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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2023 in Posts

  1. 6 points


    I am officially in the pre-operative bariatric program through Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic! I met with the surgeon yesterday and we determined that it was better to do the bariatric surgery before the ventral hernia repair. She set a pre-surgery goal weight of 264 and we will decide on the type of procedure (sleeve or bypass) in January. Surgery will be in April or May. I've already made my first nutritionist, lab and psychologist appointments, with the dietician being the first one next Friday, the day after Thanksgiving! I'm motivated and ready to change my life and it finally feels like I will have to tools to do it.
  2. 2 points

    Surgery on Monday

    My surgery is on Monday. I’ve started the clear liquid diet. I’m a little bit nervous because I’m high risk due to heart and kidney issues. But I’m excited.
  3. 1 point


    Here is a video I watched before my first pre-op appointment by the well-known Dr Pilcher. He is well versed in the differences in Gastric Bypass and Sleeve procedures based on more recent long-term study results for WLS. It helped me decide between the two before I ever went in for my first consult. Of course, the doctor will help in that decision based on medical history like reflux. smoking, past surgeries etc. I just wanted a better idea of what to expect and what science has shown to be a better fit for me. GL and congrats!!!
  4. 1 point

    Should We End Obesity?

    I think it's partially the ingredients. The amount of added sugar has skyrocketed. Also portion sizes have become so large, and what we get in restaurants influences how much we serve ourselves at home. I found this great article that shows the USDA illustrated guidelines starting from the early 1900s. In 1956, people were told 2 servings milk, 2 servings meat/egg/beans, 4 servings of veg and fruit, and 4 servings of bread/cereal. I can picture those amounts in my head and it feels reasonable. By 1992, we were being told a minimum of 6 bread and 5 veg/fruit, with upper limits provided that would make it "okay" to have 11 bread, 9 veg/fruit, 3 milk, and 3 meat/bean. If you assume 3 meals per day and take the upper limits, just imagine having 3-4 bread/grains, plus 3 veg/fruits, plus 1 meat, and 1 milk for every meal, every single day! And the government experts are telling you that's a great idea!
  5. 1 point

    Cpap Machine right after procedure?

    Yep, it’s gas in a totally different part of your body. The surgical gas is pumped into your abdominal cavity so outside your lungs. The remaining gas post surgery rises up behind your lungs pressing in nerves causing shoulder pain & general discomfort. The surgical gas is absorbed into your lungs, attaches to water molecules & is breathed out. It takes about a week to be fully expelled from your body so is a very slow process. Using your CPAP machine won’t affect you or the side effects of the surgical gas. Using your machine will help you though with your recovery by ensuring you’re sleeping well & not straining your heart. And slow, deep breathing actually helps expel the gas faster too.
  6. 1 point

    HELP with Vitamins!

    Aah. So you’re pre op. I thought because you said up you reached your goal you were post surgery. In that case, yes, it’s likely they just want to check you will have all you will need from after your surgery. Let them know you are concerned about doubling up on some of the vitamins & see what the say.
  7. 1 point
    there are mixed feelings about pouch resets. Many say they don't really work, and also, they reinforce "diet mentality". Probably better to either wait it out, or else maybe drop your calories by 100 or so and beef up your activity. Arabesque is correct, those last few pounds are a BEAR to get off. I got to my goal, but it took me 20 months. After the one year mark, my loss slowed down to a crawl - there were months I only lost a pound or two. But I just kept at it. She's also right in that stalls are a part of weight loss. There were so many times during year 2 that I thought "well, this must be it...", and then a couple weeks later I'd drop another pound. Frustrating, yep - but that's the way weight loss works!
  8. 1 point

    Help, ive been stuck for 3+ weeks

    Firstly, stalls are a normal part of weight loss. Frustrating & stressful though they can be. While on average they last around 1-3 weeks they can last longer. It just depends upon how much time your body needs to reset itself (metabolic rate, digestive hormones, etc.) in response to your current needs at your lower weight. You just need to let your body taker the time it needs - don’t stress it more by making more changes. Not everyone reaches their goal weight. The average weight loss is about 65% for sleeve & bypass of the weight you’re to lose to put you in a healthier range. So, if my maths is correct, you’ve exceeded that average so far - yay! Doesn’t matter what weight your surgeon wants you at, your body will greatly influence your final weight - your new set point. There are also lifestyle & personal preference choices to consider too - what weight are you happiest at & allows you to enjoy your life as you want without you having to restrict your choices to maintain your weight. Our rate of loss slows as we get closer to our final weight. Sometimes it’s so slow it seems like we’re not really losing at all. And remember it doesn’t matter how long it takes to reach your stabilised weight - you’ll get there in the time that’s best for you. Don’t give up yet. Stick to your plan. Stay off the scales for a week or two. You may be surprised when you eventually weigh yourself again.
  9. 1 point

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    First day here! My surgery is scheduled for 11/16–yes the Thursday before Thanksgiving! i won’t be gaining weight this Holiday season. Dr. Jones at NEABaptist is my surgeon.
  10. 1 point


    I personally never had it past week 4, and what little I had was barely there. Most people notice it after they start solids. I didn't. I had my revision to bypass on the 28th and I'm on week 3 foods and feel no restriction. I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
