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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2023 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I’ve been worried these past few weeks, since I went on a work trip and felt I messed up with my eating plans. I honestly think I have hit a stall because of this. I’m not seeing or feeling any changes in the way my clothes fit. HOWEVER.... I just had my yearly OB check up, and for the first time in over 20 years... there weren’t any cysts on my ovaries!!! I have been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) since I was about 17-18, when I was still a healthy weight. It’s something that wouldn’t go away with diets, medicine, or anything else. NOW, 8 months after my WLS, still weighing about 50 lbs (23Kgs) more than I did as a teenager, I’m PCOS-free, with no meds!!! And chatting about it with my medical team, they reminded me that the changes are not only on the scale.. but the overall improvement of our health. And not to let a little bump on the way (trip) or a stall to negate all the progress that I’ve made.
  2. 1 point
    I've read about the rebound effect, plus all the harm acid reducers cause so I took myself off them (couldn't get them down well anyway - that chalky taste was too much) at two weeks. I have a degree in chemistry/pathology and I knew its to reduce stomach "acid" and decided to utilize baking soda (a base opposed to an acid) to neutralize the acid with no rebound. Check with your doctor, look up baking soda stomach acid reduction research and see if this would work for you..but check with your doctor first since I'm not a MEDICAL doctor..
  3. 1 point
    Momo G

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Hi my surgery date is October 12th. I am with Kiaser there is a possible strike going on so I am praying it doesn’t get canceled. I was scheduled for September 14 but got pneumonia and it had to be canceled now this, so fingers crossed! Anyone else go through Kaiser? I am 5 feet 3 in and currently at 200 lbs. I have lost a total of 26 lbs so far. I start my pre-opt diet on October 4th second time on this diet hopefully this time it is easier! Good luck to all the October people!!!
  4. 1 point

    Need Encouragement!

    My advice is not to think in terms of "being on a diet" but in terms of "what does healthy eating look like." I know at least for myself, I've spent so many years counting calories or doing fad diets, and I'm burnt out on the tracking and the counting, and feeling deprived and waiting for it to be "over." What I've started doing instead is focusing on what healthy eating really looks like and trying to choose mostly the good things and eliminating the bad things. For example, I've started having a smoothie every morning with 2 oz spinach, plain Greek yogurt, unsweetened almond milk, frozen fruit, chia, flax, and hemp seeds, and protein powder. I know that everything in it is great for fueling my body and I feel good about drinking it. At lunch, I have a massive salad. Like, I bought a serving bowl and I fill it to the top with spring mix, spinach, shredded carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, beets, and mushrooms. I put about 3oz chick peas and black beans on it, and 2-3 oz lean deli meat, plus a Tbsp each of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and sliced almonds. I top it with a freshly squeezed lemon and Tuscan seasoning blend instead of dressing. I'll be honest, the thing is so filling I barely have room for dinner. I do eat dinner, but it's light and mostly protein and veg. Since I've started doing that and gotten all the snacks out of the house (no more buying pretzels, crackers, and other easy carbs or sweets) and only allowing myself fruit or nuts for a snack, I haven't really felt hungry at all, and I haven't been craving junk like I used to. I've also cut back on caffeine and stopped drinking diet sodas. I started making these changes in July and I'm down almost 15lbs without having to write down everything I do, because it's mostly the same every day. For me, this is something I can keep up long term as long as I am mindful of what I allow myself to bring into the house. Give yourself time, you can do it!
  5. 1 point

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Well I had my sleeve yesterday. The camera/equipment for the laparoscopy nicked and artery and the had to open me up. I have an incision from bra line to panty line. Wow!
  6. 1 point
    2 days of pre-op liquids and it’s going well. My one complaint is that all the liquids are sweet except for broth. How’s everyone doing?
  7. 1 point

    September 2023 Surgery buddies

    Hey 9/25’ers! How are you all doing? My RNY went smoothly. I credit my telling the surgeon to have a boring procedure for it going so well :-P. Still in hospital now, 3 PM da after. Just gotta get my BP down again and my liquid intake up. Looking forward to going home but will miss the access to the good pain meds. Haha.
  8. 1 point

    Very Satisfying Non-Scale Victory

    I have officially made it out of the obese BMI category!
  9. 1 point
    Weight loss is SO individual. Keep with your program, and you will lose weight. Between my preop diet and 2 months post op (10 weeks total), I've lost 48lbs. And i stall a lot. You got this!
  10. 1 point

    Ever changing bra size

    Could be from the oestrogen flush? Oestrogen is stored in fat & as you lose weight it’s released into your blood stream causing an increase of the hormone. It can cause changes in your menstrual cycle (heavier or lighter, more or less frequent, more or fewer PMT symptoms, etc.). You can also become more fertile - be careful. It does settle as you lose more. Have a chat with your doctor/gyno. Maybe request a hormonal blood test to see.

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