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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    November 2023 buddies

    I'm 11/21
  2. 1 point
    I don't know the answer to this since I've worn a c-pap for years, so all they needed were my downloads of info showing compliance. I think you should talk to your doctor about your concerns and your timeline restriction. You don't have to hide the fact you lose coverage in the spring. Tell them so they can accommodate you! They may be willing to waive a requirement or give you a shorter time. Good luck!
  3. 1 point

    Immi Ramen

    I wholeheartedly agree, the pasta substitutes are horrible! I always detest having my 100 lb nutritionist suggest some healthy alternative as " sooo tasty" because so far all the pasta substitutes are inedible to me!
  4. 1 point

    Surgery Failure

    First we all fluctuate. It may be a pound or two or it might be more. Tracking your weight will allow you to see your natural fluctuation & help you recognise that versus weight gain. Secondly, a 50 pound weight loss in about 5 months is great. Why do you think you are failing? Does your surgeon, dietician or team say you are failing? The only people who lose more than that in the first months are those who start at much higher weights than you like on My 600lb Life. They may start at losing 50lbs a month but that doesn’t last. Like everyone their rate of lose slows as they lose weight. I echo others suggestion of tracking everything you put in your mouth - solid or liquid - ensuring you weigh & measure everything. Do it for a few weeks, then discuss your food records with your dietician to check you aren’t missing something or confirm you are on the right track. PS - Real fruit is always a better choice than fruit juice. You get more nutrients, better fibre & still get fructose as a natural sugar to help with your diabetes.
  5. 1 point

    Hunger after 4 months

    Great advice above. I had a sleeve so my experience might be different from yours OP. My full on hunger returned about 7 or 8 months out. Sorry yours has come back so soon - it is sooo variable. I have religiously stuck to the protein first mantra ever since. I find if I eat an ounce or two of deli meat, yes it might be more calorific than veg or fruit, but it kept me full for MUCH longer. Plus gets me to protein goal. I say experiment and find what works for you. Absolutely echo what @Arabesque says about head vs real hunger - if you're craving something particular then it might be worth trying to distract yourself/defer eating. If you're properly hungry then go for a small amount of protein and re-evaluate half an hour later.
  6. 1 point

    Band to Sleeve?

    Thank you, gives me a lot to think about, things that I have forgotten the first time around. I think I see where my head was in 2008 and using the right tool for success. It's never just one thing, that would and is too easy, life it's like that. I never knew about the metabolism part. Thanks
  7. 1 point
    I was diagnosed with fibro before surgery. My pain and fatigue were awful. After surgery, I have zero symptoms. I'm not sure if it was a misdiagnosis or if it was something to do with surgery. My only pain now is the areas I have confirmed arthritis.
  8. 1 point
    I have Fibromyalgia which I believe to be a little similar. I was told by my surgeon that the surgery would not change my Fibro. It hasn't. I overdid it yesterday and I am totally wiped out today. I am in tired, painful agony. The other thing to consider is how your meds work with a small stomach and the other pills you have to take. I have a huge calcium tablet that has to be taken away from other pills. I take antacid/ nausea tablets twice a day. These line my stomach and I feel they stop my pain medication from working well. Straight after my surgery, I was not able to take them as crushed up they taste vile.
  9. 1 point

    Surgery Failure

    I know its been awhile since you originally posted this, but, upon reading it I was very surprised that you said you're diabetic and drink apply juice (Gerber or not)! Just 1/2 cup has: 60 calories 14 carbs and 13 sugars! That's a lot of sugars for the small quantity of 1/2 cup. I did keto for a few years and that would have pushed me out of ketosis quick! I know each surgeon has their own plan, but I'm surprised yours allowed apple juice..or any juice since most are high is natural sugars. I was told absolutely no juices. I hope you've gotten it worked out!
  10. 1 point

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I am having a bypass on 25th October. I'm UK based so not had to lose any weight beforehand and so I'm currently around 270lbs and 5ft 8inches tall. I start my pre-op on October 11th and it's a yogurt and soup diet which should be relatively ok as I love both. Not sure if I'll love both at the end of the two weeks though!! Best of luck to all of you having surgeries early October!

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