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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2023 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Non-scale Goals

    I've really been enjoying reading the non-scale victories thread. But since I haven't had the surgery yet obviously I don't yet have any of those. It has got me thinking about what my goals/ hopes for the future are and I was wondering what things others are wishing for. For me: 1) Regaining my fertility / becoming a mom 2) Being able to shop for non-plus sizes 3) Being able to hike / bike without foot or knee pain 4) Getting rid of my sleep apnea / not being tired all the time 5) being able to comfortably sit in stadium seating 6) Lowering my cholesterol
  2. 1 point

    Ekg and echo

    The main idea for all of these tests and clearances is so that there are no surprises on the operating table. Yes, some things that they may find might lead to a delay while they treat that problem and get it under control - isn't it better that you (and they) know about such problems and get it treated? Most things won't delay surgery, but it does give them advanced notice of any problems so that they can adjust to it for the surgery.
  3. 1 point

    Is it normal?

    I agree with BeanitoDiego on the dark stool - it's probably just blood from the surgery. Strange color stool isn't that unusual the first month or so after surgery. Not sure about the pain part. Just run it by your clinic and see what they say.
  4. 1 point

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hello October friends. I am scheduled for October 27th. Super excited and nervous all at the same time. Glad to see all you lovely people here! Blessings.🍂🍁🏵️
  5. 1 point
    Wildflower Bohême

    Non-scale Goals

    I was just thinking the same thing, about making my own NSV goals. Or whittling them down to a small list, anyway. 1. The ability to sit on the floor/ground, so that I can play with and train my dog 2. Walking more and eventually being able to jog and do 5ks 3. Kayaking 4. Swimming. My late grandfather swam competitively until he was in his 80s, so I'd love to get lessons at his swim club. 5. Wearing a bathing suit that's not a swim dress, and not feeling self-conscious about how I look 6. Shopping for non-plus size clothes 7. Reducing/eliminating meds & sleep apnea. Would love to not have to use a CPAP
  6. 1 point
    Planning ahead and seeking local support as you progress through the stages of your weight loss journey is a great approach. While I can't provide specific book recommendations, I can suggest a few general types of books that might be helpful as you transition to stage 4 and beyond: Bariatric Cookbooks: Look for cookbooks specifically designed for individuals who have undergone weight loss surgery. These often provide recipes and meal plans tailored to each stage of post-surgery recovery. Nutrition Guides: Books that focus on post-bariatric surgery nutrition can be very informative. They can help you understand the nutritional requirements for your specific procedure and guide you in making healthy food choices. Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Books: While not specific to bariatric surgery, these books offer valuable information on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, making smart food choices, and managing your weight in the long term.
  7. 1 point

    Olive Oil and butter

    I use both in limited amounts, but I still use them. The only cooking oils I use are olive oil, avocado oil, and a blend of grass-fed butter and olive oil. I bought an oil bottle that you squeeze out a specific portion so I can easily monitor how much I'm using as I'm cooking instead of having to mess with a measuring spoon. It looks like this. It's very convenient. https://www.amazon.com/KITLAB-Dispenser-Sprayer-Refillable-Measuring/dp/B0BTSJPV9N/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=8SYM6O2A1LBX&keywords=measuring+oil+bottle&qid=1695756449&sprefix=measuing+oil+bottle%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  8. 1 point

    Pain after surgery?

    Update: Gastric Bypass Date 8/16/2023 Starting weight 376 Current 334.2 Down 42 pounds Note: No pain at all, not hungry. Do I miss a large pizza and a movie yes... Would I make same choice to do surgery yes I want to be active again..
  9. 1 point
    I'm still pre-op, finished everything required. So now playing the waiting game on insurance approving. So frustrating.
  10. 1 point
    Glad your first dinner out went well. 🎉 First of many. As for the nosy people sitting next to you, just ignore them. It’s none of their business. You don’t have to explain your eating habits if you don’t want too. I was asked recently if I’d ever eaten at a specific restaurant by someone who worked there. I told them I had always wanted to but because they did a degustation menu it was too much food for me. They just nodded & told me they did also offer an a La carte so I could choose to eat just what I was most comfortable with. No fuss. No strange looks. Just acceptance from him. I think we can be more sensitive about our new eating habits at first & what others may think or say. In time you won’t notice the other people & won’t care either.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
