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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    WLS + GLP-1

    If only insurance would cover the weight loss meds like they do the surgery. Not sure why they don't. It would still be cheaper for them in the long run than treating all the health issues and meds that come with obesity.
  2. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    I got my surgery date today... November 29th... Gastric Bypass... Now to start planning, getting together everything I need and trying to not stress myself out until then....
  3. 1 point

    Been quiet here lately...

    I just wanted to express my appreciation for: The wonderful, supportive people on this forum. I love how ppl step up to help others going through this journey. Its as if we're never alone, a strong WLS community is behind us all propping us up and pushing us forward! Its been rather slow on new posts lately, so I figured now was a good time to at least say thank you to everyone who reads the posts and steps up to help others with their knowledge and understanding. I'm glad to have received advice and happy to help when I can. Thank you for making this life changing lifelong journey for me and others easier! ❤
  4. 1 point
    Everyone has been going through so much! I'm glad for all of us though. My RNY was on October 16th. I haven't posted since then since I had a really hard time the first week, but I'm doing better now, thankfully! Post-op in the hospital was fine, but after that I had a hard time getting any liquids in. Day 3 at home, I only got 6 or 7 ounces in, and kept throwing up nothing. I went to the ER, got 2 liters of IV fluids and had a CT scan which was fine. I was having serious buyer's remorse about the surgery. I was not happy. But sometimes it's just hard to see that things will change. Because they do! My surgeon (who talked to me twice on the phone for about 10 minutes each, once while she was going to dinner with her family! So thankful) had me go to a hydration infusion clinic every day last week, to get 2 liters a day. They had wicked nice nurses, one of whom had had an RNY with my same surgeon 4 years ago! She has kept her weight off and is doing really well, despite having a rough start. She was so encouraging! We talked a lot. I feel so much better now! It's not perfect, and I keep forgetting to take SMALL sips, lol. I'm on full liquids until Tuesday/Halloween, so I'm planning on making a pumpkin puree something-or-other to celebrate. There are a bunch of recipes online for Pumpkin Whip/Pumpkin Fluff, if anyone is interested and in the puree stage. There's always pumpkin soup, if full liquids are better! We shall see.
  5. 1 point

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Oh my goodness, protein supplements have been an obsession. I bought a big tub of "chicken soup" and "latte" flavors early on and both of them were so awful. Anyone live in MA? I will gladly give them both to you. My nutritionist gave me samples of a few others to try from Unjury. Their chicken soup was better. Not enough to buy it, but better. I got a really good introductory deal on Syntrax Nectar Naturals, so I bought several flavors, and I love the peach the most so far. I've also liked the chai flavor of Ka'chava, though it's on the higher side for calories (240 with 25g protein) and has 7g fat instead of 5g as recommended by my doctor, so uncertain of whether I can use it. But it tastes really good. I also bought cherry limeade from Wicked protein (really refreshing) and pumpkin spice from Truvani (good, but their shipping takes a long time). I've specifically been trying to find ones without artificial sweeteners, which is so hard. I got two flavors from Vega, which were not too bad and pretty affordable. With all that, I should have some choices when the time comes. Oh, I've also stocked up on Celebrate One 45 in tropical twist flavor, and bought their calcium chews, which are a nice treat. I like the fruit flavors best, like eating a Starburst candy. You've inspired me to finally follow through on buying a new, bigger purse. I have been saying for a year that I need one, but now I have an ironclad excuse so I can carry a water bottle. Staying hydrated is hard.
  6. 1 point

    Questions for pre surgery

    Kettle & Fire makes a pretty tasty bone broth. They have all different flavors. I'm working my way through them slowly. I bought one box of about 8 different flavors. I think bone broth has more protein in it because it has more collagen from cooking longer? Stock usually cooks for a shorter time? My partner has a long standing argument with a foodie friend about whether bone broth actually exists or is really just stock. It's pretty funny... Personally I think both are tasty!
  7. 1 point
    Wildflower Bohême

    Non-scale Goals

    I was just thinking the same thing, about making my own NSV goals. Or whittling them down to a small list, anyway. 1. The ability to sit on the floor/ground, so that I can play with and train my dog 2. Walking more and eventually being able to jog and do 5ks 3. Kayaking 4. Swimming. My late grandfather swam competitively until he was in his 80s, so I'd love to get lessons at his swim club. 5. Wearing a bathing suit that's not a swim dress, and not feeling self-conscious about how I look 6. Shopping for non-plus size clothes 7. Reducing/eliminating meds & sleep apnea. Would love to not have to use a CPAP
  8. 1 point
    I bought a couple of sweaters from Ann Taylor Loft on sale because I have nothing for the colder weather. The size small was not the NSV - but the freedom to not feel like I “shouldn’t” wear a sweater with horizontal stripes was a big one! I didn’t realize how much my mom had instilled that in my head until I was looking at the website and purposefully skipping the ones with horizontal stripes because it would make me look bigger. Well, I got it in the mail yesterday and I think I can now say wearing horizontal stripes will be part of my life! PS - I think anyone at any size should wear what they want and what they feel good in - but my mom hammered into me all of these things about being heavy from like middle school on (suck in your stomach, be in the back behind people so your full body isn’t on display, no horizontal stripes, etc.) so this is just 30 years of baggage I’m trying to unload. Wearing horizontal stripes is major for me.
  9. 1 point
    Yesterday I was hanging out talking to my husband in the front yard while he trimmed the palm trees and later he said to me that it’s funny that I am so oblivious to it but just about every guy that went by was checking me out. I said it’s probably the neighbors wanting to know if you traded me in for another woman since I lost so much so quickly and he said don’t sell yourself short, your hot. It’s also our 20th anniversary this week so thats nice to hear once in a while.
  10. 1 point
    OK, here's a funny one. I need to start off by saying that my husband is supportive, thinks I'm beautiful at 240 pounds when we first met 18 years ago, all the way up to when I weighed almost 400. I've lost 165 so far and naturally have a ton of loose skin. You can also feel a lot of my bones now underneath it all. Anyway, my husband and I were lying in bed and talking about my progress and I was talking about the loose skin, and he said yeah, I have a sack-o-Tricia now! Now I know this may sound like an insult, but he was just saying it was crazy how much I've lost, and I died laughing at "Sack-o-Tricia". And what I love about it is that he knows that Tricia is the person I am, not the shell I am inside. And I love him for that. He's always loved me for me. So it's sort of a NSV, but also I'm super lucky to have such a supportive husband. I'm pretty darned proud to be a Sack-o-Tricia now! [emoji1787] Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
