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  1. 1 point
    The Greater Fool

    Social media

    I had my surgery when the internet was young. There were perhaps 2 or 3 main WLS message boards not unlike bariatric-pal, along with several 'blogging' sites where a few folks detailed their experiences, generally in text. I kept a journal form history from the moment I decided to have surgery until about 2 years post-op, which included appointments, milestones, and stuff I found interesting, then the next year was my running journal in much the same form. Though I wrote my entries in a form that was to be read, I never really intended to share them publicly, though eventually I did just that anonymously out there on the internet somewhere. My only caution is to remind you the internet is forever. There may come a day when you'd like to allow your WLS and weight issues to fade into the past. Be sure you don't reveal too much. Good luck, Tek
  2. 1 point
    by "second surgery", do you mean you have a second stricture that needs to be stretched? That's not unusual. I had to go in twice to get mine stretched - after that, I was fine - never had problems with them again. About 5% of bypass patients get strictures. The PA at my bariatric clinic said it's the most common complication - and it's an easy fix. They almost never happen once you reach the 3-month-post-op mark, so it's doubtful you'll have one again after you get this one stretched. you'll be able to eat more the further out you get from surgery. It's really just the first few months that you have certain food restrictions and can only eat a tiny amount of food. you should feel a lot better once they stretch out the stricture - and it's unlikely you'll have another one after this.
  3. 1 point
    Char V

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Congratulations To those that are now post op. Our journey to a new quality of life has began. hoping you are all recovering nicely. 16 days post op and I’m still on liquids. I’ve lost a total of 5 kgs already. I’m struggling to meet the intake of daily protein and fluids. I’m never hungry. I don’t see my surgeon again till 21st Dec.
  4. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    Hello everyone had my surgery this morning and have been sipping water & walking. had a chicken broth for dinner but after sipping 8 spoons of it I was full so that was exciting to me lol other than that I feel great! Minimal pain and the gas I’ve pretty much been burping. Going back to sleep now just wanted to keep everyone posted.
  5. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    Good to know about walking. I’ve already done a loop around the floor but need to do another soon. BTW, final tally was down 30 pounds on the month pre op diet.
  6. 1 point
    there are mixed feelings about pouch resets. Many say they don't really work, and also, they reinforce "diet mentality". Probably better to either wait it out, or else maybe drop your calories by 100 or so and beef up your activity. Arabesque is correct, those last few pounds are a BEAR to get off. I got to my goal, but it took me 20 months. After the one year mark, my loss slowed down to a crawl - there were months I only lost a pound or two. But I just kept at it. She's also right in that stalls are a part of weight loss. There were so many times during year 2 that I thought "well, this must be it...", and then a couple weeks later I'd drop another pound. Frustrating, yep - but that's the way weight loss works!
  7. 1 point

    Worst compliment

    Nothing like a back handed compliment. And sometimes mothers can be the best at them. 🙄🙂 I’ve had people who comment about my loss even 4+yrs out - congratulatory & also you’ve lost enough/too much. And I’ve had people who’ve not said a word. I was at church & the minister asked, with great concern, if I was okay. Pretty obvious she feared I had some terrible disease. I said I was well & all was good.
  8. 1 point

    Hunger after 4 months

    Unfortunately, yes your hunger comes back as do all your cravings, old bad habits, etc. it can be difficult at first to discern between real hunger & head hunger. Real hunger feels different. I feel restless as if something is wrong. There is always a logical reason I feel hungry (haven’t eaten, missed a meal, didn’t eat much,). If there isn’t a reason to feel hungry or if I crave a specific food, flavour or texture I know it’s head hunger. Head hunger often passes real hunger doesn’t. If you are still producing too much stomach acid you may have hunger pangs. Hunger pangs & your tummy rumbling usually isn’t a sign of hunger as we were always told - it’s just either too much acid (try taking a ppi or antacid) or your digestive system working properly. Distractions can help. Go for a walk, craft, read, clean out a cupboard or drawer, ring a friend, check this forum, play a game. Even set a time - I’ll have something to eat in half an hour & then chose a nutrient dense low calorie option. Sipping a warm drink can help too. Many find counselling very helpful to understand your relationship with food & what drives you to eat (your cravings, emotions, habits, etc.). They’ll also help you work out ways to manage these when they feel like they’re taking over. You won’t stop the but you’ll better identify why you want to eat & work out ways to take away some of their power.
  9. 1 point

    10 Year update

    Hi everyone, I was sleeved 9/11/2013 and this ten years has definitely been a journey weight loss rollercoaster for me. I started at 239 and currently weight 152. I lost down to 167 and that was my lowest for years. I slowly gained again after the lost of my parents and last year weighed 212. I refocused and lost 60 pounds down to my lowest at 152. I’ve been focused and watchful of my meals and started intermittent fasting which has been a lifestyle change for me. Still the best decision I ever made
  10. 0 points

    November 2023 buddies

    So I just got home and what’s the first thing that happens? I vomited 😩

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