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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points

    3 Weeks Post Op and My Birthday

    I can understand your birthday sads. It is hard to change our routine around things, especially celebrations. Perhaps you can decide to do something fun that doesn't involve food for your birthday this weekend? It won't be the same but it'll allow you to connect with your loved ones and celebrate you. Like going to play a game, or having a spa day with your bestie, or getting your nails done now that surgery is over, or a stroll through the mall with your partner and buying a lovely smelling lotion to keep your skin happy post surgery? I'm trying hard to find ways that I can still connect with the ones I love, while having food NOT be the center of it. It is challenging!! Oh and congrats on your loss of 22 lbs!! I'm almost 1 week post op and have lost 3 lbs, I sure hope it speeds up soon but I'll take what I can get! LOL ETA: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  2. 2 points

    3 Weeks Post Op and My Birthday

    Sward, I know the feeling. It is odd not feeling the anticipation/joy about food in certain situations (I had my birthday last month about 5 months out from my surgery), but you do get used to it. Not being able to look forward to a Brazilian Steakhouse (all you can eat meat), or a good mexican restaurant (where I would eat too many chips + salsa), etc is a negative, but reframing those moments in my mind has helped me a lot. I can focus on talking more with my friends, or trying new foods (I was a pretty picky eater before and have taken this opportunity to try out a lot of new stuff with the mindset of "If I don't like it, I won't have to eat too much of it :D") Stick with it for a while and you will start to look at this in a different light (although mine still hasn't gone away completely).
  3. 2 points

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Originally I was having gastric sleeve done in Las Vegas(blossom bariatric) in July 2020..during procedure they found a sac of tumors in my abdomen and decided not to complete sleeve...had tumors removed June of 2021 in El Paso TX..targeted therapy for cancer since then..was scheduled for sleeve in Sept 2023..another hiccup (atrial fibrillation)..well after cardiac catheterization and aversion..got cleared for surgery probably late Dec or early Jan...finally
  4. 1 point

    Before and After Pics

    I love seeing the progress people have made after surgery. So for those comfortable enough to share them I'd love to see your before and after (and even progress) pics. I haven't had surgery yet (and wont for at least another 3mths) so I don't have any to post but I still like seeing what I have to look forward to. The pic below is me at my highest of 316lbs 2hrs after my son was born.
  5. 1 point

    Soft Food

    I start soft food on Wed. Let me know your go-to soft foods.
  6. 1 point

    Soft Food

    I've been taking notes from @Arabesque and got 4 oz containers to prep mini meals in once I can eat again! Things like meatballs are a great tip, they are definitely more tender than chicken breast! I've been thinking that poached chicken thighs might be good because poaching makes the texture so much more tender. I also found this recipe for keto chicken and dumplings and can tell you now I will be having that as soon as I hit soft foods. That is my ULTIMATE comfort food. LOL I know some also recommend deli meat because the texture is so soft and goes down easy. In our diet classes we've been encouraged to eat a lot of seafood on the soft food diet because the textures lend themselves well to it. I'm not a huge seafood fan but I've ordered some things to try when I get there. I'm still in the liquid phase right now. It is lasting forever...
  7. 1 point

    May 2023 surgeries

    Amazing work! My six month was November 1st. I'm down 91 lbs (171). I too changed my goal from 160 down to 150. I'm in a US size 10, which I'm to the point that I need to wash them so they'll fit. I'm expecting to be in an 8 in a few weeks. The loose skin is a minimum, which I'm so happy about. All in all everything this going beautifully and I couldn't be happier.
  8. 1 point

    10 week post sleeve weight gain?

    I would say it’s a combination of fluid retention from the Ringer’s Lactate or Saline if you received an I.V, any meds you were given and the stress from illness itself. I know it’s easier said than done but try to hold off weighing yourself for a while. 10 weeks post op is still fairly early on and you have many more months of progress to look forward to. Good luck ❤️
  9. 1 point
    We went for a short staycation over the weekend to celebrate my 41st birthday. We spent most of time playing in the nearby theme parks and water park and my kids wanted to try almost all the rides. Daddy was more than confident and happy to join the fun too. The fun we all had specially my son who very happy that daddy is riding with him made the WLS all worth it. Here is daddy squeezed into a tiny police car and train ride with little princess. We went shopping also and I got two shirts (as if I need more haha) in XS size which fit me like a glove. I'm still in disbelief. That was the best birthday ever.
  10. 1 point
    I keep my pantry and fridge full of grab and go options! Any low sugar Greek yogurt (I like siggis, two good, oikos triple zero), two good smoothies, bel gioso individual cheeses, cottage cheese cups, individual nut packs, whisps, chomps, hilo chips, egg bites, protein one bars. I always keep a pack of protein shakes in my trunk for emergencies!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
