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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2023 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Total regret

    I had gastric bypass 15 years ago and I regret it with every fiber of my being!! I have gotten to the point to where I can not hold down any food whatsoever and shakes like boots or iffy. Is there a way to reverse this horrific mistake?
  2. 2 points
    It's driving me completely crazy. Nothing I do is getting it off. Working out...no. Changing up what I do on my workouts....no. Sticking to my diet.....no. Being even more strict with my diet.....no. Easing up my diet a bit.....no. Doing easier workouts.....no. Carb blockers...no. Appetite suppressants....no. Supplements to speed up metabolism.....no. I absolutely REFUSE to stay at this weight, but I truly don't know what else to do......I'm LITERALLY going out of my mind. I need to lose these last 50 pounds, and absolutely nothing is helping. Just needed to vent about it and get it out of my system.
  3. 1 point

    Let's Talk About Maintenance

    There's no one place on Bariatric Pal that houses questions/comments about maintenance. There probably should be separate forum for maintenance, but I'll start a thread here. For those of you in maintenance, where are you in your journey? Any lessons learned?
  4. 1 point

    Pre op Blood work

    I had fatty liver and it was one of the reasons they wanted me to have the surgery. I think the only thing they wouldn't continue is if you have an infection, like covid, pneumonia... Etc. Or if your doctor is adamant about nicotine, then you have to pass that test, or they postpone.
  5. 1 point
    You have had the roughest ride of all of us. Your body is saying enough, I need a holiday. Let it go to the beach. Eat well, exercise to a limit that will not tax your body. Kick back and look at how far you have come I am a great believer of being relaxed about the whole new lifestyle. I am not on a diet. What I do now, I will be able to continue with for the rest of my life. I don't push anything. I don't change the way I do anything, I have watched people do extreme diet and exercise and to be honest it has never worked for them. They fall off the regime that's too much to hard to stick too. I just stick to my teams advice. At the moment they want me to up my calcium and keep below 1500 cals. I don't lose for months and then I clunk down 5 lbs a time. Then the long stall starts again. On here I was advised that a 3 month stall meant that I was doing stuff wrong. The person who said this had not had the surgery and not walked in our shoes. I didn't take offence but oh boy is that person going to have a shock when they get into a stall. Its not all about a calorie deficit.
  6. 1 point
    Same here (Oct 16)!! Also bypass. Midway through the pre-op diet, kinda an emotional rollercoaster ride the first few days but doing well now. Best wishes to you (and all) on a successful start to a new life!
  7. 1 point

    4 week Post-op feeling down

    We all have the regrets at some point, its a whole new world. You need to give yourself a pat on the back for getting to a month out. I promise it will get better very soon. I did not appreciate how big a surgery it was TBH. It is a massive learning curve. Use your team when you need to, that's what they are there for. As we all have been given different regimes we do not know what yours entails Lots of us can not make the liquid or protein goals. As soon as you can, you will feel so much better. Try your hardest to get the liquid in. Hot, cold or frozen. It doesn't matter which, just sip all day long. Lots of us still take drinks to bed too. One day you will be able to drink easier. Your internal stitch line will calm down and the swelling will dissipate. Then you can take bigger mouthfuls. Lots of liquid without food will made you nauseous too. Apparently we have the same amount of stomach acid as pre surgery and this rises [GERD] when we sleep lying flat. If this is a problem, try propping yourself on pillows, a bed wedge helped me. I had to drop the iron in my vitamins, it made me super nauseous. Don't be afraid to go back a step if the next step is too far for you at the moment. I never did puree, just looking at it made me heave. You are not alone on this site, We will help you all we can
  8. 1 point

    Let's Talk About Maintenance

    I have two Sith Lords telling me to turn to the dark side.
  9. 1 point


    Thank you everyone! The coolest part about the whole experience, despite being tired and hurting, I felt so thankful and fortunate to be there Three years ago I would have scoffed at the idea of doing something like this or made a self deprecating joke to hide the fact that I thought it never would have been possible.
  10. 1 point

    Pain after surgery?

    I am 5 days post op with no pain. Never had any gas pains or pain with walking.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
