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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    Hungry a lot

    some person on this site or a similar one (this was several years ago - I've been hanging out here for a. long time!) said that when he felt hungry, he'd ask himself if eating some chicken breast would do it for him. If yes, he was hungry. If no, then it was likely just head hunger or a craving.
  2. 2 points
    I went on a trip this week..and I knew I'd be doing a lot of walking so I took my most comfortable furry sketcher clogs. They've always been comfortable for long days, well since I've lost weight they're now lose and as a result they flopped around and I have two huge blisters on the balls of each foot! So good problem with bad results...but still good!
  3. 1 point


    Thank you!!!! Yes, luckily it's only about 10 pounds I need to lose and I'm hopeful that I'll be able to achieve it.
  4. 1 point
    Okay you win!! I just purchased new leggings to avoid that! I expected to have to get new pants...not shoes...I have so many cute shoes too 😔😕
  5. 1 point

    Dumping Syndrome

    I'd like to test that study on Thanksgiving when I eat a piece of pumpkin or pecan pie . Would the butter or crisco in the crust be enough I wonder??? LOL More than likely I won't test on that day since I would be too worried of having to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I don't dump on fried stuff I found out but I ate a piece of birthday cake once and I lived in the bathroom for the rest of the night. I don't get nauseous or sick, just goes right thru me. I know..I know. TMI. But we are talking about dumping so.....
  6. 1 point

    Hair loss???

    Glad to hear that you are not left with that forever. I never had clumps of hair coming out but starting at 3 months I had a pretty good amount left on my comb. And I use a wide tooth comb. Never pull or ripped at it even in the past to avoid split ends. Never a brush since it tends to pull out all my curls. Now at almost 8 months out from surgery I notice the hair loss is finally slowing down. I would suggest some trying a wide tooth comb and combing out from the ends up avoiding tugging hairs out at the scalp with a brush. Also washing too often can strip hair of its natural oils and dries out the scalp. Sorry to hear this. Maybe find a good quality protein drink that you can stomach during those times you can't eat? I know most say taking extra supplements don't help with WLS hair loss, but in your case It couldn't hurt. On the bright side, there are a lot of really good, cute short hairstyles out there. I bet you rock it
  7. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    Good to know about walking. I’ve already done a loop around the floor but need to do another soon. BTW, final tally was down 30 pounds on the month pre op diet.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point

    3 months post op and I'm done.

    i dont think it is fair to cast your own opinion or feeling of contentness onto her.. both of you have different outlooks and thats okay - you shouldnt shame her for it.
  10. 1 point
    2 weeks+ update: Still very swollen from the TT, but I'm being super patient because I'm super satisfied with the breast lift outcome. From everything I'm reading and looking at on the internet, after 3-4 months your true results will show because most of the swelling should subside. My faja is far too tight most days to put on so I'm mostly using other compression garments and the binder. I wore the faja out the other day and its fine for standing etc but nothing else. I want it off ASAP. But I think its because my swelling levels fluctuate. Weight is also fluctuating up and down depending on swelling, yesterday I was 155lbs and today 151lbs I've been off all pain meds for quite a while but last night I was so sore and itchy that I needed a Tylenol PM. I believe the itching is the regeneration of... fascia? nerves? whatever. Its hella annoying 😞 I have an area where I prematurely broke my stitches on the side and I can tell I'm going to need to work hard to have that scar disappear but I already started using silicone scar tape and will care for it diligently. Anyone have tips send them my way! I now have strong sensation on both nipples, hooray! I'm thoroughly enjoying the shape and size of the new breast ❤ Blurry pics attached 😂

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
