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  1. 2 points
    My thoughts, like @GreenTealael, was fluid retention from any IVs you were given. Plus your body just may have held on to everything while fighting the sepsis - it’s a terrible thing if they can’t get on top of it. Hope you are recovering well & yes stay off the scales for a few days or week or so.
  2. 1 point

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum and didn't really know where to begin, so I figured why not start a thread about my journey? So, I've always been kind of obese (there were a few years that I lost a lot of weight sticking to a low carb diet) I hovered around 300lbs give or take for many years. In 2012 during a divorce, I ballooned all the way up to 365lbs and I swore I'd never get to that point again. I started doing low carb and got all the way down to 235lbs before getting re-married and gaining back about 50lbs. During COVID in 2020, I just completely fell apart and ended up getting to my all-time highest weight of 385lbs. I drive trucks for a living and in August of 2022, I had to go for a sleep apnea test and I failed miserably. Failing the sleep apnea test put my career in jeopardy. I decided immediately afterwards to contact my local hospital about bariatric surgery and immediately started a 6 month program in October, 2022. Since I had already had the sleep apnea test and failed, I'd already knocked that part out at least. I literally just got back from my final doctors appointment and they told me that it's up to my insurance provider to approve or deny me for surgery. I'm really excited but also really nervous. The only time I've ever stayed in a hospital overnight was to take my sleep apnea tests. I started this journey at 385lbs, today I weighed in at 365lbs. I had my ups and downs, but I'm really looking forward to this journey and really looking forward to getting to know everyone and to share my journey.
  3. 1 point


    For me it was normal, I was hungry after surgery, granted I did not feel the urge to eat since I was still swollen etc. I was told by my team that it could be head hunger or the stomach still adjusting the acids. The feeling dissipates once you start eating real food. I got used to an eating schedule that worked for me and now mainly feel hungry if its past the schedule or if I'm behind my fluids.
  4. 1 point

    10 week post sleeve weight gain?

    I would say it’s a combination of fluid retention from the Ringer’s Lactate or Saline if you received an I.V, any meds you were given and the stress from illness itself. I know it’s easier said than done but try to hold off weighing yourself for a while. 10 weeks post op is still fairly early on and you have many more months of progress to look forward to. Good luck ❤️
  5. 1 point

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Hi all. I’m eating mostly protein and vegetables but I do include some carbs. I try to do fresh potatoes (small portion) along side or one or two teaspoons of rice. I’m down 26 pounds since surgery and about 35 pounds total since the liquid diet phase before surgery.
  6. 1 point
    I took it the 5 days and felt better the whole time I was on it. I'm 3 years out on my surgery. On the day after my surgery the nurses in the hospital had me taking giant horse pills. Thank goodness my brother was there (who just had the surgery 3 months earlier) and gave major push back. I hope your symptoms dissipate and you feel better soon.
  7. 1 point

    6 months post op

    This is the first time I’ve made a post on bariatric palsy. I normally just read things but today is really big day for me. I am six months postop. My highest weight was 250 pounds and I was 242 pounds at the day of surgery, as of this morning I am 198 pounds with a total weight loss of 52lbs and 44lbs surgery. I’ve lost 13 inches off my waist 10 inches off of my apron belly 12 inches off my hips and 7 inches off of my bust. I am currently in a women’s extra large down from a 3X I can fit larges now but they’re still a little too tight for my comfort. I have not been this small since I had my first child at 19 I was 150 pounds before I got pregnant with her. This is the smallest I’ve been in 10 years. It feels amazing but it also doesn’t feel real. I keep getting on the scale to double check if I’m imagining things, but it feels really good to come this far and have all the health changes that I’ve had.
  8. 1 point

    Weight loss before surgery

    This is what I did to lose 30 lbs in 30 days before my surgery: I would have a protein shake for breakfast, another for lunch, and a hearty (ultra low carb) dinner. I started May 11th while I was still working (teacher), and kept at it until my surgery on June 19th. Altogether, I'd lost 32 lbs by the day of the surgery. The first 3-4 days are rough as you detox from carbs. By day 4, you should start to feel really good. Your mind is clear, your joints don't hurt as much, and your energy is up. You even get better sleep! A typical dinner while pre-op dieting would be 4-6 oz ribeye steak (cut up and dipped in A1) Or I would cut up 4-6 oz of rotisserie chicken and throw it into some cream of chicken or chicken broth. (Like chicken soup, if you will) I'd even eat a cheeseburger (without the bun, or course). If you have the space, eat a double! I'd been sleeved 14 years ago, so I still had restriction. My 16-year-old daughter was inspired and dieted a bit with me. She's doesn't have any type of bariatric surgery. She was losing up to 5 lbs a week just by cutting carbs. She would have bacon and eggs with cheese for brkfst, she'd have a shake for lunch cuz school, and she'd have hearty, no carb dinners as well. Detoxing from carbs REALLY helps. Drink 5-6 bottles of water a day. Have all the sugar-free jello and sugar-free popsicles you want. They're considered clear liquids. You can even start taking bariatric vitamins before your surgery to make sure your getting everything you need. Wish you the best of luck!
  9. 1 point
    I drink decaf and use some of a premier protein caramel drink as the "creamer". It works for me, get's me a bit more protein in my diet and avoids the sugar.
  10. 1 point
    I made sure my laundry was done, my sheets were clean, and my house was generally clean. I also made sure that I had protein drinks, sugar free jello/popsicles, tea, broth, and some juice.

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