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  1. 2 points
    I would say it’s a combination of fluid retention from the Ringer’s Lactate or Saline if you received an I.V, any meds you were given and the stress from illness itself. I know it’s easier said than done but try to hold off weighing yourself for a while. 10 weeks post op is still fairly early on and you have many more months of progress to look forward to. Good luck ❤️
  2. 2 points
    New To This23


    I am 8 days post-op, to be honest, I don't know. For myself most of the time I have not felt hungry at all, but I have had two days where I felt hungry similar to before the surgery. I think that we are going to go through feeling hungry and not feeling hungry plus many other changes over the next month, especially in the 2-week post-op diet phase. I think things will fluctuate a lot as we get to add foods to our diets during this healing period. I read that it takes 12 weeks for our stomachs to heal completely. I have an appointment on the 8th and I am going to ask for sure when the fully healed process is done.
  3. 1 point

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Hi all. I’m eating mostly protein and vegetables but I do include some carbs. I try to do fresh potatoes (small portion) along side or one or two teaspoons of rice. I’m down 26 pounds since surgery and about 35 pounds total since the liquid diet phase before surgery.
  4. 1 point

    Did anyone NOT have a 3 week stall?

    I didn't have a 3-week stall but I did gain around 10 lbs due to IVs right after surgery, and it took awhile for that to come off. My weight loss pattern is/was like steps, my body likes to hold on to the weight, then drops, hold on to the weight, then drops.
  5. 1 point
    That article was on point. I saw myself in some of it. Thanks for posting it .
  6. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    I'm home from the hospital now! Pain and nausea are present but manageable. The doctor gave me a medication to calm the stomach spasms I was having every time I drank something! I haven't started drinking protein yet. Jello feels like a rock in my tummy so they said to hold off on the protein until the nausea has eased and I feel ready to try something denser than water. The best thing by far has been popsicles!!
  7. 1 point
    Thank you for this tool. I am just starting on the journey of deciding whether WLS is right for me and this was a very big help.
  8. 1 point
    I ate cucumber from about 6-8 weeks I think but it was ages for other vegetables. Though I tend to steam my vegetables & rarely eat them raw (except for salad vegetables like cucumber, tomato, celery, etc.). Raw vegetables are more coarse & can cause issues like the foamies & can be harder to digest which may be why we’re encouraged to wait a few months before eating them & when we’re more fully healed. Is it the vegetables you crave or the crunch? if it’s more the crunch try cucumber just remove the seeds. The higher water content helps makes them easier to swallow & digest. And they’re good for your digestion. (Used to wrap smoked salmon around wedges with a little cream cheese for lunch - was yum until my tummy decided it didn’t like smoked salmon again. 😁)
  9. 1 point

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    My surgery date was 8/23/23. I had a Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass. I have lost 51 lbs in total, since my first Dr. Visit. I’m still trying to figure out this app .I can never remember how to make a comment or post.
  10. 1 point
    Hey everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to share my experience and vent a bit about the difficulties I've been facing after my gastric bypass surgery. It's been tough, and I could really use some support and understanding right now. Firstly, one of the biggest challenges I've encountered is the loss of taste. It's incredibly disheartening to try different food and drink options, only to find that nothing tastes good anymore. I've experimented with various yogurts, protein powders, shakes, and even crystal light flavors, but unfortunately, the enjoyment I used to get from eating has vanished. Even something as simple as finishing a bottle of water has become a struggle for me. To add to this frustrating situation, I've been dealing with a persistent metallic taste in my mouth. This unpleasant sensation affects how everything tastes, making it even more difficult to find pleasure in eating or drinking. Despite my efforts to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing my teeth four times a day, the taste persists, and it's incredibly discouraging. On top of these physical challenges, my energy levels have plummeted, leaving me feeling depleted and drained. It's hard to stay positive and motivated when you're constantly battling fatigue. Unfortunately, this has taken a toll on my mental health as well, and I find myself struggling with depression. It's a heavy emotional burden to carry, and I often find myself crying myself to sleep at night. I apologize if this post sounds like a downer, but I really needed to vent and share my experience with people who might understand. If any of you have gone through a similar situation, I would greatly appreciate any advice or encouragement you can offer. And to those who are willing, please keep me in your prayers. The support means the world to me during this challenging time. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and for being there for me when I needed to let it all out. Together, we can get through the tough times and find strength in each other.

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