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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Dont beat up on your self, this is my second time around , meaning my first attempt at surgery was halted no fault of my own just a unknown issue situs inversus, so ive been on this journey for a little over a year, went back to my 9old habits quickly, but gets better, im on my pre op diet and had a slip up nothing outrageous so just keep pushing forward i too had the second thoughts even with a week until my surgery, but i think of the health benefits in the end.
  2. 1 point
    The jeans photo looks like art. I love the idea of using pop art with a story, some people may get it others may not, I love it. Congratulations to the OP and thanks for sharing.
  3. 1 point

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I’m December 7th and using self-pay because I didn’t want to wait 6 months for insurance. Good luck to you!
  4. 1 point
    This is exactly how I used to think about dieting. I was punishing myself for gaining weight. I was missing out on my favourite foods or on what others may be eating when socialising. ‘Diet’ had so many negative connotations to me. So I don’t use the word any more. This is simply the way I eat. It took a while to change my thinking but it did/does help a lot. There are foods I simply don’t eat or eat very rarely now that I loved to eat before. Do I miss them? Not really. Do I feel I‘m missing out? Nope. You may find it easier to make small changes to your eating & food choices instead of jumping into a full ‘diet’. Small wins are still wins. Change one or two things each week like reduce your portion sizes & increase your fluid intake (64ozs). Increase your protein intake. Stretch out the times between your snacking, or reduce how many snacks you have each day. And so on until you have adopted the recommendations from your surgeon/dietician. And be honest about your struggles with them & tell them what you are doing to incorporate their weight loss plan. They may have other suggestions on what you can do too. All the best.
  5. 1 point
    the only issue I really had was that getting in and out of bed was a bit of a challenge the first few days. I could do it - but my abs felt like I'd done 10000 crunches. Other than that, I had no pain and was able to get around fine. It was just that transitioning (going from lying down to standing up - and vice versa) was tricky. But once I was up - or down - I had no pain and could get around with no problem. My husband had taken a week off of work, but he ended up going back after three days because I really didn't need him to do anything for me. It was nice to have him bring me protein shakes or whatever, but it wasn't really necessary.
  6. 1 point

    So I have updates.....

    Congratulations, so well done. Your resilience is epic, I hope you know that.
  7. 1 point

    12 hours and counting

    I’m 12 hours out from surgery. Or at least from having to be at the hospital. Having some protein broth. It’s actually pretty good it’s chicken soup flavored protein powder that you had to hot water. My doctor ok’d it for the pre surgery diet. Luckily my program only requires 2 days of liquid diet before surgery. They used to require the two weeks but claim studies have shown 2 days is enough. Still nervous as I said in my last post because I am high risk because I have kidney failure and heart failure but everyone cleared me for surgery. They do think I will have issues with infection and leaking because I am on chronic steroids. My highest weight was 509 pounds and my weight today is 399 pounds. I am 6 feet tall and my goal weight it ideally 180 but I will be happy at 200
  8. 1 point

    12 hours and counting

    You can do this!! Everyone cleared you so that means they are confident it will be a safe surgery for you! Good luck in the morning!! ❤️
  9. 1 point
    Victoria Hollenbeck

    Tiny freak out moment

    I know this post is old but I wanted to see how you are doing? Wishing you well!
  10. 1 point

    Best information resources?

    Oh yes, I forgot Dr Pilcher. He’s good too. Second @BabySpoons’ recommendation.

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