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  1. 1 point

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    I just started as well. Hang in there! Believing this will be worth it ❤️
  2. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    I’m on my full day at home pos op doing OK trying to get down some liquids, and protein in my soups. Other than that things are going well. I’m not having any nausea. It’s been a manageable process so far.
  3. 1 point
    Thank you. A very interesting article. My heart breaks for children who are dealing with obesity related health & emotional issues we didn’t have to until we were adults & had them had some knowledge & strategies to manage aspects of these issues ourselves. The toll of obesity on one’s physical, psychological & emotional health & well being is almost immeasurable. It is known that high & ultra processed foods increase production of our hunger hormones & reduces the production of satiety hormone. But companies won’t stop producing these foods & the convenience & lower prices make them very attractive to families. The comment ‘trying to limit meals to one plate’ is also endemic of the excessive portion sizes people accept as being appropriate & ‘normal’. If children aren’t introduced to healthier & better food choices & cooking methods, like vegetables, home cooked meals, etc., they will never develop a taste or appreciation for them. I am horrified by children & adults who don’t know what some fruits & vegetables are let alone know how to cook or eat them. Same with other foods. Education about better & more nutritional eating is fighting a losing battle against multinational companies, convenience, price, advertising, etc. It is more & more becoming a wide spread generational problem. Many strong opinions on whether children should or shouldn’t have surgery or be placed on medication. The decision to go down either of these routes or not is truely one of life (or quality of) & death. Nor is it easy. The child & family must be well educated about their options, the impacts & the lifestyle changes necessary for success so they can make the most informed decision to best benefit the child whatever route they decide to follow. Well that’s my opinion (& rant for today).
  4. 1 point

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    Oh and I’m having the sleeve. Just started my 2 week preop and it’s tough.
  5. 1 point

    Hair loss???

    I have a thick head of hair. Has always grown fast. Even my nails. I saw no difference after surgery. Still grows fast but started losing strands at around 3 months. Still happening after 6. I was also told taking extra vitamins doesn't help so there's that. I always cut my hair in layers with lots of texturing so no noticeable diff in lengths until.... yesterday. I was in a tattoo parlor with bright florescent lighting, buying some jewelry. Glancing at myself in the mirror I noticed a TON of little short curly frizzies all over the top of my head. UHHHH! And it wasn't even humid out. Haha! Oh well.... more smoothing product should suffice
  6. 1 point
    The Greater Fool

    My Story

    Congratulations on your success. I could have written nearly everything you wrote. I, too, was extremely large man, though I had RNY and my surgery was open, so that was different. The first 2 or 3 weeks were the worst what with the huge incision, staples, and a drain that made the slightest movement a joy to behold. Like you, my pre-op stuff went without a hitch. Well, on the Lung function one where they put you in a booth and you do a bunch of deep breathing. Yeah, I couldn't fit into the booth. I was worried about the Psych test but apparently I fooled them completely. I likewise didn't have an exercise plan aside from the plan to not worry about exercise until I got to a svelte 100 pounds overweight. Walking is what I focused on. Once I got to 100 pounds overweight I had an exercise plan that didn't include a gym. I didn't really have any complications related to the RNY. I wanted the "complication" of dumping and lo! I dump on sugars and fats. Dumping has been a great educational tool for me. I have had issues with anemia but I had other issues that contribute to this, so the RNY just made it easier for me to get anemic. The non-scale victories are indeed the best. Being able to weigh on a home scale was a hoot. Congratulations again. Good luck, Tek
  7. 1 point
    Shanna NYC

    TMI Poop Talk

    It took me 5 days from surgery to go. Mostly regular once or twice a day, at most only skip one day. I was good not really experiencing constipation for the first 6 months. Then the literal 6 month mark and it happened twice in about 3 weeks and I nearly died, lol. Not literally, but that's what it felt like. Both times, I wasn't exactly 100% on track (off my eating/drinking routine) and most likely not enough water intake. I am hoping to not repeat that again. I was already taking stool softeners since day 1, but have now added in a green juice, a little extra fiber and some ACV pills.
  8. 1 point

    TMI Poop Talk

    One week, then once or twice daily after that. I take 2 stool softeners every day on the advice of my doctor. Softener is not a laxative, so your bowels won't become dependent on it. Keeps things moving. I never have constipation but notice if I don't have my daily movement, my weight stalls.
  9. 1 point

    TMI Poop Talk

    i think it took about 5 days for me. I had my surgery 4/12/23 and still deal with constipation. Most of the time it is not bad though. I think i go either every other day or every 3rd day. One problem i noticed with this is you cant weigh yourself everyday if you cant poop everyday! 🤣 I do notice i weigh less on the days i poop!
  10. 1 point

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    I just had my gastric bypass surgery on 9/18/2023!

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