Neither of those drugs is going to "end obesity" when obesity can be a symptom of poor economic status and they cost almost $2000 a month in some cases. Maybe ending obesity for the wealthy but for the average person you see in Walmart? No.
Mine was coming out in HANDFULS. About month 2 after my procedure I got deathly ill with pneumonia and wasn't able to eat much for several months. My hair loss was BAD. I've since been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and I lose hair again every time I have a flare-up mostly because it makes it so I can't eat. I just keep it short now, no reason to try to grow it out and end up heartbroken again.
I'd like to test that study on Thanksgiving when I eat a piece of pumpkin or pecan pie . Would the butter or crisco in the crust be enough I wonder??? LOL
More than likely I won't test on that day since I would be too worried of having to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I don't dump on fried stuff I found out but I ate a piece of birthday cake once and I lived in the bathroom for the rest of the night. I don't get nauseous or sick, just goes right thru me.
I know..I know. TMI. But we are talking about dumping so.....
All of my hair has fallen out. Like all. I went to the doctor for my 3 month follow up and he checked labs early bc of how much had fallen out. They all were normal. I did add biotin but I basically have bald spots. I ordered a wig bc there’s nothing I can do. 😭 I’m 4 months out. This all came out at once and it hasn’t stopped.
Have you been checked for an ulcer? Usually you can just take the meds for a few weeks and you will start to feel better. It does seem to be slow process though. Hope you figure it out and feel better soon.
Hi Everyone.
this is my 2nd rodeo. I had a repair Nov 2nd and have had to start from scratch again.
a little about my story.
I am from Australia and suffered GERD quite bad and I had been vomiting non stop for a week(wasn’t gastro) they rushed me into surgery on the 31st August 2022. My hiatus hernia had slipped around my stomach strangling it and the opening and my fundoplacation had collapsed. So after they repaired it they had to cut away most of my stomach. I was happy with that as I was 105kgs.
over the weeks after surgery I was stuck on liquids for 2 months. As everytime we stepped up I was vomiting. Then purée for two months. As we tried soft diets I was stuck between liquids and purées a lot of soft diet foods didn’t agree. This was not the quality of life I wanted. My health and mental health deteriorated.(I already had PTSD from a work accident 8 yrs ago) I was either vomiting or starving myself cause I didn’t want to vomit. The dr brushed things off did tests after tests. This carried on for 14 months. I was then referred to the head surgeon in my state. He did some other testing urgently and upon the results I was back in hospital having surgery two days later. The surgeon had to repair the hiatus hernia again as it had collapsed crushing my fundoplacation. And he had to remove more stomach. I was discharged after 3 days and am back home on smoothies and soups until I see him again in a week. I can have no more than half a cup of liquids every 30-60minutes. And only thrown up once(yesterday). Everything seems so different from last time round. So much better. I’m comparing journals.
I am now 12 days post op. I have been for half hour walks every 2nd day and today I tried a little more and may have over done the walking. Had to get hubby to come pick me up. I was .5km from home but couldn’t walk another step. But I have felt so good.
people if you think something isn’t right fight for the quality of life you want. The last year for me was hell and I wish I spoke up sooner. On a plus note I have some, more like over 100 great smoothie recipes. I tried a lot of combinations. And I just about tried every meal I cooked the family into a purée. 😂
good luck to those having surgery today/tomorrow
Thank you kindly for all the information and your openness. I’ve re-read your posts several times over the past few weeks, as it’s such an important decision to make, and am scheduled for a MGB on February 24th. Ready for a new start!