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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2023 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    I got the clearance from the surgeon after he looked at my CT scan! We're good to go for the sleeve!
  2. 3 points

    Calories at maintenance shock

    i would be wary of any dietician that prescribes the same maintenance caloric amounts to all their patients without taking individual size, weight and metabolic rates into account (among a multitude of other factors!) i would be especially be wary of any dietician, when asked for a reason for his/her prescription, answers with "i don't know". as with all things, listen to what you are told and advised, but also make informed decisions on how to deal with your body based on observations of its responses to stimuli (i.e., caloric intake in this case). the 2000 calorie suggestion is an AVERAGE and does not apply to all. STATISTICALLY, only a small very very small percentage of the population actually requires exactly 2000 calories. the vast majority of the population fall above and below 2000 cals. thats MATH people. with that said, i am a 5yr post op, 5'2", 51 yr old, currently 117 lb female that maintains at about 1800 cals a day...and has been doing so for about 2+ years. (i used to maintain at 2300+ cals a day, but i was exercising like a fiend those days so it made sense). everyone will have varying maintenance calorie levels...if u can figure out yours and adjust as necessary, you are golden. Good Luck! ❤️
  3. 1 point

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Got my surgery date for August 15th! 10 day all liquid diet starts on the 5th and I am nervous about it, but mostly excited because it means surgery is right around the corner. Any other August people in here? How are you? What are you doing to prepare for the big day? Look forward to hearing everyone's story
  4. 1 point

    Extensive weight loss

    I thought thyroid too & also wondered, as you’re 51, if your hormones have been checked. I hope they find some answers for you soon. All the best.
  5. 1 point
    Your mind is craving the food, if you read through these forums you will see numerous ppl talk about mind cravings vs. actual hunger. The struggle is STILL real unfortunately for some of us 😔
  6. 1 point

    Extensive weight loss

    Have they done any blood work or scans to rule out anything serious? At 97lbs, your BMI is almost to the underweight category. I'd keep pushing for tests just to make sure it's nothing serious. Especially since you said you're eating more; which I'm assuming is to gain weight.
  7. 1 point
    Genuinely weird one, not really a victory, but it's a thing: For a few months, I've been noticing that my sheets feel like they're bunching up in bed when I roll over. Which doesn't make sense because they're stretchy jersey sheets and don't really have any give. Plus, when I sit up and check, there's no loose fabric there. ... because it's not my sheets, its the loose skin on my back folding up. 😐 Also, I finally figured out what everyone on this thread means by "don't have to do yoga to wipe". I didn't realize that it was possible for regular-sized people to reach down without twisting at all. Wild. (I wasn't fat as a kid or a teenager. Have I just been doing extra yoga my whole life for no reason? I guess so!)
  8. 1 point
    I am not sure that this is a victory, but it's something. Half way through my day Sunday, I realized my wedding ring wasn't on my hand... Started panicking because I couldn't find it anywhere. I knew it was getting loose, but it had never just fell off. Turns out it fell off in bed. So my fingers are officially smaller than they have been in like 8 years.
  9. 1 point

    Slow poke

    One thing you can count on is that we all lose at our own rate - what’s right for us & our body & that’s a perfectly fine rate. There are averages & outliers ( those who lose faster & those who lose more slowly) but I always thought if my surgeon was happy with my lose I would be happy too. Your surgeon is happy so you can be too. You may also be experiencing a stall. The first is usually around week 3 but can be before or after that & usually can last 1-3 weeks. They can be extremely frustrating as the scale doesn’t move down at all & can even move upwards a little. Our bodies respond to the weight loss differently. Some people even say when their weight loss is stalling they notice their clothes are getting lower. After my weight stabilised my remaining fat seemed to resettle around my body. I went from having no shape to having a waist & hips again but the scale never changed. Maybe take body measurements & track those as well as the weight on the scale & see changes that way too. Maybe weigh& measure yourself less frequently so the drops are more noticeable. Celebrate every pound you lose. You’ll get where you need to be in your time.
  10. 1 point

    Weight loss shots

    I think they are amazing medications for weight loss and certainly worth a good try! I just find it frustrating as a diabetic that there are shortages that affect my dosing schedule. I had a similar issue with Plaquenil, the arthritis med that everyone suddenly wanted when they thought it might be useful for Covid. I don't begrudge anyone else a go at the meds, I just think pharmacies should put aside a portion of their stock for their regular diabetic patients since it impacts us so much when we can't get our monthly supply...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
