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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2023 in all areas

  1. 9 points
    I did it!!! I just got offered a job IN MY CHOSEN FIELD!!!!! I busted my butt (finished my program early and with a 94), chased a dream I thought was lost to me (thanks to the surgery, getting my health under control, changing my diet, and believing in myself that I could actually do it), and I just got my first job in the medical field!!!!! I literally cried. I'm so so excited!!!! I start on Monday!!!!!! Even though I'm a Medical Administrative Assistant, I won't be at the front desk when you first walk into the office (checking people in, collecting payments, verifying insurance, etc). I'll be the one that comes to get you and takes your vitals, takes you to your exam room, asks you questions and updates your chart, go over any doctor's orders, and then checks you out at the "check out" desk. I'll schedule follow up appointments, handle referrals, and call in any scripts and refills. AND, they will provide the scrubs I'll be wearing. I'm in an AWESOME mood!!!!! I can't believe I really did it. I wasn't sure I could, but here I am!!! I literally cried when I got the call today. I still can't believe it!!! And after 6 months, they will pay for me to continue my training to become a Clinical Medical Assistant and get all the certifications that come with that. All I have left to do is get this last 50 pounds off and then I'm literally living my very best life
  2. 2 points

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hello everyone. I just discovered this forum a couple of days ago and wanted to chime in. I had my RNY on Oct 9th and am now just over 2 weeks post op and down about 23 pounds already. That liquid diet was rough. I thought i'd share something that helped me get through it. I discovered Fairlife Elite protein shakes. They taste delicious and don't have that chalky taste that Ensure and others have. Best thing about it, they are packed with a whopping 42g of protein per 14oz bottle! It has really helped me hit my protein goals these past weeks. It does have 8g of sugar in it, but I haven't had any problems with dumping syndrome after drinking them. Just thought i'd pass that along. Glad to meet you all.
  3. 1 point

    November 2023 buddies

    I start my all liquids on Thanksgiving and I am getting comments from the peanut gallery about it... I told them... This is not my last Thanksgiving, I will be able to join you all. Just now bring the focus on family, friends and memories not the food..
  4. 1 point
    I have Fibromyalgia which I believe to be a little similar. I was told by my surgeon that the surgery would not change my Fibro. It hasn't. I overdid it yesterday and I am totally wiped out today. I am in tired, painful agony. The other thing to consider is how your meds work with a small stomach and the other pills you have to take. I have a huge calcium tablet that has to be taken away from other pills. I take antacid/ nausea tablets twice a day. These line my stomach and I feel they stop my pain medication from working well. Straight after my surgery, I was not able to take them as crushed up they taste vile.
  5. 1 point

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    My surgery date was Aug 28, 2023 I hadn’t started posting here back then though
  6. 1 point

    Some random post op thoughts....

    Thanks for the comments, stories and words of encouragement. As far as age goes, I'm only sorry I didn't do it much sooner (younger), but better late than never. I think for myself, there has always been this "fear" or mindset that surgery is/was the last option and if I had done it 10 years earlier and things didn't go well, I'd have to live the rest of my life dealing with the regret, frustration and failure. After the fact, I feel I have total control and have learned the life skills required to maintain this "new me" until I don't exist anymore. And as far as people-pleasing, I still aim to please, but I'm starting with myself!😜
  7. 1 point
    I just checked my stats and by your stage I had lost 70% of what I ended up losing overall. But honestly it is different for every single person. You have done amazingly well so far and you may (hopefully DO) have further to go. The best way to max out your loss is to stick like glue to your programme. Some (I think a lot) of where we end up is determined by what your body decides is its new set point. I hope you are celebrating your loss and the changes this will have made to your body. You must feel like a completely different person now. I totally understand the anxiety to lose as much as you can - I think most of us had (have!) that. Good luck.
  8. 1 point

    Has your relationship changed?

    This has been on my mind, not because I doubt my relationship, but because I see so many people on these forums and groups who are struggling with this. When I ended up with an autoimmune condition a few years into my marriage it definitely stressed things. Becoming disabled is hard on any relationship. But therapy helped a lot. When I got cancer my relationship became solid like a block of iron. I realized then that it wasn't about if someone could endure things with you, it really is whether someone can walk through the darkness with you, embrace who you are at any given moment and roll with the changes life brings. We all change in life, sometimes in small ways, sometimes in big ways. I found that having someone who could care for me when I was sick and yet make spaces for how I changed physically and emotionally AND still see me as WHOLE was a very big deal. We humans resist change in general, our reptilian brains don't like it. Being resilient enough to integrate change and make space for it is a huge gift in a relationship. This surgery will change me, it can't not, but I trust that my partner will roll with those changes because above all else they want me healthy and happy and this is the path I believe will give me that. It's nice to see some others have that gift in their relationships too.
  9. 1 point
    I will never understand this bizarre notion people seem to have that an "easy way out" for weight loss is a bad thing even if it did exist. Like... why does it need to be a struggle to be ok? Do we need weight loss to be some epic f***ing crawl across a flaming desert of despair to be acceptable to people who aren't involved? Does my head in. Makes me inclined to answer "my own hard work" when asked how I lost so much weight. It's not anyone's business anyway. Also: you look AMAZING! Seriously. And that top you're wearing is gorgeous on you!
  10. 1 point

    Has your relationship changed?

    I'm only a week out from my surgery. I soooooo hope it doesn't change my relationship! I have a great guy, who loves me no matter what. And I love him with all my heart. A big reason why I got this surgery is because of the big plans that I have for US. If this changes our relationship for the worse, I would be so sad.

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