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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I would be shocked if you had to start the whole process over if it hasn't even been submitted to insurance yet. Even if it HAD been submitted to insurance, probably the worst that could happen would be a slight delay (although even that would surprise me...)
  2. 1 point

    Pain a week after surgery

    I woke up with pain on my right side. Just felt tired today and uncomfortable. Anyone else experience this?!
  3. 1 point
    I was sleeved 14 years ago and then got a revision 4 months ago. With my sleeve, I would get the foamies (hyper-salivation), my forehead would sweat, or my nose would start running (or all 3). Now, with with my bypass, if I forget I had a surgery and try to eat like a regular person, I get nauseous, my stomach makes SUPER LOUD noises, I'll feel pain, and sometimes have to run to the bathroom (dumping syndrome). A lot of people think this happens when you eat the "wrong" foods (super sugary, super greasy), and they're right. BUT, it ALSO happens if you eat too much, or even just too fast. You could be eating a super healthy, super small amount of food, but if you eat it too fast and don't chew it down to mush (like people at work who have really short lunch breaks), you'll still experience these things. As time goes by, we start to forget to take our time to eat, to really chew our foods to a paste before swallowing, or to wait a while after eating to drink something. The longer it's been, the more we forget. Sometimes, we need to reset our eating habits back to taking a full 30 minutes to eat, to eat healthy foods again, to over-chew our food, and to wait at least 30 minutes to start back on fluids.
  4. 1 point

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    I hear this! I'm 11 days post-op and yesterday was really the first day when I made it through the whole day without needing to take at least one nap! I've only hit my Protein goal once, but I'm aiming for it again today! Keep going!
  5. 1 point

    When did you stop losing

    I started at a lower weight than you & I reached goal at 6 months. I kept losing for another 11months or so (albeit very slowly). I wasn’t trying to lose more & in fact I was eating more & more. The lower weight was where my body wanted to be - my new set point which is the weight my body is happiest at. Your set point is the weight your body will gravitate back to & is easier to maintain. It is reset through the surgery but it may not be reset to a weight we want. We used to have much higher set points which is why many of us used to lose & then regain it back or struggled to lose at all. You mentioned you are eating fewer calories in an attempt to lose more. Remember you will have to continue to eat fewer calories & be more active to maintain a lower weight. This is not always sustainable & can impact you long term (including slowing your metabolism). Have you spoken with your team - surgeon, dietician? They should be able to advise you on how to best get closer to your ultimate goal.
  6. 1 point

    Plastic surgery recovery

    I agree with Rick. Should be fine unless you have complications.
  7. 1 point

    Pain a week after surgery

    You’re a week out from what was a pretty major surgery. You’ll be healing & recovering for a few weeks & will feel random spasms of pain or discomfort during this time. Sometimes it’s simply moving in the wrong way or bending or lifting that can cause what is like a muscle pull. There are often internal sutures to support your tummy & intestines which are easy to ‘pull’ or ‘strain’ if you do a little too much, too soon, or move too quickly. Same with feeling tired & having little energy. If you feel tired it’s your body telling you to rest so it can heal. It does get better & you’ll start to feel like your usual self soon. Of course if the pain gets worse, is stronger than you have been experiencing or is persisting, get in contact with your surgeon or go to your nearest medical centre just to be sure everything is okay.
  8. 1 point

    Internal stitch pain

    Speak to the doctor to see what he or she says
  9. 1 point

    Bariatric Burr

    I can’t recall when it started either. I’m pretty sure I just felt my usual feeling more cold than everyone else response through the first winter which was when I had my surgery. While some say it passes or improves over time, I still suffer from it 4 yrs out. I just dress accordingly & am prepared just in case. The alternative benefit is you don’t feel the heat as much.
  10. 1 point

    Let's Talk About Maintenance

    Aah the how often to weigh debate. The responses seem to swing from very rarely/never to daily. I weighed every day for the first two years or so but now weigh 3 or 4 times a week. In the past if I thought I was putting on weight I wouldn’t go near the scales. If I didn’t see the number on the scales I could believe I wasn’t putting on weight even if my pants were very tight or bought the next size. So me weighing as I do now is about what I need to do to keep myself honest. I say you know you best & weigh yourself as you need to keep yourself motivated & on track. Has my hunger returned, yes. It did so slowly. Has it increased since it fully returned, no. There are still odd days or times I’m not all that hungry at all. (Wish that happened more often 😁.) I try to eat very much to a routine & not eat outside of that. If I think I’m hungry I consider if it’s real hunger or head hunger. Such as when did I last eat? Did I eat a smaller portion at my last meal? Is it almost time for a meal? How am I feeling - bored, sad, annoyed, stressed, etc. It can be an ‘interesting’ discussion I’m having with myself. 😁 This helps most of the time. I’m sorry about your injury @huskymama especially after achieving so much. But you didn’t have to go back to shakes to lose your weight just go back to how & what you were eating before your injury though smaller portions as you can’t be as active at the moment. Meet your fluids & protein goals. Eat your protein first then vegetables & last any carbs you’re allowed if you are able. Return to lower fats, carbs & sugar. Check with your dietician for ideas & guidance. Focus on upper body exercises because of your injury. Search for some exercises for those with limited mobility online. You can do this.

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