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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Absolutely this. I have never ever been cold before WLS, no matter how much weight I lost 'naturally'. These days I am permanently cold when others are hot. I dress in many layers so I can remove one or two if necessary (I rarely have to). It's one of the biggest mind shifts I've had to make.
  2. 2 points

    Regular Diet

    Thank you both for the great info. I'm still taking things really slow (I had issues at the 3 week mark and had to get IV fluids). I'm still struggling on getting my proteins and water but it's slowly getting better. I just want to make sure I'm doing things correctly. I see my doctor this week for my 6 wk post-op so I'm sure they'll have some additional info for me.
  3. 1 point

    Bariatric Burr

    I just did a post on being cold . I love the "bariatric brrr" LOL I'm 5 months out and yep - I'm cold now that fall is here. It was unheard of for me to want the furnace on when it's 50 outside..... and yet ...here we are. 😁 Brrr....
  4. 1 point

    TMI Poop Talk

    A week to the day. Now, about 4 times in 2 weeks. Not solid yet.
  5. 1 point

    TMI Poop Talk

    i think it took about 5 days for me. I had my surgery 4/12/23 and still deal with constipation. Most of the time it is not bad though. I think i go either every other day or every 3rd day. One problem i noticed with this is you cant weigh yourself everyday if you cant poop everyday! 🤣 I do notice i weigh less on the days i poop!
  6. 1 point

    Regular Diet

    Sounds like you're doing just fine OP. I am almost 2 years post surgery. I have never set a timer to do anything (food or drink) but I know lots of us have benefited from that approach. I am a chugger and a gulper. I can see that this would not be good for lots of folks but it seems to have worked for me thus far. I eat what I think I'll be able to process (based on experience) and then stop. If I need more later then I will eat more. At 6 weeks I was desperately trying to meet my fluid and protein goals. Nothing else mattered. I didn't do it every day. I never timed bites - not sure that would have been in keeping with my long term goals.
  7. 1 point

    6 years postop... the long haul.

    sorry to hear you're dealing with this - but just to let others know, this isn't a very common experience.
  8. 1 point

    What do YOU eat in a day and Stalling

    I'm several years out so I probably shouldn't answer the first question since I've been in maintenance for a long time.. but for the first, I just made sure I was sticking to my program, weighed, measured, and logged everything I ate, and backed off on weighing myself - from daily to about once a week until the stall broke.
  9. 1 point

    August Surgery Buddies

    I had the DS SIPS on August 16th. Down 23 LBS since surgery. Down 42 total since July 26th, pre op diet start date. Was taken off metformin at my 2 wk check up. Having no issues, thankfully. I am 53 yo and wish I would have had this surgery years ago.
  10. 0 points

    TMI Poop Talk

    I went on day 2 and it hurt like the dickens!! Then last week turns out I had a small bowel obstruction and that caused some constipation that I didn’t know was happening because I thought the way I felt was supposed to be normal. Now I’m having to take Miralax 3x/day until my post op follow up appointment. Hopefully all is still good and I won’t have to keep taking stool softeners.

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