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  1. 5 points

    1 year post-op

    Tomorrow will be my 1 year anniversary since my gastric bypass surgery. I have lost 86 pounds. I’m not going to lie, I honestly thought I would have lost more by now. Although weight loss has slowed down tremendously, I have yet to see a gain on the scale so I take that as a win. I would like to lose at least another 50 pounds so I have to remember this surgery is not a cure-all, it’s simply a tool. I’ve been extremely lucky and have had no complications whatsoever. I don’t experience dumping syndrome at all (well I did once when I ate some ice cream and have steered clear ever since) but other than that there really isn’t anything I can’t eat, I just eat a whole lot less. I can definitely be better about my diet, like always, but one thing I’ve incorporated into my life that has stuck is exercise. I don’t feel good unless I exercise so it’s become addicting (in a good way). Anybody who is reading this and contemplating this surgery, or is in recent post op and struggling, I have absolutely no regrets about having this surgery. The first 2 months were rough, but I got through it and so will you!
  2. 1 point

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum and didn't really know where to begin, so I figured why not start a thread about my journey? So, I've always been kind of obese (there were a few years that I lost a lot of weight sticking to a low carb diet) I hovered around 300lbs give or take for many years. In 2012 during a divorce, I ballooned all the way up to 365lbs and I swore I'd never get to that point again. I started doing low carb and got all the way down to 235lbs before getting re-married and gaining back about 50lbs. During COVID in 2020, I just completely fell apart and ended up getting to my all-time highest weight of 385lbs. I drive trucks for a living and in August of 2022, I had to go for a sleep apnea test and I failed miserably. Failing the sleep apnea test put my career in jeopardy. I decided immediately afterwards to contact my local hospital about bariatric surgery and immediately started a 6 month program in October, 2022. Since I had already had the sleep apnea test and failed, I'd already knocked that part out at least. I literally just got back from my final doctors appointment and they told me that it's up to my insurance provider to approve or deny me for surgery. I'm really excited but also really nervous. The only time I've ever stayed in a hospital overnight was to take my sleep apnea tests. I started this journey at 385lbs, today I weighed in at 365lbs. I had my ups and downs, but I'm really looking forward to this journey and really looking forward to getting to know everyone and to share my journey.
  3. 1 point

    1 year post-op

    Congratulations on making positive life choices for yourself! You’ve really done well!
  4. 1 point


  5. 1 point

    Has your Relationship changed?

    So I haven't had surgery yet, but I do have some relationship advice for you based on my own life experience. My ex and I used to have that same nightly ritual of putting the kids to bed and then filling up bowls of ice cream, candy, or whatever other junk food was on hand and watching TV together before bed. It got to a point where that was the only thing we really did together, and when I would want to make healthier changes (it was always me who would suggest it) he would go along but then always act like I was the" mom" who would or wouldn't give him permission to "cheat" with dessert on any given night. It was such a stressful thing when I already was trying so hard to stop myself from giving in. But the TV and snack routine would always win out in the end. Not saying this was the reason the marriage failed, but I sure wish looking back that we had found other, healthier activities we both enjoyed than just watching TV and eating. Even on weekends it would be like "What do you want to do?" and the answer was always, "I don't know, but we could go out for dinner, I guess." I think if you can come up with ideas now that allow you to spend time together in more fulfilling ways (I mean, when you watch TV, you're really not interacting as much as you think), you'll end up a lot happier as well as more successful in kicking the old habits for good. Go for walks together, explore new places on weekends, or try learning ballroom dance from YouTube videos in your living room at night.
  6. 1 point
    Also, hate to tell you @summerseeker, what friends & I call Sahara dessert mouth or Egyptian mummy mouth, is a common affliction of women once we pass a certain age. Sigh! Oh no, I can not be getting old. Inside I am only 21 Lols
  7. 1 point


    I have fault for my health for 5 years. Several doctors and countless tests concluded that the same "bypass" is my best option. Therefore, I am heading for that operation table on 09/25/2023. Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. 1 point

    Has your Relationship changed?

    some get better, some worse, some stay the same. I think a lot depends on how the relationship is BEFORE the surgery. If it's troubled, it could get worse - I know someone who got divorced about a year after surgery - but mostly because she realized she didn't have to put up with his crap anymore. She now has a new partner and is much happier. my relationship got better, for the same reasons as omrhsn's did. My husband was always active and liked to do lots of things that I physically couldn't do - but now, I can. We enjoy doing a lot of the same things together. Our relationship was fine even beforehand, but it's even better now.
  9. 1 point

    Slow Weight Loss

    From what I understand, weight loss post revision is always slower than the rate at which you lost with your original surgery. Plus you’re losing from a lower weight (if I read correctly) so that will result in a slower rate. What does your team say? Are they concerned? When losing I only had one snack a day: a high protein yoghurt or yoghurt drink, or I had some fresh fruit. Check with your dietician for what’s best for you & your needs. I never exercised but I lost all my weight & more. Exercising only contributes to about 10% of the weight you have to lose. So in your case if you want to lose those 45lbs, exercising will only result in about 4.5lbs. Of course many other benefits to exercising especially for your family history. Maybe start with walking. You don’t have to go to a gym. All I do now is stretching & use resistance bands. Do about 4 sessions of 5-10 minutes of various activities. Mainly for my back & to remain limber. All the best.
  10. 1 point

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
