablets, my tests come back positive. I carry a drink just in case, the dizziness comes a long with the exercise. Thinking about getting my head checked out, my mother had a brain tumour, could be worth getting it checked out
  7. 1 point

    Vitamin Intake

    Have a chat with your surgeon as they are they are who advises what you should take. Some will indicate what formulation (strength) you take & in what format for example you’re not allowed to swallow meds for a period of time so need patches or chews. Check also the information you were given before surgery as it’s often listed there. (There’s so much info it’s easy to miss.) Generally, they recommend a multi vitamin, calcium, iron, vitamin D but not all advise these. Some dieticians will make recommendations too. Me I was a multi & a vitamin D but only for a couple of months.
  8. 1 point
    Ashley Amari

    Vitamin Intake

    Barifusion chewables 3 a day, for the first three months. Now I just do a women’s one a day
  9. 1 point
    I also took Wegovy for a while and am going the surgery route in part because my new insurance won't cover it. But also, the big difference with surgery is that it is a permanent, lifelong change. Not necessarily the lack of hunger, but the overall benefits of the tool remain with you lifelong, changes in your metabolism that are very enduring, whereas with meds, the effects start to reverse as soon as you stop taking it. You might check the Pound of Cure Youtube channel for recent videos on how surgery plus meds like Wegovy can work together down the road for those who need both.
  10. 1 point

    12 hours and counting

    I’m 12 hours out from surgery. Or at least from having to be at the hospital. Having some protein broth. It’s actually pretty good it’s chicken soup flavored protein powder that you had to hot water. My doctor ok’d it for the pre surgery diet. Luckily my program only requires 2 days of liquid diet before surgery. They used to require the two weeks but claim studies have shown 2 days is enough. Still nervous as I said in my last post because I am high risk because I have kidney failure and heart failure but everyone cleared me for surgery. They do think I will have issues with infection and leaking because I am on chronic steroids. My highest weight was 509 pounds and my weight today is 399 pounds. I am 6 feet tall and my goal weight it ideally 180 but I will be happy at 200

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
